
Desti, Breezey, Welcome to the family :D We're happy to have you here ^^


Game Moderator Neutral

uhh I think I might have died but I'm back for now hopefully (my last post was around page 48-50). Im tadpole but you can call me Griffin if you want now, I don't mind or if you want make you own nickname. How is everyone?


I had French homework last night (I'm in French 4 right now), and I couldn't remember how to say "happy" (It's "content") so I started crying because IT'S SUCH A SIMPLE WORD, HOW DO I NOT REMEMBER THAT? and then I had to look it up, and looking back on it, it was really funny. I think I was just overtired. XD


I was sitting on my bed feeding my mouse, because his cage is right next to my bed, and my hamstring cramped and MY OWN LEG BETRAYED ME AND YEETED ME OFF THE BED so then I was laying on the ground laughing while holding my leg because my leg hurt and I had just gotten yeeted off my bed by my own leg. XD

Breeze Oh my goodness XD hope you're ok now ^^

Yeah I was fine, it was just hilarious. XD