
Goldbeak I Golden Eagle I Male I M:Lean, Lemon Goldbeak pulled back his wings, narrowly avoiding the jaws of the adult wolves. He bared his talons instinctively for protection, and swerved out of the way. The eagle landed on the grass, looking at the wolves. He could see the pups, curious and mewling and frightened. His eyes looked back at their parents. He let out a penetrating screech, fluffing out his feathers and stomping the ground with his talons. There was no way to get those pups now, and no way to tell if he would survive...

Flame | Female | Elder | M: Lemon, Goldbeak, Lean, pups Flame saw the eagle swoop down and Lemon and Lean snap. Picking up one of the pups, she placed it in a den before picking up another. Once all three were in the den, she curled her tail around them. Laying down, she placed her head on top of them. The only way for the eagle to get to them was through her if he got in the den. The parents would protect the outside as much as possible.
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Lean sat there for a minute before getting up noticeing Flame had got the pups and would protect them."I would like to know the reasoning for you comeing to my territory and trying to take MY babies."she asked while walking back and forth infront of her annoyed brother. ~~ Lemon annoyed a little his sister asked the eagle to sit down sat.Watching the eagle and his sister he knew she would not hurt anything unless needed.Why in the world did she ask him to sit down he thought.

Goldbeak I Golden Eagle I Male I M: Lean, Lemon The wolves formed an inpenetrable wall in front of the den. Goldbeak's muscles tensed, waiting. But the wolves just balked at him stupidly. His eyes locked on one of them, screeching. But the creatures did not react. Goldbeak tentatively treaded backwards into the safety of the brush still wondering what those wolves would do...

Flame | Female | Elder | M: Lemon, Lean, Goldbeak Flame lifted her head in time to hear the eagle go into the brush. "Lean, most eagles, hawks and falcons can not understand us. It's the owls and foxes we can understand and they can understand us." Flame got up, tucking the now sleeping pups in the corner of the den before walking out to stand next to Lemon. Yawning, she laid back down from exhaustion to listen to the brother and sister talk. Edited at April 6, 2021 12:28 PM by Fangsoffire
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Seya | Wolf | Female | *Shy, anxious* Seya sighed and got out of the water and shook her fur. She sighed and then yawned and stretched her legs. She walked around and tried not to get attacked from nowhere. She didn't really want to get attacked by some random animal.

Lily | Female | Delta | M: Delta(lol) Lily came back into the clearing with her prey, her long claws clicking on small rocks. Dropping her prey nearby, she walked over to the healer before adressing Delta, who was huddled over Topaz's lifeless form. Dipping her head, she sat down beside her before saying, "Why don't we go fishing? Might get your mind off of this until tonight when we can have a proper mourning service."
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Delta-Female-Scout-M: Lily "Why don't we go fishing? Might get your mind off of this until tonight when we can have a proper mourning service." The voice startled Delta as she looked up and saw the delta female, Lily. "Oh, yeah, that sounds like a great idea." She folowed Lily down to the stream and tried to put on a brave face but on the inside her heart was breaking from the loss of her mate.

Lily | Female | Delta | M: Delta Lily walked down to the stream, Delta close behind. Stopping at the edge, she sat down before looking over at the female. She didn't know much about the scout except that she recently got a mate. The male that she had been standing over could have been it. Stray dogs and their hatred for wolves. Lily thought to herself, remembering the zoo and the human pups bringing dogs. Yappy dogs. Looking towards the stream, a flash of movement made her lunge forward, her claws flipping a trout onto the shore. Letting a yawn escape, she turned back to Delta, "He was your mate I'm guessing? And the to-be alpha."
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((Did the pack move yet?)) Gwendolyn- Omega- m:pack Gwendolyn wandered around their territory she was hungry and her stomach grumbled she caught the scent of the rabbit and followed it into the brush.