
Lean looked into Lily's eyes then spoke "I do not really know and later today I will take you there if you want." she said getting to her feet.And walking out of the den to stand with the female delta.

Lily | Delta | Female | M: Lean Lily nodded, backing out of the den. "I would like to scout it out. I know it most likely is safe, but I want to get to know my surroundings." (Oof, short)
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Flame | Elder | Female | M: Lemon Flame walked through the stream, a small fox watching her movements. She picked up Lemon's scent and started following it. She lost it halfway but heard a cackle in the trees. Following the fox, she came across a pond. And there was Lemon sitting next to it. Walking closer, she sat down next to him, hearing Frost cackle in the bushes again. Letting out a sigh, she said, "Lemon, there is something I need to tell you."
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Gwendolyn- omega- M: anyone in the pack Gwendolyn rolled around in the dirt scratching an itch on her back. Once the itch was sated she stared at the clouds sighing softly before rolling to her belly and standing up she shook the dust from her fur leaning down and getting a drink from the pond.

Glacier- Beta- M: pack, Gwendolyn Glacier watched Gwendolyn a moment itching her back and then getting a drink from the pond. She turned her attention away from Gwendolyn then and looked around the territory she stretched letting out a lazy yawn. Her white fur with brown stripes and blue markings glimmering in the sun.

|Fern| Female| Scout| M: Sky, anyone| Fern trotted into camp. She was carrying a white newborn pup. She laid her down, and began to lick her. |Killjoy| Male| Hunter/warrior| M: Fern, anyone| Killjoy dragged a fawn into camp. After barking at the fighting birds he had caught sent of a young, sick deer. He remembered laying next to it as it took its last breathe. Its head was wet due to him licking its head during its final moments. As he dragged it in he was Fern in the shade. He dropped the fawn as his jaw dropped. Fern waas laying with a newborn! He trotted over. "Fern! Congrats!" He said sitting next to her.
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Gwendolyn- Omega- Fern, Killjoy Gwendolyn caught the scent of a newborn and a dead animal. She turned and looked at Fern seeing the new pup and then saw Killjoy drag in a dead fawn. She padded over to Fern. "Congratulations." Glacier- Beta- M:Fern, Killjoy, new pup Glacier turned to see Fern trot into the camp with the new pup and went over to say her congratulations as well. Seeing Killjoy enter the camp a couple minutes later dragging a dead fawn.

Lemon looked at Flame "Ok Flame you may tell me."he said a sigh in his voice.Getting up and sitting next to Flame.He sniffed the air smelling the sent of newborn and Dead filled his nose.He looked at Flame waiting for a answer.

Flame | Elder | Female | M: Lemon Flame let out a sigh before looking over at Lemon. "I recently have went on a journey to find my mother's grave and found something I wasn't expecting." A shadow flickered, telling her the foxes were leaving. "I found my mother but also a long lost brother. I am however, having trouble convincing him to join the pack."
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Dark Knight/ lone wolf/ Male Dark Knight sniffs out a smell, another wolf, two wolves. he slinks through the bushes and makes out two shadowy figures. Lemon and Flame. He stalks them as they speak to one another, he prepares to pounce but is intrigued by what they're talking about.