Lonesome Dove
Mentions: Xivu (breifly) & Naomi
Standing there in front of the new female, Dove took her in. Her coat was many colors and her voice was kind as he heard it, but he had no real judegments for her. She had been gathering plants, which made him question if she was more of a medicinal wolf than that of anything else. His head tilted with that thought, but once she began to speak some more and call him love, the male almost bristled. Endearing names, even if they were on accident, were something he detested. Dove was never one to say those words himself, let alone enjoy hearing them. He had been raised rough, but for now he hid the way it affected him with a dip of his head and a faint smile upon his lips.
"Your companion?" His head tilted then, wondering how he had run into her instead of her companion considering the male was who wanted to join, not her. It was all weird to him, but for the moment he chewed it over with his tail ticking against his hocks. "If you both would like to join, I extend the offer." For now, Dove would invite her to join, but as he said it all he heard Xivu scoff faintly. He turned to look at her, but all he saw in the end was her walking away and his curious mind wondered why?
Last Man Standing
Mentions: Husk & Adanne
Ding was content to lick his paw and let things slide, but the moment the female brought up his defect the white male felt his blood boil. His skin felt hot as a rage fueled blush worked its way over his body. Usually he would not care, but right at this moment he wanted to lunge forward and take a snap at her jaws. He would love to just push and push, but currently he wanted to see her scream when his claws gouged themselves into her fur. There was a way to act and no matter how many one made you, you never went at their defects.
Lashing his tail, the male stayed silent as both of them spoke. His pink eyes latched onto the female with a fire burning in their depths as he slowly took a breath. He could not and would not attack on pack territory, but he really wanted to just take a chunk out of her body. "Do as you wish." Was all he finally said as he turned then, showing both of them his back. He would accept whatever they threw at him now, but he was already done with the both of them and he hoped karma came and bit them both where it would hurt for generations.