
Oliver growled still not satisfied wirh being in a pack with other werewolves, depsite being a beta to a pack well known for assassin work for other packs and their lack of loners in the area. He sighed and raised his long coffee colored muzzle inti the air to take a refreshing sniff if the nifht air which happenes to be his favorite time of day along with dawn. The male didn't enjoy taking orders from others and that included the alpha of the large pack, Mason. Eventually, the large coffee colored wolf was able to calm down from his sudden irritation as he trotted through thd cool night in search of a human that may be not far from the territory and apparently a female hunter spotted him on her trip back to the pack house. As a beta, Oliver lived and maintained the pack house while Mason and his mate got their own house and all the privacy they could ask for while the only privacy he got was a large room with a bathroom in a house filled with annoying werewolves that all had super hearing and smelling so when he had no privacy once so ever except when he headed out to the bar which of course didn't get him anything but tipsy and very rarely actaully drunk.
Oliver didn't snap out of his thoughts until he scented the man right at the edge of the territory before setting down the black hoodie and pair of joggers he was holding his muzzle onto the groud begore howling to let his pack knew he was there before shifting. The strangely quiet mind link faded as he felt his bones snap and pop back into place bwfore he was a naked man standing in the foods before quickly slipping into the clothes which fit his body well while being easy to take off when he needed to shift. Clearing his throat, the large man walked out into view of the human " Its a nice night isn't it?" He asked causally his deep, husky voice carrying easily across the space between him and the man, looking up at the stars as he pulled his hood over his messy coffee colored hair with a sigh and forced his body to often before his light grey almost silver eyes made eye contact with the man star gazing. The moonlight gave him a intimidating yet it gave him rugged yet handsome look that seemed to suit him and brought out the dark red tint of his coffee hair for the parts that did see the moonlight. Edited at August 20, 2018 11:36 PM by Chain Reactions

Name: Makoce ( earth in Lokota) or Maheegan ( Wolf native American) Edited at August 22, 2018 11:13 PM by Complicated


Oliver nodded to the man and realized how weird this might seem and it didn't exactly help he wasn't wearing shoes but soon after his expression turned back to the more casual , relaxed state it originally was as he looked around for a sight of any other weapons. After deciding the stranger wasn't a threat he decided it would be best to keep him safe from the pack since they were already weary of his scent. Wolves were known to be around here but their were legends and tales about different types of wolves here and some called them werewolves which was true since they did shift on the night of the full moon which effected them unlike is they were wold shapeshifters. Oliver began to him slightly after he took a sear in the field looking up at the stars. Silence and peace felt nice but the truth was he couldn't ever be alone with his wolf in his head.

Oliver nodded to the man and realized how weird this might seem and it didn't exactly help he wasn't wearing shoes but soon after his expression turned back to the more casual , relaxed state it originally was as he looked around for a sight of any other weapons. " Just tell me if you get annoyed by my presence, my beloved stranger " Oliver commented after deciding the stranger wasn't a threat, he decided it would be best to keep him safe from the pack since they were already weary of his scent. Wolves were known to be around here but their were legends and tales about different types of wolves here and some called them werewolves which was true since they did shift on the night of the full moon which effected them unlike is they were wold shapeshifters. Oliver began to him slightly after he took a sear in the field looking up at the stars. Silence and peace felt nice but the truth was he couldn't ever be alone with his wolf in his head constantly but his wolf only seemed a bit bored but other than that content.
Who carrys a sword ? Hell, who even comes into a forest that is known for wolves and wolf sightings? This kept his brain occupied as he looked at the stars and couldn't help but to keep glancing at Hyun because he didn't want to ask questions yet he guessed the stranger was also curious about him. What was Oliver supposed to say? Oh! I am wearing no shoes and in a dark forest since I turn into a wolf how about you? " Very intelligent " Oliver muttered to himself and rolled his eyes. If this man was someone he seen before than he wouldn't have any problem marching up to him and asking what he was doing while doing a bit of flirting since he was well known to be flirty around other's but this human seemed to prefer silence. Werewolves howled in the distance and he couldn't help but to make a howl and howl with them before taking his chance to ask about the wolves. " So did you come out to see the Wolves? Alot of people come out at night to enjoy nature" Oliver said in a flirty tone and winked. Just great he sounded like a creep. Edited at September 3, 2018 12:33 AM by Chain Reactions

Name:Alice Rosalind Hellis Nicknames: Whatever you come up with
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Father: Alexander Hellis(DEAD)
Mother:Rosalind Hellis( DEAD )
Sibling (s) :Older brother Kyle (27 vampire) and younger brother Jamie (13 DEAD)
Companions : Jamie (13) and her male German shepherd Rocky (3)
Hair color: .Warm Strawberry honey blonde that isn't too red but not a blonde either and darker at the roots.
Hair type:Slightly wavy and down to her waist. It isn't anywhere near curly but it does have a soft and noticeable wave.
Hair style: Most of the time it is tied into a neat high ponytail during the day but is let loose at night which is when her slight waves get a bit wavier.
Eye color:Her interesting irises are a pale silver color surrounded by sea foam green with specks of both gold and silver with a darker outer ring .
Height: 5'5
Sexuality: Straight
Normal clothing: Melanie normally wears her old clothes which tends to involve plain tee-shirts , hoodies, and jeans or shorts that show her slim , curvy, and athletic figure off well.
Appearence: Alice has a light bone structure and a curvy feminine body with a thin waist that is athletic and well built for this life since while she was in high school she was the fastest runner on the track team and her parents took the family hiking. She is an attractive woman with long ,rich , coffee colored hair with a slight red tint, leggy, neatly arched eyebrows, high cheekbones , stunning eyes , full lips, and olive colored skin from the sun. Alice has a few scars on her back, legs and arms from a few close calls but they are hardly noticeable except the ones on her mid back. Her soft wavy coffee brunette hair reached her waist and has a nice bounce to it when ahe movea with her graceful long strides despite her shortness . Alice has a few barely noticeable freckles that for her cheeks and can only be seen when she is blushes. The most noticeable features about her are her seafoam green eyes with silver irises, wavy warm strawberry blonde hair , long legs , long and full dark eyelashes , and slim bulid.
Personality: In Rp
Edited at September 4, 2018 10:47 PM by Chain Reactions

Alex's body went limp as he felt Axel's hands on him and relaxed the touch naturally since his wolf recognised it as their mate which of course Alex was planning on denying since this is impossible since the species hate each other and he doubted vampires even had mated like werewolves did. When Axel licked the soon-to-be scar he let out a sound that was either a growl or a whimper from how sensitive that spot of a wolf's neck is almost like their weak spot." Don't EVER touch my neck again" Alex growled over he gained the control back of his body and he glared at the vampire with a look that could kill the creature that had no idea what he had done. " Why are you still here? Edited at September 6, 2018 08:17 AM by Chain Reactions

Before he could realize what was happening he felt pleasure swarm through his body and seemed to be starting at his neck and spreading through his body with every beat that went along with his heart. Alex let out a soft groan from the pleasure and the body pressed against him but everything was gone in a flash when the vampire pulled away and he stared one shock at the crying vampire before touching his bloody neck in disbelief and swayed slightly from the blood taken. At was weird ,what he was feeling it was almost like he wanted more contact with the vampire even his wolf seemed to content but Alex sure wasn't. This THING fed on him! Alex growled at the vampire and towered over him not able to shift do to his wolf somehow blocking him out along with the thoughts which was odd.
" You fed on me y-you THING? I should kill you if I my frickin wolf would let me shift so I can bite you instead !" Alex snapped more baffled and frustrated than anything. He felt his neck and gave the vampire a murderous glare as he realized that he sould have a scar right where a mating scar would belong and he then frowned and stared blankly realizing the one person he would want to be mated with is dead. Jessica is dead. He watched her die and he couldn't save her. " Never mind" He mumbled shoving past the vampire on the ground as he stormed away to get back home but he was slightly off balance and fatigue from shock and his lack of blood. But, he suddenly stopped almost like he physically couldn't leave the vampire there and he narrowed his eyes at the vampire and he extended his canines when he barred his teeth " What did you do?!" Alex panicked and snarled at Axel. Edited at September 5, 2018 09:43 PM by Complicated

Alex's body went limp as he felt Axel's hands on him and relaxed the touch naturally since his wolf recognised it as their mate which of course Alex was planning on denying since this is impossible since the species hate each other and he doubted vampires even had mated like werewolves did. When Axel licked the soon-to-be scar he let out a sound that was both a moan and growl from how sensitive that spot of a wolf's neck is almost like their weak spot . That spot on his neck was something that was only supposed to be touched by a mate. " He is our mate" His wolf growled in defense to the vampire and Alex rolled his eyes unaware how weird this would look when he was complicating with an animal inside his head.
Heck, some even non-marked lower ranked wolves turned into a whimpering mess at any tough on that spot and it had a even worse effect on omegas." Don't EVER touch my neck again" Alex growled over he gained the control back of his body and he glared at the vampire with a look that could kill the creature that had no idea what he had done. " Why are you still here? Your not coming home with me" He warned when he spotted his home that was a two story cabin-looking house at even from here he could smell the his strong scent that he was currently lacking due to the over-powering smell of coffee since he was still in the clothes he went to work in.Alex had no idea what to do or say when he had to explain the scar and of course they would expect a high ranked male like him to already marked and claimed his mate as his but he wasn't that type of guy .
A lot of wolves thought of him as a good beta since he did his job well and lead with authority but he currently was out of his element as he panicked about what to tell his sister since this scar would be impossible to hide. Yes, he did call the thing that made his wolf awake and give him a purpose a scar since it wasnt worthy of being called a mark yet alone a mating mark since the vampire had no clue what he had done to the poor werewolf. Should he reject the vampire and not mark him back? He couldn't have a vampire for a mate.
Edited at September 6, 2018 05:28 PM by Complicated

Alex ignored the vampire on the floor and had no intention of moving since he was still a bit off balance and had a slight head ache. " Oh, Alex alpha is calling a hunt tonigjt and you have to you beached you are the beta. " She said from the kitchen before looking at the vampire then at Alex's neck baffled and Alex felt her staring so he rolled his " It's rude to stare and yes I am aware that I was marked by the thing which is now inside the house. And no, I am not gay which is why I have a girlfriend " He said rudely before standing up and still not satisfied that he Some how still smelled like coffee and believed it was the pants so he got up and left to change into sweatpants before sitting on the couch. Olivia shot Axel an pained look because ne was having another rough day and he refused to believe Jessica is dead.
Alex sighed and looked at the vampire " You might as well sit on the couch so you don't look like a fool since you are stuck living here" He muttered knowing Axel could here him and he was embarssed by what his wolf had said secretly since well, the vampire didnt seem to understand werewolves well but Alex was way different than the wolf . He suddenly wanted to slap himself for not hiding the bottle of whisky under his bed which of course the vampire would smell and he didn't want the thing knowing about his depression and drinking issues that he his from his sister. " Axel is not a thing" His wolf growled and Alex sighed back in his mood of fired depression that basically ruled his life outside of being beta. Edited at September 6, 2018 10:40 PM by Chain Reactions