
Ace sped as he drove which caused a lot of thinking as he hurried torwards a private airport hoping to leave before anyone realizes the girl is missing. Wesley was holding onto his younger cousin in the back as he let the drug dealer drive like a crazy man but he didn't trust Ace with the girl since he had injected her with something. " So fluffy..." she muttered in her unconscious state as she clearly was unaware of what happened. It turned out she was beginning to bruise on the cheek where Ace had hit her and her lip with bleeding. " You didn't have to punch her you idoit!" Wes snapped as the blue haired man driving the blacked out SUV. In the back there was plenty of weapons that they had available if they got caught trying to kidnap Elaine.
Ace rolled his eyes but looked at the road " Well she bit me and kicked me between the legs! That little piece of sh*t is just like you!" He looked uo at the sign that said they had about 20 minutes until they would get to their airport where they fly to Italy at Lainey's grandfather's mansion and where the art show was located. " I say you get the gun ready In case those boys she was with come chasing after us and shoot their tires and wind shield to scare them off " Ace said finally acting smart for once since he wasn't high or drunk like he normally was. Wes nodded and cocked his AR-15 semi automatic assault rifle " Those kids will learn not to olplay around in this business " he purred. Edited at August 12, 2018 12:20 AM by Complicated

Does anyone want to do a MXF or MXM apocalypse RP? I can play either gender and don't have a plot yet but I can make one quick if you would like! Please be able to type 2+ paragraphs!P.M. me we can do it in forums also after we describe...

Jackson was once again about to sink his teeth into his prey not caring if he was what of line by sneaking off to kill a random human at some club since that didn't matter , the large male vampire was planning on changing the leader tonight anyways and this meal would give him an advantage. He clearly did not belong in the crowd of dancing human's that were all some form of high or drunk in fun outfits that showed off their body or gave them a more attractive appearance while he was wearing just a right black tee-shirt that showed off his muscular bulid and a pair of black skinny jeans.
A girl clearly tipsy and alone seemed to be an easy target so of course he charmed her into following him into the alley. It wasn't that interesting just the classic " Come here beautiful, I would like to show you something" and as soon as they were in the darkness away from the safety of the lights he struck and sucked her dry with a smirk. Jackson hissed when he realized he needed to get back soon before running off back to the manor that his the vampire coven safe from the human's that Cleary would die if they walked into the home of such predators.
Jackson hissed and glared at everyone he passed until they looked away and moved away from him which made the vampire seem satisfied. The large halls of the manor looked relevant and gave off the feeling of high class or importance which was fitting for this dominant coven. Fear seemed to be the source of power and he would need the others to fear him if he were to lead this Coven who in this mind needed a new leader because he was tired of acting the role of assassin and tracker to scare off loners and unwanted vampire rebellions. Jack searched for the leader and finally smirked when he saw his competition the look in his eyes giving away what he was about to say. " Oh leader!" He called and purred his deep husky voice carrying across the now silent room as people moved out of the way to watch the scene as they looked at their leader for his reaction. Jackson took out his long retractable fangs and hissed as he quickly moved into a offensive position as he got ready to pounce and make the most important fight for control he may ever had. Edited at August 12, 2018 08:59 PM by Complicated

Name: Zack Morozov
Age: 19
Desired Rank: Hunter
Appearance (human form;no images!): Zack honestly doent look that threatening but he also doesnt look innocent or weak. Heis 5'10, lean with a fit body that isn't that muscular and has a V line pointing down , fair ivory colored skin that is smoove to the touch and the only scars be the ones going down both of his arms and one on his cheekbones. Zack has dark rich coffee colored eyes , high cheekbones that have a light dusting of freckles that are noticeable when he blushes , coffee colored hair with a slight red tint , he had two dimples that show up when he smiles . When he blushes either is whole face turns a bright red or it can just be on his cheekbones which make his freckles stand out.
Appearance (wolf form;no images!): Just like him the wolf is in the leaner side and the average size for a male wolf. His fur has a classic light grey colored undercoat but has coffee corled haurhairs thst give him a darker brown appearnce with bits of grey being seen when it is windy or his undercoat is exposed . His eyes are the same color as they are in human human forum except slightly lighter.
Personality: Zack doesn't like others much but he doesn't want to be alone either since he likes the comfort of being around other but is awkward and doesn't like interaction. If he finds someone comforting he can get a bit clingy but he certainly is not someone that is going to let people walk over him since he is quite feisty and defensive. Zack is flirty and competitive once he comes out of his shell for you and enjoys messing around and teasing other even though he can be sensitive himself. That being said if he likes you he will flirt with you and have a lot of bark until he makes you give in and bite. Beware, this werewolf is extremely jealous and possessive and will assume the worst if you start dancing with someone else if he was or wasn't your date and may give you the silent treatment until he snaps and releases his wrath.
Mate/Significant Other: None yet.
Crush: None yet but he is homosexual so it would be male...
RP Example: Will eventually if I get the chance ...
Other: I don't have a favorite song... This show I read it right? Edited at August 13, 2018 12:15 PM by Complicated

Jackson is a very confusing and moody person with a lack of regret and fear as weird as it seems but in reality he just doesn't want to seem soft so he will lie and try to convince himself by lying to himself. The Male is very dominant and doesn't let people disrespect him at all since he refuses to let other's walk over him without his permission which can only be granted by people He trusts and bonds with enough. He is protective and territorial with an aggressive side if you piss him off and depending who it is depends how he would react for example it could simply be a glare or a punch to the face.The boy is quite the interesting companion once he trust you enough and will act like an insane creature that lives on your floor and threatens to eat you while you sleep but that is normal for him once he choses someone to befriend. When around other's he tries to act as tough as possible to try to not be labeled a softy but he can accidentally hurt others without meaning to and if it is someone close to him then he will apologize when other others arent around so he keeps his reputation .Jack were to find a lover he would act very gentle , caring , quite flirty , and extremely over protective when it comes to possible threats since he as a fear of losingoved ones. If he was rejected by someone he loved he would most likely end up getting his heart broken and shut down from the world as a way to avoid other's. His hidden talents are cooking an dancing...

Zack Morozov /Male / Loner / Open Zack sighed as he walked down the halls in a black hoodie and a pair of blue skinny jeans as he looked at the ground. He avoided eye contact with everyone since that would be the environment for a conversation to start which he didn't want to embarrass himself in. " Too many people" He muttered shoving his scarred hands into the pockets of his hoodie as he stopped at his locker and leaned against the locker with a frown Clearly having a rough day. Once again his family had expressed their hatred for his sexuality with yelling and threats to disown him and even though he stopped crying he would remember each harsh word that came out of their mouth and replayed it over and over again until he was numb and in a depressed state. " Why?" He whispered before walking off to first period with his head hung low and a frown on his face as his smokey grey eyes were glued to the ground. Zack took a sear in the back even though it was too early he didn't care since he just wanted to avoid people at all costs and this very moment.
Edited at August 13, 2018 06:08 PM by Complicated

The vampire had only counted a half a second in his head before he felt arms around him and looked down in shock before wrapping one of his arm protectivly around his human, Of course , Alex began going over what to do for the human's safety since this was not a jump the other could make and come out able to walk. Alex took his other arm and used to to plug Zack's nose in order to stop as much water from entering his body before moving the human higher up on history so he could be the one to take the force of two bodies hitting the bottom and of course Zack could have the option to wrap his legs around him as well if he needed to. When they hit the icu water he didn't loosen his grip on the human as he used the force from hitting the bottom to bounce back up quicker where, at the top, he realised his hand from the human nose and began to move torwards the bank with the wet human. The vampire ended up drinking some water and he could already feel his muscles clencing unnaturally since vampires naturally arent supposed to consume anything but blood and they weren't meant to throw up either. Alex dragged the human onto the bank and watched for about q5 seconds before turning away and throwing up a weird diluted red liquid onto the ground and in the process he looked unnatural in that position. Edited at August 14, 2018 10:10 AM by Complicated

Of course Mason looked baffled when he spotted the Tracker appearing to challenge him right after a council meeting and while his second in command is missing . " Jackson?" He raised a brow but quickly regretted his moment of hesitation because before he could move Jack had came across the room and punched the coven leader in the nose with a strong enough force for the vampire to go flying and hit the long table in the middle of the room. Jack grabbed the male who was still shocked and was about to punch him agaim when his competition managed to jerk of his knee and hit the tracker right where it hurts the most which make people gasp and slowly leave the room but stay a little past the door to watch the fight. It took Jackson a minute to recover but was immediately pushed against the wall. Gritting his teeth, Jackson hissed and took out his fangd and took the second of hesitation to kick off the coven leader and tackle him to the floor where Jackson started aocking him in the face one after another until he felt the vampire beneath him give up and he smirked before placing his abnormally long fangs on the throat of the loser clearing marking the fact he won .
Decdiing what to do, he grabbed the now humiliated vampire who failed to protect his position of leader and tossed him out the door to decided whether or not he wanted to stay in the Coven with his failure or leave to get a new start and Mason chose to leave and was instanly gone. Jackson chuckled before looking at the messy room then glaring at the whispering crowd until they dispered to spread the new. " I wondwr where my second in command is?" He purred liking the sound of the sentence before beginning to clean the room which he needed to go through with his new second in command since he was new to the positon of leader. Jackson's demeanor seemed to change as he held his head up showing off his new role in the coven Edited at August 14, 2018 06:39 PM by Complicated

Of course Mason looked baffled when he spotted the Tracker appearing to challenge him right after a council meeting and while his second in command is missing . " Jackson?" He raised a brow but quickly moved into a defensive position when the male tracker smirked and quickly ran at the leader who dodged the first attack

Oliver growled still not satisfied wirh being in a pack with other werewolves, depsite being a beta to a pack well known for assassin work for other packs and their lack of loners in the area. The male didn't enjoy taking orders from others and that included the alpha of the large pack, Mason. Eventually, the large coffee colored wolf was able to calm down from his sudden irritation as he trotted through thd cool night in search of a human that may be not far from the territory and apparently a female hunter spotted him on her trip back to the pack house. Edited at August 19, 2018 09:13 AM by Complicated