
Anyone up for a. MXM or MXF VampireXHuman RP? Please write 2+ paragraphs and play sub male or Female. P.M. me I have a plot! Edited at July 17, 2018 07:26 PM by Complicated

Name: Alex Liam Hellis Nicknames: Use anything you create for him.. Age: Looks 19 Gender:Male
Father: John Hellis ( Dead)
Mother: Anna Rose Hellis ( Dead) Sibling (s) : Sarah Hellis ( Died at age 4) , Sharlene Hellis ( Vampire , appears age 14) , and Jack Hellis ( Died at age 27 along with his fiance Rose Morozov) Coven members : Charlie, Rose, Sharlene, Jake, Christopher and Valentina Hair color: A deep dark chocolate chestnut color with a bit of a tint of red to his chocolate brown that makes it look more than just regular dark brown hair.
Hair type: Straight with a bit of a wade but normally doesn't show unless it is messy.
Hair style:It is a medium length so he can style style it but is faded at the sides and is pretty short. It can be slicked back, messy, cropped up, and slicked to the side depending on his mood.
Eye color: Deep golden eyes that darken and lighten according to mood. Before he was a vampire he had dark brown chocolate eyes that had a slight reddish tint in the irises .
Height: 6'1
Sexuality: Straight
Normal clothing: Changes with his mood but normally wears ripped blue jeans, a black hoodie or leather jacket, plain colored tee-shirts and high tops to fit his mood but does wear other things besides this outfit too.
Appearence: Alex is a tall lean but muscular male with pale porcelain skin that isn't a ghostly white and certainly doesn't sparkle like the vampires in twilight do. Alex had well defined muscles, high cheekbones, a well defined jawline, and can be seen with a smirk on his face or just plain staring into space. Every time a good coming human walks by him he scrunches up is nose and makes a certain face Every time that looks like he is smelling something bad rather than a delicious meal. Alex's eye have a cold and imatdating look to them most of the time and wears contacts when his eyes color changes so he doesn't frsk out the humans. His fangs are longer than most vampire's and sharp when he takes them out almost like cats can do with their claws .
Personality: Alex has a good amount of self control around humans but he is still newer than some which is why he looks a bit more human than other vampires that have even lighter skin. When he is around Sharlene he is more protective and alert because he saw the rest of his family so the forever 14 year old girl is what is goal to protect and care for is. He is a natural hunter that is alert and greatly aware of his surroundings which may sometimes be good or bad on how you view it. Alex's true personality is that of a teenager so he can be hard to handle at first since he can be cocky, rude, cold, aloof, and flirty at the same time or change quickly and it doesn't help with him having all these senses that can set him off suddenly. On his way to getting close to people he I cold and tries to push them away but after awhile he becomes like a protective puppy that is clingy and posseive as well as gets jealous easily over small things. When he is mad or hurt he will hide it at all cost just to make people try and think of him as heartless or just something they should stay away from.
Background: Very foggy but does remember the day is family was murdered by vampires and the days after the venom started to work which was pure pain and it was indescribable. Foggy flashes and dreams come back to him at times and ut bothers him to the point he needs to leave for q run until dawn or until he has cooled down.
Edited at July 9, 2018 07:23 PM by Complicated

Name: Valentina Winter Morozov Nicknames: Val , She-Devil, Hot
Age: appears 18
Gender: Female
Flavor: Vampire
Father: Adam Morozov ( Bilogical , dead) , Tomas Bennet (Stepdad , dead) Mother: Paula Bennet ( Dead) Sibling (s) : Alice Morozov ( Dead) and Christopher Morozov (Twin, Vampire)
Hair color:Warm Strawberry honey blonde that isn't too red but not a blonde either and darker at the roots
Hair type: Slightly wavy and down to her waist
Hair style: Based on temperature, mood, and style as she needs to blend in with the humans but normally just leaves it normal at a soft wave down to her mid back.
Eye color: Her eyes are lighter than Alex's because she was a vampire before him. Her eyes are more of a lighter honey topaz than his deep gold which means when her eyes darken they don't get the black color unless there is alot of anger or other string feelings. Even when she is in a bad mood they only get to a amber color. When she was human her eyes were a stunning seafoam green.
Height: 5'4 but leggy
Sexuality: Straight
Normal clothing: Valentina changes her clothing style along with her mood so it can be unpredictable so don't have expectations!
Appearence: Valentina is a beautiful and elegant leggy woman with her pale porcelain skin that glows , long dark eyelashes,and wavy Strawberry blonde hair that makes her look almost angelic int he light with her velvety smooth voice and elegant walk. Despite being only 5'4 she looks taller because most of the time she wears high heels and has long legs. Her cheekbone are high, jawline well defined, lips full, eyebrows perfectly arched, and eyelashes long and dark Valentina looks like something that doesn't belong in the small town she lives in. Her body is lithe and thin with a small waist and all the curves a feminine figure should have .Val makes a certain face when she smells a human that would taste good to her and she almost looks disgusted and will stay as far away as possible. Her eyes are lively and friendly as she is the most outgoing torwards humans in their Coven. Valentina's fangs are the second longest in the Coven and she is the fastest runner out of the Coven.
Personality: Valentina is a feisty female that is outgoing and friendly most of the time but she gets jealous easily and can be a bit possessive at times which along with her temper is why the call her She-Devil and Hot. She is a ESTP so she is competitive and playful with the desire to win and please others .She is intelligent and is a great liar unless it comes to other vampires because most already know her tricks. At times she has a motherly nature but in general no one wants to mess with her unless its Chris because he sees through his sister and they have a strong connection even though he is an ass and she finds him amusing.
Background: Very Blurry and she doesn't know her creator who created her and her brother but they let her out without her seeing their faces but she remembers their scent. She feels lots of [pain when she thinks about this. Edited at July 19, 2018 04:35 PM by Complicated

The Without warning he let out a low hiss and snapped his head and stared at the new kid his eyes still the dark black before but this time the pain of thirst in his throat was almost unbearable. Despite Alex having the best control this black-haired kid was going to be the one thing and ruins his clean record of no kills. Thankfully Addison caught onto his intentions and grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him outside swiftly.
" Thanks Addy" Alex muttered and saw her mate come outside to check on them" Whats wrong?" Jake asked looking around and Addison smiled at Jake as he protectively wrapped his large hands around the blondes waist." The new kid" Alex said calmly shaking his head as his eyes faded back to a deep gold and his throat just had a dull ache now he was not getting flooded by the kid's scent. The honey blonde female looked at him with a cocked eyebrow ' Are you okay Alex? He smelled good but I never seen you like that..." She said in a worried tone. Alex flashed her a smile " That kid's scent is hard to explain... he is best smelling human I have ever scented!' Alex said excitedly before calming down " Its not gonna be like we sit next to each other- Lets just stay outside until we have to head to class" Alex said his cockiness back. Edited at July 9, 2018 08:42 PM by Complicated

Alex walked into the classroom wearing contacts that made his eyes look like their average deep gold but his true eyes would have been black as he walked into his classroom. Instantly he pulled his black hood over his messy brown hair and sat down beside the new kid but moved as far as possible trying not to breathe but of course that mean't he had to fake breathe. Alex glared at Zack his eyes cold before deciding to ask him to move over " Do you mind moving over" He asked rather harshly as the white flames attacked his throat and nose before turning back to the teacher who was very found of him and was now glaring at him. " Mr. Hellis , please be nice to Zack he is new here and you could be a great help to him if you were nice to him!" He said but then walked to the front of the classroom with a warm smile and his eyes were on Zack.
" Hello everyone! I am Mr. Sprinkle! We have a new classmate named Zack!" He said with a cheerful tone that hurt Alex's sensitive ears. " Well I hope you all had a great summer... We are starting off this year with getting to know another classmate as a project and let me hand out the pairs" He said before passing out a stack packets. Alex opened it and saw who he was with and glared at Zack. The kid he wanted to avoid the most was his partner. Great. Alex let out a moan before studying the most tasty food item in the school who also happened to be physically attractive so people would miss the future vampire meal.Alex then realized to his horror that this was also his neighbor " F*ck" He muttered then looked at Zack " Well Zack, I will come to your house after school you don't need to tell me where you live" Alex said with the look of disgust on his face in still a rude town as the flames came back which made his jaw clench along with his fist. Edited at July 9, 2018 09:30 PM by Complicated

Alex followed Zack down the stairs protectively with his fangs out away " Don't worry We've got this covered" He whispered into Zack's ear with a smile before heading down stairs. Alex flashed a friendly smile to Zack's and waved to the woman " You must be Zack's mom! I am working with him for a project for school... It smells delicious" Alex said acting interested since lying is his talent. " What a lovely house you have!" Alex said sitting down on the couch. What ever happen up stairs seemed not to exist in the warm and friendly mood down stairs which seemed perfect.
Beneath this mask of friendliness and manners he was just as stunned as Zack for the most part since he didn't even realized what happened until Addison came and now was hiding in his closet while Zack and Alex were downstairs. The strange new feeling torwards Zack made Alex want to always keep him in sight and stop anyone interested in him away from HIS Zack. Edited at July 10, 2018 01:31 AM by Complicated

Alex smiled at Zack's mom with his bright white teeth. " I can stick around until then but I am vegan" Alex said politely and he was glad the father didn't want to talk. " It happens you are going to see me around anyways because my family happens to live next door! " Alex pretended to yawn " I should get home soon..." He said looking at Zack in the eyes before waving to the family " Nice meeting you folks! See you again soon hopefully" Alex said before walking out the door. Even his walk was effortless and graceful as he walked out of the house and stared Zack in the eye before walking out the door.
Alex hurried away and jumped into his window and sat on his bed waiting to talk to him and get him to come over to the house filled of vampires so they can ask questions and learn about what just happened. The Zack smell didn't hurt as much anymore and he sat on Zack's bed calmly looking into the closet where Addison glared at him and flipped him off. " I don't know what happened! One minute I needed his blood the next I feel possessive" he whispered at a volume too low for humans and the blonde female rolled her eyes. " You act like you found your d*mn soulmate!" She hissed back and he shrugged as he waited patiently for Zack to come up stairs. Edited at July 10, 2018 01:58 AM by Complicated

Alex rolled his eyes " Calm down I am not that bad and I didn't even realized I bit you until I pushed you away... At least it doesn't smell as Zack-ish as it used to" Alex said then watched Zack unpack " a Your coming to my family's house " Alex said calmly " You want answers and I need answers since I am just glad you didn't get any of my venom" Alex said moving closer to the window as Addison popped out of the closet. " This is not my problem since you bit him" The blonde female said before jumping out the window. Alex was glad His Zack looked fine but needed Charlie to make sure.
" I can carry you down so that way your parents don't see us... Don't be frightened I won't let any of the vampires hurt or kill you" He said with a smirk and ran his hand through his messy hair. Alex was acting less hostile and more protective yet normal torwards the human that he bit . Alex couldn't help but to rub the back of his neck and smirk a bit when he started checking out The skinny black messy -haired kid with stunning bright blue eye before looking away. " Charlie is going to be so pissed!" He muttered with a sigh. Then easily grabbed Zack " Please forgive me but I am in a rush" Alex said before jumping out the window and gracefully landing before setting Zack down. Edited at July 10, 2018 02:29 AM by Complicated

Alex glared at the human " Has anyone ever told you not to tease a vampire?" He lept at the human with a open mouth like he was going to bit him but the stopped with his lips about to touch the humans neck and smiled. " Just kidding" he said before pulling away his eye she same shade as before. " Its interesting how I could actually drink your blood right here and to the humans would only think I am kissing you until they see my fangs since you can grab onto me as much as you want since it won't move me and will be mistaken for passion" He said with a smirk before handing the cashier some cash and smiled to her. " I am fine for now and I need to bulid up some self control around you so stop teasing me . Yesterday was suffering today is barely bearable but better" He said grabbing the bags before heading to the car.
" I think I will have Jack keep you busy since the girls may want to put make up on your face or play dress up" he said with a laugh before putting the bags in the back seat and starting the car and allowing the human in before driving off back to the house. When they pulled up Jack was already waiting and he smiled at Zack " The human babysitter is here!" Then smirked when Alex glared at him and began taking out the food " What ? No need to glorify it!" Edited at July 15, 2018 02:59 PM by Complicated

I like it loud. Edited at September 23, 2018 04:26 PM by Complicated