
Now Lainey was staring at Trace like he grown another head and blinked in confusion before standing up and looking around at her surroundings. " Do remember what my room number was? That might make it easier for me not to not get lost and die alone of starvation because no one can find me..."

Now Lainey was staring at Trace like he grown another head and blinked in confusion before standing up and looking around at her surroundings. " Do remember what my room number was? That might make it easier for me not to not get lost and die alone of starvation because no one can find me..." Her face was still bright red from the fact Trace had kissed her cheek. Lainey was planning on falling asleep as soon as the tent was set up since this most likely was not real since what was the chances two guys say they like her ? Not likely. " I am just gonna fond my way or attempt to .... " Lainey said awkwardly before backing up and eventually sprinting into the building as she tried to remember where her room was. "67" She said quietly remembering the conversation with Trace that she had been quite bold since she thought was a dream and was highly annoyed by Trace at the time then she took the stairs until she founder her room.
When she opened the door she grabbed th pajamas before heading into the bathroom and was happy it had warm water since Trace had mentioned his didn't. After taking a shower and taking care of her mess of hair, she found her hair the and braided it before putting on her pajamas. Tomorrow would likely mean more swear unless she could finally feet her body to become confident enough to talk to Pryce or Trace normally. She honestly hoped they would keep their shirts on this time... After she felt all warm and clean she headed back down into the yard and smiled at the people. Lainey was hoping the girls wouldn't kill her when they found out about the boy's confessions. Edited at August 6, 2018 12:07 PM by Complicated

I had that problem yesterday... I refused to let the candy live so even though I had enough sugar I left no survivors...) Lainey looked around confused by why Trace left but shrugged since she would have some time to figure out exactly what to do. There was the chance they would get jealous and start looking at each other like competition which she didn't want. Lainey eventually sat awkwardly by the fire and refused to make eye contact with anyone as she stared into the fire but eventually had to close her eyes and scoot away from the heat. " Where the hell is confidence when you need it?" She mumbled clwselt not pleased and began to wonder where Trace was but her want to avoid awkwardness over powered it and she was stuck there not making eye contact, saying nothing , deep in thought , and pulling out grass.
Edited at August 6, 2018 12:59 PM by Complicated

School is starting in two weeks... Ugh...)

Elaina picked up another box and paused to watch the boys before walking to the steps of the jet . She had successfully managed not to mention their confessions but any words between them had been awkward since they most likely wanted to know how she felt but she was honest nervous. After she set the box in the back , she walked down the stairs and almost slipped but caught herself before she landed on her but and went tumbling down the steps." Hey, is there anything else we need to load? Actually , I think I saw a box of supplies in the back..." She said unbraiding her hair and letting the soft , wavy , light colored fawn hair flow over her shoulder and nervously biting her lip. Today Eliana was wearing a white tank top, pair of blue and white Nike's shorts, and the pair of tennis shoes that she wore for yesterday's training. " This jet is fancy! Last time I was in there I was more focused on the people than the actual jet" Lainey said with a shrug was she loaded another box into the jet that she almost dropped since it was so heavy.
Lainey was unaware of the two men watching her every move from behind a blacked out SUV just waiting for her to get alone. " Your cousin is hot" Ace smirked before flinching as a tattooed man slapped him on the back of his head. " You touch her I kill you " Wesley muttered to the blue-haired man who was nervously fiddling with his gun. They were assigned by Mr. Hellis to retrieve his only granddaughter who he recently just learned about after finding out sbout the murder of his daughter which happened last year. Edited at August 7, 2018 12:47 PM by Complicated

" Trace..." Lainey suddenly felt bad since she knew this was her fault so she suddenly stood up and cleared her throat. " Umm...I guess I should have answered both of you instead of silently attempting to avoid awkwardness or my own embarssment. Anyway, I like both of you as in I have a crush on both of you so... Please try not to kill each other?" She said blinking before awkwardly sitting down again and watching them. It felt nice to get that out the way but now she had to worry about them getting jealous to competing with each other. It seemed there was nothing worse than the awkward silence that was present at practice. " I think I should head to the storage since Trace forgot about those ..." Elaina said standing up and almost falling over but she caught herself. Edited at August 7, 2018 02:32 PM by Complicated

Elaina watched the boys drag the crate into the jet before jogging to go get the last box that was in the back . She was completely unaware of the men now following on foot as she entered and looked around until she saw the last box before freezing when she heard a voice behind her. " Don't scream" Ace said with a smirk before covering her mouth and Lainey eyes grew wide and she bit his hand and he dropped a photo from his hands. " You little piece of sh*t!" Ace snapped angrily before pushing her into the wall. The pain hurt her side but she tried to remember what little training she had which she probably couldn't pull off so she kicked him between the legs and ran. Wesley tackled her and his large body knocked the wind out of her . When Wes rolled off she was gasping for air and suddenly felt a prick of pain before she lost consciousness...
Wesley glared at Ace " What the hell did you inject her with?!" He snapped and tossed her limp body over his shoulder. Ace shrugged " Some weird mixture of drugs that someone ordered me"

Elaina watched the boys drag the crate into the jet before jogging to go get the last box that was in the back . She was completely unaware of the men now following on foot as she entered and looked around until she saw the last box before freezing when she heard a voice behind her. " Don't scream" Ace said with a smirk before covering her mouth and Lainey eyes grew wide and she bit his hand and he dropped a photo from his hands. " You little piece of sh*t!" Ace snapped angrily before pushing her into the wall. The pain hurt her side but she tried to remember what little training she had which she probably couldn't pull off so she kicked him between the legs and ran. Wesley tackled her and his large body knocked the wind out of her . When Wes rolled off she was gasping for air and suddenly felt a prick of pain before she lost consciousness...
Wesley glared at Ace " What the hell did you inject her with?!" He snapped and tossed her limp body over his shoulder. Ace shrugged " Some weird mixture of drugs that someone ordered me"

Elaina watched the boys drag the crate into the jet before jogging to go get the last box that was in the back . She was completely unaware of the men now following on foot as she entered and looked around until she saw the last box before freezing when she heard a voice behind her. " Don't scream" Ace said with a smirk before covering her mouth and Lainey eyes grew wide and she bit his hand and he dropped a photo from his hands. " You little piece of sh*t!" Ace snapped angrily before pushing her into the wall. The pain hurt her side but she tried to remember what little training she had which she probably couldn't pull off so she kicked him between the legs and ran. Wesley tackled her and his large body knocked the wind out of her . When Wes rolled off she was gasping for air and suddenly felt a prick of pain before she lost consciousness... Her dreams were colorful and quite bizarre with rainbows , mules , fluffy pillows, and these weird dog-like Creature a that had the body of a adorable dog but the faces of Trace and Pryce but they had eight eyes!
Wesley glared at Ace " What the hell did you inject her with?!" He snapped and tossed her limp body over his shoulder. Ace shrugged " Some weird mixture of drugs that someone gave me" . The tattooed man rolled his eyes " We have to get going before they discover her missing!" He said before hurrying to the car and flooring it as they sped towards the entrance. They were too stupid to notice they dropped a family photo of a woman that looked exactly like Elaina but in a slightly older version with two men one being the painting guy in a younger verison. On the back there was a note:
To my lovely daughter Scarlet Rose Hellis and my son Zack Hellis - Your father Edited at August 7, 2018 03:05 PM by Complicated

Alex chuckled " Yeah, when I saw you in the water and heard coughing I thought I would have to drag you back to shore and do mouth to mouth" . He looked at the other with a smile " We should get you warm and dry before you turn into a popsicle... You can have my shirt since it is still dry" The vampired offered with a small smile as he continued to stay in the same spot by kicking his legs up and down which was a bit annoying but fine. " So what's better this or a shower?" Alex asked curiously with a raised brow and a smirk . Zack was heavier with the clothes soaking up the water which made Alex glad the other didn't have to swim back to shore with soggy clothes in the cold water alone with the person who pushed him running aeounf. Edited at August 10, 2018 02:00 PM by Complicated