
The ride was mainly silent between the two until Alex noticed they were going the wrong way. " Bear? I know your annoyed but where are you taking me? " Alex groaned looking outside the window.

The ride was mainly silent between the two until Alex noticed they were going the wrong way. " Bear? I know your annoyed but where are you taking me? " Alex groaned looking outside the window. " Well, you wanted to disappear so now we are going to see how in shape you are.. Carter ,Hunter , and Ryder are meeting us at the gym for a few sparring matches. Who do you call first?" The annoyed growl from behind him responded. " I chose Carter because it is my day off and you and Hunter are well... good fighters and Ryder is a bit clumsy" He replied shifting his gaze to the man as they stopped across the street from a pretty large gym. Maybe the group could get lunch after? The sound of his stomach made Alex regret not asking Bear to stop somewhere on the way.
Despite he was surrounded by a group of people he used to be close to he felt rather alone and awkward standing there now with nothing to say and a general lack of interest torwards the males. It didn't shock me Carter was almost timid around me but who could blame him? Last time we actaully talked it wasn't long after Jessica died and Carter came to retrieve me from a bar when my idiot drunk self beat the sh*t out of him and Bear had to take my hits and literally drag me out. " Alex! You and Carter are up!" Hunter yelled very loudly when he saw that both Alex and Carter and their gloves on. He nodded before climbing into the ring with the slightly shorter blonde. After a few seconds Alex quickly fell into the pattern and waited until Carter threw the first punch which gave Alex enough time to strike him in the stomach before he could turn his body back. With a swift movement of his feet Alex was once again outside of Carter's reach . After that it fell basically into a pattern which had Carter beat qu8ckly due to his lack of timing and foot work whenever he was thrown off the pattern by one of Alex's strikes. Edited at September 25, 2018 10:38 PM by Complicated

Alex watched as the others took turns sparring against each other. It didn't take long before he found himself writing a note on a napkin and grabbing his stuff that he had shoved into a duffel bag since a gun belt and file were heavy and drew alot of attention. Sighing, Alex grabbed his pair of gloves and shoved them in the bag before jogging out of the gym and onto the city streets. With a quick search on his phone he discovered a coffee shop not far from where he was .

I made a rather embarssing squeak when I was suddenly grabbed and placed on Jason's lap with his arms locked around my waist. I crossed my arms across my chest stubbornly he laid his head in the crook of my neck. " You know... You could ask for permission before you touch" I smirked as I used one of my arms folded across my chest to reach up and mess up his hair. Honestly, I was till a bit scared of him but he seemed honest when he promised not to hurt me but I new I w9uld still have to be somewhat alert . "I wouldn't mind sharing a bed with you but you seem like the kind of guy to snore loudly" I teased with a smile as I adjusted myself so I was a bit more comfortable on his lap . When it comes to physical flirting my skill wasn't so great but that was until somebody actually got me started then I could put on a show .
Seeing how small the cold and hard bed were I couldn't help it when my cheekbones turned a light rosy pink at how close me and this attractive boy would be if we shared a bed . But, it was indeed cold and his body was actaully really comfortable with how I seemed to fit against him. With a sigh I gave up and finally just let my body relax against him seeing no point in struggling. " Fine, we can share a bed but you get the edge since I do not want to be pushed off the bed in the middle of the night by you " Having touched the cold wall I new I didn't want to land on that cold and very hard ground that was quite uncomfortable compared to his warm yet hard chest that strangely I found comforting and found myself not wanting to move from this position much.
I'd never thought I would end up in jail but at least I am innocent so they are bound to let me out, right? So far it hasn't been to bad except the fact my cell mate is a murderer that's most likely killed more people than he could even count. That is what is suprising me the most so far since he is the opposite of what I would expect a murder to be but he can seem a little crazy and he seems to well... Lack a filter. The crazy part was all of my exes were crazy in some it's like I am a magnet for the opposite I would like in a boyfriend although I loved the thrill in a way from having a boyfriend that was rather unpredictable and fun at times but I wanted something more than a thrill despite the fact I never show it. Edited at September 27, 2018 08:02 AM by Complicated

Alex watched as the others took turns sparring against each other. It didn't take long before he found himself writing a note on a napkin and grabbing his stuff that he had shoved into a duffel bag since a gun belt and file were heavy and drew alot of attention. Sighing, Alex grabbed his pair of gloves and shoved them in the bag before jogging out of the gym and onto the city streets. With a quick search on his phone he discovered a coffee shop not far from where he was . To say the least he didn't exactly mind the walk it let him be alone despite the fact he was already sweaty but hos body physically wasn't tires and seemed to be re-energized by the cool air. Tonight he was working once again not that he minded much since the night was his time that he preformed the best and the dark provided some kind of ease compared to the bustling days at the station when everyone is there compared to the night where it is only those who are needed to keep the station running.
In a short time he got to the coffee shop and simply ordered a bagel before leaving the lively coffee shop behind. The walk home was going to be along one but he had enough practice walking so he wouldn't be terribly tired. He was watching his feet as he walked and took a bite of his bagel when he bumped into somebody and his head shot up" Sorry" He muttered not bothering to even take in her appearance as he began glancing up more often to stop himself from wandering off. Edited at September 27, 2018 06:57 PM by Complicated

Whatever I had to say about his snoring with quickly taken away the moment I realised his soft lips were against my skin wirh the thought had my shiver in pressure. I tiltied my head backwards to let him get more room to work with as I began biting my lip to hold back any moans or other sounds come out since I didn't want to draw attention from anybody else in the jail. Finally when he got to my neck once of the trapped moans slid out through my now slightly parted lips and I made no effort to seal them shut again. " I-I... Uhhh" I started attempting to speak yet I couldn't find anything say and yet I don't think I could have gotten it past my mouth or it may just turn into a moan. Curious to how he would react I found myself moving my hips a bit even though I wasn't facing him to see his facial expressions but I knew just from hearing him groan earlier that even small movements from me on his lap would turn him on.
" Like what?You have the control... For now" I asked slightly out of breath in response curious to what he was planning to do as I stopped rolling my hips on his lap and attempts to look at him by tilting my head backwards which turned out not to work well. The sudden movement of being pinned made a small gasp leave my lips that were slightly parted and welcoming any contact with Jason. I was forced to hold my hips down that wanted to buck as I moaned and whimpered when he came closer to my lips " Please!" I whined wanting him to kiss my lips as he began roaming my chest I was greeted with yet another form of pleasure that was a different experience with him compared to other guys but then again, it may be just because I find Jason really attractive. My back arched trying bring me against Jason to feel his hard chest against mine as he is kissing and touching me. I pouted when paused since I wanted him to do all of that to me.
Hmm, I wonder how he would react with I gave him a taste of his own medicine? I started at a painfully slow pace as I slipped my hands under his shirt starting near the waist band of his pants and painfully slow my hands explored his chest and waist while I had a smirk on my face guessing he wasn't that patient. Taking advantage of the situation I quickly flipped him over despite the fact he was a lot bigger and stronger than me. " Your not the only one that can tease" I winked at him while straddling him with my hands pinning him down in his chest even though he could easily flip us around so he was back on top. I kissed and sucked his neck and collar bone as I attempted to be close to him as possible . Seeing a few of the red marks I made I flicked my tongue over them as I began moving my hips against him slightly having a hard time controlling them. I let a few small whimpers and moans escape but then I looked at Jason hinting that he should take over agsin. Edited at September 28, 2018 08:54 AM by Complicated

Alex rather quickly finnished his bagel when he suddenly regretted leaving because this would take along time when he could have just waited. With a sigh he found his way into a small park and decided to take another look at the file. He had been working on a case about a car thief that tends to strike the downtown area but has been yet to be caught nothing too extreme and he hasn't had an extreme case in a while unless you count the weird reports at most likely never happened so nobody exactly tends to those cases unless It is re-occurring with multiple people. But even with the crazies and people on drugs rhey still had to their job by making a report and adding it to the records like any other serioud crime. Alex scanned over the while rubbing his temple before realizing he was missing part of the file and a jolt of panuc shot through uim because he could easily get fire if he lost information or anyone got their half a on it .
It was soon confirmed the paper was lost after he searched through the black duffle. With a sigh knowing he would have to find the paper even if it meant walking everywhere in the county as he stood up and began pacing as he thought of places he could have dropped it and of course he thought about Samson's apartment but he would have called , right? Wirh a frustrated groan he tugged on his hair before beginning to retrace his steps staring at the ground in hopes of finding the paper. Edited at September 28, 2018 09:55 PM by Complicated

Alex was about to continue walking after someone bumped into him or maybe it was the other way around but quickly glanced up when he heard a familiar voice. " Samson!" He looked at the man a bit relieved but nervously rubbed the make of his neck. " Uhh... I was wondering if you found a paper from my file? I may have dropped it at your house and I am not exactly sure if Mikey actaully gave you my phone number..." Alex said awkwardly guessing that it might sound like he was trying get Samson's number to hook up or go on a date ehich wasn't at all why. Alex remembered the missing paper but quickly let out a sigh when Samson pulled out a price of paper and took it from.him with a nod to see it was the right paper. " Thank you, Samson ! It's fine , I could just say I accidentally dropped it and had to fold it up since if I lost any information I would most likely before fired" Alex looked visually relieved as he put the a bit folded paper back in it's folder and slit it into the back duffle bag but spotted the man's knuckles. Gently , he grabbed the man's hand and turned it over rolling his thumb over the torn skin . " What's it with you and injuries? What did you do punch a brick wall?" He commented rolling his eyes as he searched in duffle bag and pulled out some bandages. " These should help your knuckles and I also say you should wrap your knuckles if you don't have gloves unless you want to turn into me" Alex huffed showing Samson his scarred knuckles before taking the other Man's in a firm but gentle grip as he began wrapping the badanges over the torn skin. Edited at September 28, 2018 10:43 PM by Chain Reactions

Alex found himself listening to Axel talk with a small smile and nodded along . " I have traveled a bit but never to Italy so a trip wiuld sound fun. I by it is beautiful in Italy special in the country." The werewolf was hit wirh the strong smell of other werewolves and dropped back a little to be closer to the vampire. " Don't worry just stay close to me and you will be fine, I doubt they would automatically use you as a chew toy" He smirked finding himself already protectivly hovering over Axel a bit and standing a bit to close to the vampire as a protective habit. " Have you ever visited Germany? It is beautiful but I find myself liking more of the rugged places since that where I mainly spent my time when I went on trips with my dad who was the beta male before me" he said chuckling fondly at the memories.
Soon a large mansion that appeared to have more of a rugged but elegant cabin look to it came into view along with a small pond that a few children being watched by parents or older siblings were playing in and most likely looking for frogs or fish . Only frogs would they be able to find in the small pond that was fishless which was an example of what could happen if landscape was changed which werewolves tried not to do. A few eyes glanced at the beta and his vampire 'mate some with curiosity other with betrayal and the desire to kill the prey that was brought into the wolf's den. Edited at September 28, 2018 10:58 PM by Chain Reactions

Alex finnished wrapping them then looked at his own knuckles with a shrug " A lot of things honestly ranging from fights do me punching a hole in the wall but it happened because A, I didn't were gloves or wrap my knuckles and B, I am known to have a temper and I tend to get into trouble often" he said with a smirk . " It's probably going to take me forever to get home at this pace since I get distracted and end up somehow walking in the wrong direction!" He groaned , maybe it would be better if he gave up and forever just walked circles around the park and hope he magically found his way home. If only life could be that easy. At least Olivia was old enough to stay home alone since she is alot more of a good kid compared to Alex when he was 16... " I should probably get going home but thanks for everything! Sorry! Bye!" Alex called as he hurried off hoping not to seem rude but he needed to get home before it was burnt down by accident. If he didn't have a teenage sister to look after he would happily talk a bit more with Samson but that was not the case.
Alex dialed the phone number of his neighbor who was a nice woman around her mid to late thirties with sparkling soft green eyes and black hair that is normally tied into a messy bun with a pen sticking out of it that seemed to suit the creative and kind woman who always smelled like lemons and cinnamon and gladly sometimes looked after Olivia when he wasn't home. " Hello there?" A feminine and friendly voice answered. " Hey Ms. Valen, it's me Alex, Can you check on Olivia? I wasn't able to come hime past night and I just want to make sure she is okay?" He asked crossing the street and now at a speed walk as he tried not to get distracted again. " Sure! I am sure she is fine through " The woman chirped back in r repsonse before seeming to disappear from the phone most likely busy so Alex hanged up and ran his hand through his messy coffee colored hair. Edited at September 28, 2018 11:33 PM by Chain Reactions