
Lemon jerked his head up when Flame had left running after her to make sure she was ok.He got tired and started to slow down to a walk he was to tired to run after her he let out a howl. ~~ Lean saw her brother leave but thought nothing of it.She stayed with the pups and playing with them.She laughed and Vic pinned her to the ground and rolled back up.She shook the grass off her back and layed down.

Flame | Elder | Female | M: Lemon Flame heard the howl, Mouse-brain, you forgot that Lemon had been there too. She thought annoyed to herself. She couldn't let it damper her mood though. Shadow was a father! Flame had to talk with him. She continued on until she made it to the stream. Once there, she sat down panting hard. Once her heartbeat had calmed down, she let out three quick yips and waited.
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Lemon sat waiting to see if Flame would come back.No return yet he thought and made his way back to his sister.Laying down in the shade the rock casted down.He watched his sister and her pups playing and haveing fun. ~~ Lean laughed as she watched the pups playing."I think tonight we must have Flame tell you guys a story."she said to her pups which were now out of breath and tired.She walked them up to the den and told them one of her own storys then curled up around them and took a nap.

Flame & Frost Frost had just been about to pounce on a mouse when three sharp yips rung out. He did manage to get it, but he also took to the trees and headed for the stream. Reaching it, he saw the female on the other side and cackled a greeting. Flame lifted her head before starting across. A low deep howl rung out in the trees close by. He got a deer. Was Flame's thought as she trotted up the bank towards the howl.
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(Writers block) Lemon watched his sister leave and smiled to himself.He got up and walked to Lily he sat down infront of her. "Are you new to the pack?" he asked not remembering her when he meet the pack.

Lily | Female | Delta | M: Lemon Lily looked over at the yellow wolf before replying, "I am not. I just haven't been around lately. Hunting, patrolling, seeing where we might be able to stay long term. Who might you be?" She cocked her head towards him.
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Lemon with a puzzled look on his face waited a second then replied "I am Lemon newer comer to the pack and at one time or another you might run into my sister." He looked around and sighed "This would be a great place but seeing as my sister has a fight to pick with the neighbor she has thought of leaveing but she decided to stay."he said standing his full hight not knowing truely who the female was.

Lily | Female | Delta | M: Lemon Lily noticed him stand to his full height and let out a chuckle. Standing up into the delta position, she said, "My name is Lily, delta of this pack. And your sister must be the one with the pups then." She looked him over before saying, "The neighbor is whom?"
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Lemon looked over Lily before speaking "Yes Lean id her name and Shadow many might know the name but many might not know."he said with a smooth tone yet enough to make it seem as if he was not keeping anything back.

Lily | Female | Delta | M: Lemon Lily nodded, noticing he didn't take his pose down. Hmm. . .wait a minute. "Where is his territory by the way? I've been in the forest all over around here." She had a smooth tone with a small glitch as she remembered seeing something else in the woods.
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