Name ::
Title/Nickname ::
[delete this once read: only captains can have titles: ie. "Blackbeard" or "Sea Wraith" or "Shark Teeth" - unless you PM me for permission]
Age ::
[delete this once read: you must be at least 21 to ride this ride, unless you're playing a newbie or otherwise PM me for permission.]
Gender ::
Sexuality ::
Role ::
[delete this once read: if you are a captain, please put the name of your ship here as well.]
Personality ::
[delete this once read: You're a pirate, so you can't be super nice. But you're trying to save pirate kind, so you can't be super evil either. Make a well rounded character, please.]
Appearance ::
[delete this once read: I like smexy pirates but please keep in mind that the ocean is not filled with flawless gods and goddesses, m'kay? So like, try to keep the super model characters to a minimum. You can be cute without looking like Aphrodite waking up on her little bed of sea foam.]
Backstory ::
[delete this once read: Keep it realistic. No royalty or super assassins turned pirates or anything.]
Other ::
Rp Example :: LINK ONLY