
LightningWing | Peregrine falcon | Male | M: RedWing Lightning turned a sharp turn around a tree, coming out behind the hawk who had decided to follow. It had already ran into a tree which gave him the birth to fly over it and claw it's right wing. If he remembered right, that was the one that had been hurt beforehand. After clawing the hawk, he dodged a tree and tree branch before weaving the trees again, circling around.
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RedWing-Female-Red Tailed Hawk-M: LightningWing RedWing felt the clawing on her wing and screached. That was the one that had been broken. Turning around she watched the falcon. When he dove down again she clawed his wing. Then her wing started to hurt and she couldn't fly any longer. Landing on a tree she watched the falcon.

Seya | Wolf | Female | *Shy, anxious* Seya trotted around to the small stream and drank some water from it. She then slowly looked around before she started cleaning herself and her thick white fur. She, after doing this for a good solid thirty minutes, had nothing better to do so she laid down and yawned.

LightningWing | Peregrine falcon | Male | M: RedWing Lightning screeched as talons clawed his wing but then the hawk landed. Flapping up, he glided above the trees before breaking off a branch. He dropped it down on the hawk, distracting it before dropping on it, clawing it's wings and back. Flying back up, he circled before letting out a screech heading for the stream.
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Seya | Wolf | Female | *Shy, anxious* M: LightningWing Seya's ears flicked as she heard something. She got up slowly and tried to find what it was. She hear bird noises but those were always chattering around her. She sniffed the air and then flinched. It was a bird that had screeched. She back up and almost slipped into the water.

|Killjoy| Male| Hunter/warrior| Killjoy was hunting when a screech startled the deer. "His head shot up. What the hell was that?!" He growl. He turned and galloped across the soft forest ground. He skidded to a stop when he was a bird fight. If they keep up this fight, and scare all the prey away, I'm gonna eat them instead! He thought with a chuckle. He howled at them.
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(sorry yall I have been so busy with stuff and finally out of the hospital nothing bad.Please do not ask what happened.) Leans head shot up when the bird's screech reached her ears.She got up fast and walked to her pups hovering over them.She looked around noticeing the fight above she heard the howl and everything her breath started to become weak her heart beating fast as she heard all the noise.She felt her body hit the ground as she had fainted with the heat she had brought up as she had worried this might happen. ~~ Lemon ran to his sisters side takeing her spot above the pups to protect them.He watched the fight as he was worried about everything.(Writers block)

Goldbeak I Male I Golden Eagle I M: Pups, Lean, Lemon He finally reached the clearing after a tiresome flight through the dark woods. He hastily observed the area. There it is! Goldbeak's eyes locked on a den. He heard screeches and howls nearby. Don't distract yourself. The eagle clicked his beak, thinking what he should do next. He saw the two wolves standing watch. Parents, he thought. A pity they will have to witness what will befall them. The eagle opened his wings and took flight, letting the crisp, open air push him higher and higher. Goldbeak knew it would only be a short time before his wings complained again. He had to make the best of it. The eagle soared and soared, his eyes focused on the wolves and their pups, squealing and playing. Goldbeak took some time to think as he circled around the den. Then he made up his mind, and swooped in...

Flame | Elder | Female | M: Lemon, Lean Flame got back to the clearing in time to hear a screech. The hawk had landed in a tree and that falcon had come back. Shaking her head, she walked over to Lemon and Lean. "Are you two okay?" She asked.
LightningWing | Peregrine falcon | Male | M: Killjoy, Seya
Lightning heard the howl and hovered for a moment, clacking his beak at the wolf. He was in no mood for another battle. Letting out a piercing screech, he flew over to the river before spotting another wolf(Seya). It looked as if she had just fallen into the river. Clacking his beak again, he flew over the forest before landing in a small hollow. He would have to find food later.
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(thanks for not asking.) Lemon snapped his jaws at the eagle above them watching him and the pups."please leave eagle."he said trying to keep his body hovering over the pups. ~~ Lean opened her eyes seeing the eagle set off a boom inside of her.She stood on her hind legs reaching her nose towards the eagle she snapped her jaws missing.She began to lose her mind in the mother way a wolf would do she began to snap and chase the eagle hopeing he would leave or land and sit so she could talk with him.She stopped and sat down not annoyed anymore with the eagle. She let out a yawn opening her jaws and blinking her eyes then spoke "Mr.Eagle sir would you land I will not attack and I will make sure my brother does not either." she said nodding her head towards the ground.