

Cún. said: its a blep *^*
Yes XD Blep blep

Wilverbeast said: https://s22.postimg.cc/bfsonzmdr/0032.pngThis is one of my most recent pieces, you can help critique whatever you feel necessary, but my main problems are tails. X') I feel I make them too short, or long and curly and somewhat awkward (Example of a horrid tail) https://s22.postimg.cc/z6s264p5t/blue.png And in most of my art, the tails are the same position, straight, flopped over paws, slightly curled at the tip, etc. Maybe you could help me figure out how to make more variety? Thank you! ^^
Thats a cute lil style you got going on for the cat! ^^
I really love how the eyes look!
I dont have much to say for it, except them legs do look a bit awkward. I feel like even with the style you are using, that back leg still looks a little too large at the hip/knee, and maybe have that paw a little more forward facing as the crookedness looks really uncomfortable.
As far as the tails go, I agree, they are tricky. I feel like your tails in these examples actually look quite lovely. To help, maybe do a study and sketch out many different types of tails and tail poses. start with a line to figure out posing, and add on to it from there. Change angle, thickness, curve, length and everything else. Just play around with it!

Moonshire Pack said: I was wondeeing since your arr is beauriful and mines rubbish could you maybe hep me with this arr shop stuff? https://wolfplaygame.com/forums.php?f=40&t=22872
Lol, your art isnt rubbish!
What do you need help with on it?
Quick tip: Add more examples if you have them. The more examples you have, the more confident a possible customer will feel about ordering from you!


Wilverbeast said: Thank you! ^^
Welcome! ^^

Tili said: https://imageshack.com/a/img924/6840/YzpXwE.png
Back again :)
Just looking for a critique. I personally feel like the front leg sticking out is too long, and the other looks odd. But any help is appreciated!
Welcome back! ^^
Alright, first things first, the leg, just as you said is a little long ^^
A quick tip for cutting out a chunk of length without having to completely redo the leg, if you have the ability on your program, see if you have a selection tool and transform option. You can use either the lasso selection tool or any free draw selection to draw around the leg until it is fully selected, then you can use the transform tool to bring the leg shorter. You can use this for most any part of the body
Head. On the head, first you should decrease the dent in the forehead and smoothen that out so that the top of the head and the snout have more of a smoother slant. Bring the eye up and forwards some and make the snout slightly shorter. When drawing a snout, keep in mind that the top does not slant upward, it should be one, smooth, downward slant. As for the eye, wolves, as with most canines, have mostly binocular vision, meaning their eyes are more in front of their heads, not so much on the side.
Body. I think one of the only problems I see here is the neck seems to just end and the back sharply begins. Even though the wolve's head is raised, the neck should still smoothly slant and ease into becoming the back, not some large dent. And dont forget the shoulder blade should be slightly seen at the top as well :) The only other thing is the tail seems to come off the leg. Remember the tail rest between the hindquarters and should be shown as such
Lastly, the tongue reference. It seems you have the muzzle angled front facing slightly, but I only see the lip from the closest side. Remember, canines have 2 lips that spilt slightly just below the nose. Make sure that you make it recognizable when angling the muzzle frontways.
Hope this helps!

Deja Vu said: Hello! So, I've noticed how amazing you are at making things look 3D, and I feel like all my art is really flat. I also felt the eyes were kinda weird, even though it's supposed to be somewhat cartoony. Think you could help? I was kinda experimenting with this strange thing XD Any other critique would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks so much! https://s26.postimg.cc/kgc2ct593/B3333_ADD-_E7_B0-4_C2_F-_A6_DE-_CEDCCF7_BF040.png?dl=1
If you want things to look realistic, you need sharper, stronger shadows and highlights, make details highly noticeable and edges realistic.
Critique for this particular drawing? Just some small things. Your eyes are pretty good looking! I just see a small problem with proportions and symmetry, but that's a problem for all forward facing art XD I think all that needs to be fixed (Other than the minor proportions) is making the nose slightly larger, and the edges on the bell are too soft. The metal object should have very sharp, smooth edges and reflects very bright, sharp highlights as well
Other than that, you're getting better every day Deja! Soon Imma start needing to compete with you :') Just remember, deeper, sharper shadows, and stronger highlights!

Thanks so much! I'll try it out ^^

Thank you! I appreciate it a lot! As soon as my tablet is fixed, I'll edit some things. :)