
<div align="center">Crosslay's Character Trash <div align="center"> This is where I'll be posting my OCs, along with some artwork people have made for me, and a description of each character, if I have it typed out.<div align="center">
<div align="center">Do not post.<div align="center">I like to keep my stuff clean, so I ask that you don't post here.<div align="center">
<div align="center">Do not steal anything.<div align="center">My characters have things based off of real people that I know, like personalities and names. I don't want to see these anywhere else.
Edited at December 8, 2018 09:50 AM by Crosslay

<div align="center">AHRENS - FOX
https://i.postimg.cc/Hs8shb65/FD54-A354-941-C-44-D1-817-E-389-BAE5-E3535.png <div align="center"> (c) #75083
[ Name ] Ahrens-Fox[ Nickname ] Ahrens [ Age ] Young dog; three-years-old [ Gender ] Male [ Sexuality ] Heterosexual; straight
[ Gen. Appearance ] Ahrens is a generally large male for a Giant Schnauzer, standing at 66-68 cm at the shoulder. He has a thick, but short, glossy black coat that is always well-trimmed. Unlike most of the other dogs his breed, he has natural ears and a docked tail. Ahrens has dark, intimidating green eyes that are well complimented against his darker coat colour. As a dog who seems to fight a lot, it is common to see him with open wounds, but almost never a scar. [ Height ] 67 cm [ Weight ] 48 kg [ Deformities ] N/A [ Abnormalities ] N/A
[ Gen. Personality ] Ahrens is a typically calm, even-tempered male. He is kind towards other dogs and humans he knows and trusts, but tends to become a little aggressive and uncertain towards strangers. As a larger dog, he can come off as a little intimidating because of his large build and height. He is a loyal dog, to his humans and to other dogs he came to know. [ Likes ] Water; swimming, cuddling, being outside, walks, hunting; retrieving. [ Dislikes ] Heights, doing nothing, being punished, winter; the cold, porcupines, chickens. [ Strengths ] Ahrens is a great guard dog; fearless and ready to defend. His overall strengths are similar to a working police dog, minus the detecting. [ Weaknesses ] Ahrens has a hard time climbing, due to his height and large build. When injured, which seems to happen a lot, he becomes clumsy. Fighting is definitely not one of his strengths. [ Abilities ] N/A Edited at December 1, 2018 07:44 AM by Crosslay

<div style="text-align: center;">Art of Ahrens https://i.postimg.cc/WpwDPvN7/414-C8668-1215-4-B62-9-AA3-FB18-DC4-B453-E.png
<div align="center"> (c) #219037 https://i.postimg.cc/RFN1VYKR/519-BA46-E-CB89-4-C58-9035-63-F403-E3-B1-FE.png <div align="center">(c) #181238 Edited at December 2, 2018 11:07 AM by Crosslay

<div align="center">KELVIN [ Name ] Kelvin [ Nickname ] N/A [ Age ] Unknown [ Gender ] Male [ Sexuality ] Heterosexual; straight [ Species ] Rhodane (Libby's closed species) [ Gen. Appearance ]
[ Height ] 200.66 cm [ Weight ] 260.816 kg [ Deformities ] N/A [ Abnormalities ] N/A
[ Gen. Personality ] [ Likes ] [ Dislikes ] [ Strengths ] [ Weaknesses ] [ Abilities ] Edited at December 8, 2018 09:25 AM by Crosslay

<div style="text-align: center;">Art of Kelvin
https://i.postimg.cc/8PRrxxV7/7-E70-D7-BD-6-DFA-480-C-943-F-78-A74013-FB6-B.png <div style="text-align: center;"> (c) #118188

<div align="center">ZEFF
[ Name ] Zeff [ Nickname ] N/A [ Age ] Middle-age dog; five-years-old [ Gender ] Male [ Sexuality ] Heterosexual; straight [ Gen. Appearance ][ Height ] xx [ Weight ] xx [ Deformities ] N/A [ Abnormalities ] N/A [ Gen. Personality ][ Likes ][ Dislikes ][ Strengths ][ Weaknesses ][ Abilities ] Edited at December 8, 2018 09:25 AM by Crosslay

<div align="center">Art of Zeff https://i.postimg.cc/CMsWGWPZ/49-DBE18-F-1-A64-48-C3-8-C18-B5-DB5076-F067.png (#219946) Edited at December 6, 2018 08:35 PM by Crosslay