
"Across the stream" he said a soothing tone with in."Come I can show you." he said walking towards the stream.Once he reached it he waited for Lily to get to the same spot. (Writers block again)

Lily | Female | Delta | M: Lemon Lily followed Lemon to the spot before looking across the stream. That's what I thought. She thought before putting her paws in the stream. "I came through that burned forest earlier, and saw nothing. There was a bunch of fox traps but no foxes in sight. And you said this wolf lived alone right?" She looked back him before saying, "He wasn't alone when I came through. It looked like they had just come back from a journey or something."
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"I do not remeber saying anything about the fox that lives with him but yes a fox does live with him."he said not knowing if she would trust him or leave.He sighed and walked on.

Lily | Female | Delta | M: Lemon "You didn't have to say anything about a fox. I have scouted that forest. There is two trickster foxes that lives there and maybe with him. There was four figures that had come back from a journey or something the last time I passed through. 2 foxes 2 wolves." She said, walking next to him following.
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"Yes the other wolf would be Lean my sister most likely the other fox no idea."he replied with a little pick in his tone.Walking towards the woods he stopped.

Lily | Female | Delta | M: Lemon Lily stopped confused. "Umm. . .Your sister isn't the ones with the pups then? Because the other wolf was red, not brown." She walked back to him before seeing a shadow move. "Like that." She said, as a form came out before disappearing again.
Flame | Elder | Female | M: Lemon Flame trotted through the woods before seeing Frost scamper up a tree. A sudden weight on her back told her that he was tired of walking. Walking forward, she stopped as she heard talking. Walking forward until she could see, she saw Lemon. What is he doing here? She thought turning. The only thing visible was her coat as she walked deeper into the forest.
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Lemon tensed up not for sure who that was.Maybe he cheated on my sister was going throught his mind he then let out a howl loud and long. ~~ Leans head shot up when she heard her brothers howl leaveing her pups behind.She came to her brothers side and stopped looking at Lily "What is wrong?" she asked a scared voice within her told her something bad.

Flame | Female | Elder | M: Lemon Flame looked back before heaving a sigh. Turning, she let out a high pitched howl, unusual for her and a non-communicator. She wouldn't be recognized, as Shadow had said. And true to the word, a deep high pitched howl came back at her. If she hadn't know any better, she would have thought it was a different lone wolf. She started back to the clearing, sticking to the shadows.
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Lemon stopped howling and ran across the stream leaveing Lily and his sister behind.Running past the pack and into the woods he stopped in another clearing.He watched to see if anyone was behind him or trying to fallow he walked North-East to a spot he knew that would be clear of any and all things besides a little pond. ~~ Lean looked at Lily then at where the howl came from "we should leave."she said padding back to the pack in the clearing.She walked to her den seeing the pups still asleep she walked in leaveing the world behind her.

Lily | Female | Delta | M: Lemon, Lean Lily heard the howl before hearing Lean, "We should leave." Nodding, she followed her back to the pack before laying down underneath a tree. Only then did she remember. Walking over to the den, she asked, "Where is the elders? And when are we going to that safe spot of yours?"
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