Gender: Male
Pisces is nasty, he loves nothing more then to make his enemies lives miserable, and making enemies. He’s a bully, and loves to gang up on weaker wolves. But this is all due to his past. He is actually a wanted criminal in the Kingdom of the Sea, he was convicted for treason. After he almost killed his parents. The king and queen of the Kingdom of the Sea.
His parents were furious when they found out that he didn’t possess magic. They treated him horribly, as they viewed him as a failure.
Pisces never recovered from the way they treated him. So the day magic was leaked to everyone, he turned on his family. He killed his brother, but his sister and parents got away. Pisces holds this with him. And on occasion, he regrets his choices, and Longs to go back to his family. But he shoves those feelings down.
powers: water manipulation
please note that Pisces is the wolf version of a human character in a book I'm writing.