
Female / Closeted Bisexual/ 13-21 ( Guess) / Single as a Pringle / Animal lover / Taurus/ ESTP / Salty / I DO Bite so watch out ;) / Hot Cheetos are life / Aggressive / Pushy / Anti social outside of WP / Semi-literate to Literate Roleplayer / Most of my replies are 2- 5 paragraphs / Just ask to roleplay / Mother of 17 pets / Live to argue and talk about animals or anything really just P.M. me about what you want to talk about !/ I show dogs and teach other people how to / Horse lover/ My dream let is a ferret or a horse / A fan of the Twilight Saga / Book lover / Can do MXM and MXF /Can play male or female / 2 Dogs / 1 Rabbit / 14 Chickens / DON'T CHALLENGE THE MAJESTIC SEA FLAP-FLAP!/ Zodiac : Rooster

Alex didn't fight back as he was pinned to the wall despite being a bit uncomfortable . He kept his mouth closed as Axel's voice began to raise and even though he hadn't admitted it he knew he was talking about last night which made he is face soften and was finally about to respond when he felt Axel's fangs that sent shivers up his spine . As quickly as they arrived they left and Alex now looked at Axel on the ground, his face unreadable as he thought. Alex knew what Axel said was true and he was a bit relieved . " Are you alright? I understand, I am sorry..." He apologized not even knowing what he was saying sorry for since he didn't even trust himself enough to say more without screwing things up more.
Alex sighed with a frown " I know I can be confusing since I don't even see myself as trust worthy so I can't exactly defend myself since you are correct . I have nothing more to say about this honestly" He muttered honestly feeling like crap since this most likely mad things worse than before since he couldn't make Axel feel happy or defend himself. Even his wolf was silent. Alex honestly was still trying to protect himself from Axel despite how it was affecting him all because Alex couldn't trust anyone enough to take down his walls and let them in.
" We should get going..." He announced running his hand through his hair as he let his eyes linger on Axel for a second before he began walking. " Where do you live?" Was the only Edited at September 17, 2018 11:05 PM by Chain Reactions

Alex sighed has he let the vampire lead the way as the seemed to look anywhere but Axel just trying to give him some space within their 'situation ' since he didnt exactly want to get bit right now. It was hard not to follow the behaviour of what he would have done before admitting Alex was right since he still couldn't decide whether his light switch was on or off. Alex actaully like the small light blue house with a picket fence that he found adorable and couldn't help but to cause a small smile to appear on his face. " It's adorable, I wouldn't mind us using your house if I didn't have a sister and such a high rank in the pack" Alex commented following Axel inside.
" Don't worry I won't break anything..." He shrugged in response to Axel and avoided making a comment or asking why he didn't have much stuff but in a way it wasn't bad since it would be going in their shared room Axel was too stubborn to let Alex sleep on the couch and he refused to have the rabbit on the couch since a lot of the time he didn't bother to lock to the door since who is stupid enough to walk into the house of a high ranked werewolf? Not many.
After taking a quick look around he found himself watching Axel and had to admit he was rather attracted to the male and found him adorabledespite basically telling him he regretted even touching him which was another one of his lies since all he wanted to do was wrap his arms around him or at least be in some contact with him but since he couldn't right now. Alex just stood their leaning against a wall hoping Axel didn't notice him staring at him yet lost in thought at the same time.
Edited at September 18, 2018 08:07 AM by Chain Reactions

I almost f*cking died inside and I wanted to face palm when I pictured him wearing a skimpy maid outfit and you can't exactly blame me because look at this guy! The guy made everything I sat sexual I swear, it's like he is just waiting for me to jump him and the thought made me want to slap him but all I did was release a deep groan to let out my frustration with him but with my voice it sounded more like a moan than a frustrated sound. Keni could make a straight dude want him under him and him constantly making things sexual weren't good for him. Luckily, I recovered quickly from my blank face as he dismissed himself and I had to blurt something out, with a wink at the end . "Kinky, made you should actually although don't be suprised if I stop your career cleaning and give you a new job " Oops, didn't mean to sat that but oh well . I honestly finding myself wondering if his past roommates got arrested for sexual harassment since I can see why . Yes, I can be classified as a player but I only do it if the other person wants to and have never forced myself on anybody but that doesn't mean I don't stop flirting since I honestly lost control of that in high school.
Yawning, I suddenly gave him the death glare " If you put bugs in my pancakes I will stab you to death while you are sleeping and in the morning you won't be showing up to work" I said glaring at him for a few more seconds before taking a plate and throwing a few pancakes on the plate before drizzling it with syrup and sitting across from where he sat with a small smirk at how embarssed he was when he fell which was honestlt adorable not lile I would actually admit it without a flirty or sarcastic tone paired with it. " Sure, we can hang out as long as you mean we are each paying for out own stuff and not a date then fine." I remarked not sure if he was asking me out on a date or not but , regardless I don't give a date for one nights stands and that's all it would be of hos intention was a date. Edited at September 18, 2018 10:03 PM by Chain Reactions

Alex thought about the question for a moment before answering " So your questions seem to be more about my position that werewolves in general... Just like my father I take the role of beta in this pack but unlike him I am not purely from alpha bloodlines and my mom was a warrior in the pack. Let me explain, your blood lines effect your level of domiance, strength , wolf , etc... Which has alot to so with one's rank to become beta so I am basically the alphas body guard and right hand man when be needs me for anything on top of all the things my rank normally does. I won't be traveling anymore since yiu would have to come with me which would create some hostility with the beta male being mated to a vampire since some packs have more of a hatred than others. I so a lot of different things that alpha need a me to so as well as spend a lot of time in the pack house along with training warriors which yiu can come with me. It's not like they would attack you when you are with me "He took small break before continuing " As for where I am taking you that is a secret but don't worry you won't get hurt. I think you will enjoy it... There are a few but we honestly have a problem with rogues a bit more so don't stray too far from me when we are near the border. I can't exactly give you a number since I am not exactly sure since a few of our fighters were put in a nearby pack temparly to help the rogue problems "
Alex sighed and looked around before turning his gaze once again to the vampire " Don't be afraid of the werewolves in the pack because they know well that hurting you would basically be a death wish you could say" Be said with a smirk knowing how little Axel truly new about him and the fact be didn't believe Alex could break something on purpose was rather amusing considering be sealed with most punishment and had even almost gotten thrown into Juvie after be beat the sh*t out of a kid with a knife but got away with self defense after the judge saw his scars then the kid that messed with him admitted the truth after Alex threatened him. Be snapped out of his daze and focused his intense silver eyes back on the little rabbit. Edited at September 19, 2018 04:58 PM by Complicated

Alex shrugged " I can take the floor if you want your bed" Be commented as be poured a bit of vanilla creamer until or was a few shades lighter than is coffee colored hair before adding some cinnamon and sitting down across from Samson . The smell was already causing him to relax his muscles and if was his perfect Verizon since even if Cinnamon just added a bit for of spice to the coffee the smell mixed with the scent of coffee was comforting, only a bit of creamer was enough soften the bitterness while keeping the strong taste of coffee.
" It's honestly been a while since I have even sat down with someone ... How about you? Or seems like you have some kind of actual social interaction at work" Alex asked with a small smile as he sipped on the coffee." Sometimes I honestly wonder if one day I am going to show up home late and be greeted by my teenage sister throwing a party but luckily I have yet to have to go police man on a bunch of teenagers"
The man didn't seem off in the slightest in Alex's opinion infact, be was actually easier to talk to than most people. Maybe if was just the stranger effect that made Alex honestly want to talk to him . Of course, be was planning on not telling the stranger everything but be could tell him the gist of his life if be just skipped the crazy and complicated things, which was well, everything. Edited at September 19, 2018 05:25 PM by Complicated

Alex watched him with a small smile before responding " My job is difficult but I wouldn't trust anyone else with it because they most likely would not be able to hang on this long with what the job entails . Of course, it depends on the pack but some or more violent than others and the beta is who you rely on when the alpha isn't there. A few accuse me as being a murderer for things I may or may not have done but that doesn't matter" Be said feeling a stab of pain as a terrible memory came back .
Flash back to the night Jessica died.( First person perspective lol)
I ran up the stairs pushing my legs urging to go faster the wolf in me going crazy and what would a werwwolf like me so without him? Not much. A familiar scent collided with my glared nostrils and I ran ever faster in that was possible . Something was wrong with her. " Jessica" I screamed tryinf to get a response from her but all I got was the scent of fear as I reached the roof panting and sweating and saw her standing in the middle of the dark roof small sniffling noises coming from her as her vibrant red hair blew in the wind. This made her stare blank faced and pale as a ghost as she turned around and whispered something barely audible but my sensitive heard caught it. " I-I am so sorry A-Alex.... I-I love you. B-but I can't do this" The in a moment later it happened so fast we were both running me behind her trying to grab hold of Something. Anything. But failed as my fingertips barely grazed the back of her dress as she kept into the air ever so beautiful and graceful but gone juat like the fall leaves which she reminded me of. No words left my mouth as I bolted down the stairs silent tear rolling down my ghost-like face as I almost tripped with every jump down the stairs and Sprint. " J-Jessica?" I called but stopped dead at what I saw before walking over to her limp and bloody body already tainted with death as I fell to my knees and took her in the arms but I didn't feel any weight in the limp body of my girlfriend as I carried her to her house with no sign of tears on my face as I knocked on the door and held the pale body knowing it was too late but I couldn't think of anything but how I never wanted to let her go where she would be unprotected even if she was dead. The first one to respond was her twin sister who screamed " You murderer! What did you do you bastard! " She screamed at me and I took the hit without a flinch or reply since I was numb . I didn't do my job. Next were her parents to started sobbing not bothering to notice me except when they made comments and blamed me about how I was the one that caused this because my position and my family meant to much trouble. They soon took the body from me and I broke not before punching her dad in the face and threatening the family then the rest was a blur but somehow I made it home without falling and letting the world have it's way with me.
End of flash back.
Alex broke out of his blank stare that had turned him a ghostly white as he silently turned to look at Axel but couldn't give him a small smile. " Let's go" He muttered with a cracked voice as he stood up and just walked out without saying a word more. Sure, he felt bad for treating Axel like this but it was perhaps safer for the vampire if the still had walls between them but that didn't mean Alex couldn act possessive to protect him since that is only safety. " Yeah, ok" the wolf muttered and rolled his eyes but Alex didn't respond to the animal.
Edited at September 20, 2018 06:49 PM by Chain Reactions

Alex watched Samson with a small smile quite suprised they actaully got along without any thrown punches or yelling. Peaceful you could say. Not chasing after criminals, getting yelled at by Isaac , endless amount of paperwork only to not get along with the forensic scientist for the case. " Ehh... Sorry for making you miss work you could say I have the tendency to let my stubbornness take hold. I hope my sister has parties at home rather than be like me... You could say I got into a lot of trouble... And fights" Alex said with a shrug as he took another sip of his coffee and watched Samson almost fall asleep so he stayed silent in hopes the man will finally get some sleep since he understands how bad sleep can feel like whether it be from exhaustion or nightmares. Watching your girlfriend jump off a building is not something you can ever come back from especially if you were planning yo eventually propose to the woman.
Alex yawned before taking a few more drinks of his coffee and decising to head to bed so be poured the remaining coffee down the sink and unsure what to do with the mug he set it down on the counter as he stretched his arms and rolled his shoulders that were sore from doing paperwork and falling asleep on his desk. "Goodnight, I guess I will leave when I wake up in the morning if I harass Isaac enough he will come get me but of course without threatening me and maybe throwing a punch." He shrugged knowing how the bear hates mornings and dealing with depressed and literally lost loners named Alex Edited at September 20, 2018 07:07 PM by Chain Reactions

(In first person perspective since why not?)
I met the ground with a fast and rather loud sound when my feet the dark ground before my feet slowly and quite cautiously brought me forward into the light and I felt myself stare blankly in a mix of emotions. For once in my life I felt like the prey and like a animal of prey would my hair turned into what could be compared to a skittish alley cat that seemed to be unnatural for my large and powerful body but yet I was the prey here as I passed along the collared vampire I felt something in the pit of my stomach as I made eye contact with a tall but frail male vampire with short dirty blinde hair that was rather long and seemed to get in his eyes but it was clear from the fact we watched each other that we got the same feeling but that was quickly forgotten when a scream of pain mad me jump and I went crashing into the frail male that fell to the ground due to my weight . " S-Sorry" he stuttered as his eyes went wide and he backed away from me but quickly got into a similar server stance that I had seen Cole due and this male appeared to be waiting for me to punish him but glanced up when he didn't feel anything . The young male seemed to relax a bit under my softened gaze but he still timidlylooked around then his scent hit my nose and it came to me. " Carson?" I asked rather calmly and he looked at me rather suprised and he did have a similar facial structure to me but slightly paler, frail , slightly higher cheekbones , freckles , and chocolate colored eyes. " Excuse me, sir... W-who are you?" He asked looking down at me , yes, this thin man is taller than me and I am 6'4. I gave him a soft smile before answering " Well Carson, I am Alex. Your brother " Edited at September 20, 2018 10:14 PM by Complicated

(In first person perspective since why not?) I met the ground with a fast and rather loud sound when my feet the dark ground before my feet slowly and quite cautiously brought me forward into the light and I felt myself stare blankly in a mix of emotions. For once in my life I felt like the prey and like a animal of prey would my hair turned into what could be compared to a skittish alley cat that seemed to be unnatural for my large and powerful body but yet I was the prey here as I passed along the collared vampire I felt something in the pit of my stomach as I made eye contact with a tall but frail male vampire with short dirty blinde hair that was rather long and seemed to get in his eyes but it was clear from the fact we watched each other that we got the same feeling but that was quickly forgotten when a scream of pain mad me jump and I went crashing into the frail male that fell to the ground due to my weight . " S-Sorry" he stuttered as his eyes went wide and he backed away from me but quickly got into a similar server stance that I had seen Cole due and this male appeared to be waiting for me to punish him but glanced up when he didn't feel anything . The young male seemed to relax a bit under my softened gaze but he still timidlylooked around then his scent hit my nose and it came to me. " Carson?" I asked rather calmly and he looked at me rather suprised and he did have a similar facial structure to me but slightly paler, frail , slightly higher cheekbones , freckles , and chocolate colored eyes. " Excuse me, sir... W-who are you?" He asked looking down at me , yes, this thin man is taller than me and I am 6'4. I gave him a soft smile before answering " Well Carson, I am Alex. Your brother "