I smile slightly and kneel down in front of Aqua* the trick is to keep your mind focused and calm. * I morph into a white lioness gently cuffing Aquas ear* otherwise you can get hurt
Oh alright so just a white tiger? Or.........*morphs into White lioness* Did it work?I need to copy you ability again I think it's wearing off.
I purr softly and nod* it worked, *i nudge Aqua* explain your skill, copying other abilities, can you only do one ability at a time? Or can you have multiple different abilities?
*I fold my wings in and watch the two of you. I smile* Yeah it worked Aqua.
I smile at Noble and trot over to her, sitting next to her, *
I can have a max of 5. I can either steal/give/copy abilities.
I purr and flick my tail* how long do you have the ability you copy ? Is it forever or temporary?
Copying powers souds pretty cool.
It last as long as I know the power and the person so it permenent but will slowly weaken that's why I need to recopy the ability.
I have to go! See you aunt and mom