
Alex frowned at the human and pretended to look at his book but got up as soon as Cole left the room. His excuse for this behavior was that werewolf and vampire hunters tend to be near each other and he could use this to his advantage. Liar. Alex silently followed Cole without making any noise on the floor as he walked. The vampire was in the mood to rip out that werewolf's jugular and watch blood go spraying everywhere as he suffocated to his death. That thought made Alex smile as he trailed the blonde haired human . Edited at July 23, 2018 05:14 PM by Complicated

Not even close to done.
Name: Axel Kingston
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Father: Unkown
Mother: Lucy Kingston ( Dead)
Sibling (s) : None
Hair color: naturally black with eyes white tips
Hair type: Wavy naturally and is wild when it isn't styled to maintained.
Hair style: Faux Hawk that requires a lot of work when he first wakes up.
Eye color:His left eye copper with streaks of darker browns and his right eye is a almost white shade of blue with a blueish grey ring along the outside edge and brighter blue flecks littered through out his iris.
Height: 6'7
Sexuality: Pansexual
Normal clothing:
Appearence: Axel is striking man who weighs195 pounds and is primary composed of muscle which is why he was such a good fighter. His jawline is well defined with high cheekbones , a slight stubble , slightly thin lips for a male , and a slightly crooked smile. Axel's body is covered with tattoos all over his body to hide the scars of his past. The most noticeable tattoos are his rose with thorn vine tattoos that go from his shoulder to his wrist , DEATH on his left knuckles and SATAN on the right knuckles, and a large wolf tattoo on his mid back. His skin is naturally olive toned . Scars cover his body but most are hidden by tattoos except the larger ones or ones on his face . His largest scar goes from his right shoulder blade to lower back from a knife.
Personality: Selfish , Heartless, Confused , Depressed , Sociopath , Possessive, Player , Aggressive , Over-protective, Suicidal, Unstable , Charming, and Impulsive is the perfect way to describe this Depressed Sociopath man. Axel wasnt always like this but after his past he hasn't had a personal bond and lacks empathy towards others.There is no guilt in this man or care for others yet he craves love and attention that he never got in his life . Axel is emotionally unstable and suicidal since he refuses to get help and simply decides to drink the pain away. In reality he needs someone to save him overcome his depression in past that will also help him control his emotions. Considers himself a monster. More in RP...
Background: As a child Axel was abused by his mother and family until one day when he was 13 he came home to find his mother dead from a drug overdose. After that the orphaned kid was homeless and found his way into a deadly at the age of 14 . At first he was scared but after proving himself over and over until he was twenty he stopped being afraid and after quitting gangs at 21 he became depressed , suicidal , and his sociopath personality that formed at age 16 got even worse alone . Alot more in his past. Edited at July 24, 2018 01:06 PM by Complicated

Name:Nicknames:Age:Gender:Type of RP?:Father:Mother:Sibling (s) :Hair color:Hair type:Hair style:Eye color:.Height:Sexuality:Normal clothing:Appearence:Personality:Background:

Alex glared at the two werewolves hatred burning in his eyes " What did I say about touching the human?!" Alex said yelling walking at a fast pace forwards the werewolves and hissed when he was realizing what they were doing.Fury made Alex momentarily lose control and was behind Wes in an instant and jerked his knee up hard and fast between Wes's leg before throwing the in-pain werewolf into a locker which made a loud cracking noise and a dent in the metal. Alex then grabbed Weren by his hair and dragged him out of view are he took out his fangs and shoved them into the wolf's arm to get the point across before flinging him easily back into sight . " I will murder you idiots if you try that again" He said before grabbing Cole by his waist and dragging him into the bathroom " Stay here" Alex said calmly locking the door before dispearing back outside where he looked at the werewolves with a smile before dialing a number on his phone. " Hey Jared, I got a couple of werewolves that need a lesson in manners... I call the one naked Wes so leave him free so I can teach him a lesson later" Alex said before walking forwards Wes and kicked him in the stomach " Looking forward to seeing you tonight" Alex said and took out his fangs to make a point before returning to Cole and gently knocking on the door. " Its me Alex..." Edited at July 23, 2018 10:38 PM by Complicated

Anyone want to do a MXM zombie apocalypse RP? Ppease write 2+paragraphs and play sub male . P.M. me I have a plot!

Its been two years since the doctors messed up and created a deadly disease. Its been one year since the world has been silent and the screaming stopped.The hope of ever finding a haven or a cure as died with the people that have been taken over by this "rabies like disease" which makes people go mad and their eyes turn a blood shot red with a strange purple tint to the pupil before they go white . Unlike Hollywood's monsters they are fast and are everything like a human except their limited brain which is only set on kill and they will eat you or each other without a doubt but only come out in the dark or the shadows which make high noon the safest time to raid for supplies for the very few survivors that learned it is better to live through this hell alone. The only thing that can slow them is death or broken limbs which cause them no pain it just stops them from moving that limb. A boy living alone with his dog and sister is one of a few survivors in this empty world but before her family turned against him , his crazy uncle began acting crazy and kept arguing about a safe haven and about the end was near and he left him with a few notes no one knew the meaning behind but he explained they were for him. The next day he disappeared taking a few family members with him without returning which included his older brother . " Go where a river flows with ever changing affects and follow it through the heat of night until you find a lone cabin . When you get inside find the bag of chips from 1999 and there shall be a map inside to the cabin. When you get between the mountains start a small fire and wait until they come then say fish.-Uncle Ieb" was the note he left. After the two years since the disease began she lost hope and tried everything from Google to books but found nothing and one day during a raid that he was forced to do in the night he found another human . Unsure whether or not to trust the man , he eventually gives in because he has to get back to his sistersoon and he lets him come into her small hideaway in a abandoned apartment building filled with maps and books .They find a book in the back of a book self with a map of Arizona and information about the grand canyon and it hits her that it was part of his uncle's clue so he tells the stranger about it and together they hit the road after a few days of gathering supplies. After finding the cabin and the note they stay their for a few days and begin to bond. Along the way they encounter zombies, crazed loners, and they start to bond as their dangerous trip continues until they find the safe haven her uncle created with its own challenges ahead such as distrust, betrayal, and the danger getting closer.

Episode stories to read :
Loving bad Liquid Courage Exo by winter Moving in Rivals American boy My episode lover You were mine The gangs God send Side chicks guide to revenge Revenge Daddy The player Maid for you Femme Fatal Love diagnosis My bad boys Not Interested LOBITA
Edited at August 7, 2018 01:35 PM by Complicated

Alex came in and simply stared at Cole with a frown " I need you to stand up" he said I a calm and gentle voice as he walked forwards Cole like he was a cornered injured animal. The vampire stopped breathing again and began fake breathing as the dug through his backpack and came towards Cole slowly and gently grabbed the human's wrist. " I am only going to wrap them up, okay?" The vampire said before gently wrapping the bandages around both wrist snuggly. " Is there anywhere else that needs to be treated besides your neck?" Alex asked in a soft voice as he looked over the human carefully. He hated seeing Cole like this frightened " After this do you want to go back to class or skip?" Alex asked with a raised brow as he looked at Cole's neck with a frown " Sorry I didn't stop him before he got a chance to grab you... I just wanted to have a reason to attack before just punching someone in the facs." Edited at July 24, 2018 10:09 PM by Complicated

Alex hissed and folded stared at it in disbelief not aware of Cole as he blankly stared at it numbly. Shock. Confusion. Disgust. And hatred. Those 4 emotions flooded into him strongly enough to numb him before he folded it back up and put it back in the bag. Alex leaned against the door blankly thinking about what to do or what to think since the vampire hunter could have framed Cole. He couldn't be certain until he seen Cole in work. " You done yet?" Alex asked blankly staring at the wall still numb not even bothering to look at the human. Edited at July 24, 2018 10:36 PM by Complicated

Alex shrugged at began walking back forwards the bathroom where he changed into a tuxedo with white gloves and pulled a mask over his head before leaving the bathroom as the vampire hunter killer. He had to be sure before he killed anyone so he grabbed a few blood packs out of his bag before leaving his back pack in the stall. Alex left the bathroom looking like he belonged in the mafia but wearing a mask. Alex grabbed the packs of blood and walked to the auditorium before biting open the blood packs and dumping them all over the stage before writing on the walls with blood " Satan is coming for you" Alex smirked as he wrote in on the wall with blood before putting hand prints all over the room and dumping more blood of the stage before ripping off his gloves and leaving them there before hurrying to the bathroom to change. When he was done he shoved the suit at mask into his bag . Edited at July 24, 2018 10:59 PM by Complicated