
The Legendary Wolf said: (Hey y'all I think imma drop)
Noooo Kai just became alpha D:
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Jumping Wolves said: The Legendary Wolf said: (Hey y'all I think imma drop)
Noooo Kai just became alpha D:
Sorry I didn't notice I've just been so busy I couldn't read everything, so I sorta thought it was best...if I need to I will re-join))

(Let's get this back on the road!) Flame | Elder | Female | M: Pack Flame walked through the trees, the journey had tired her out. Yawning, she finally got back to the clearing where she plopped down underneath a tree. Closing her eyes, she listened to the wolves around her trying to figure out what she missed.
LightningWing | Peregrine falcon | Male | M: Goldbeak Lightning flew above the forest, his injured leg starting to heal. He could finally put weight on it but not too much yet. Mice did pretty well in this situation but he was getting hungrier for rabbit and trout. Flying above the trees, he spotted an eagle. Not just any eagle, he thought to himself, It's that same one. He rolled his eyes, he wasn't in too much of a position to fight just yet. Lightning did however let out a screech to remind the eagle that he was still there. Circling once, he headed back towards the tall pine that he had been nesting in.
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Goldbeak I Male I Golden Eagle I M:Lightning Wing The screech stunned his flight and the eagle, shocked, took a quick landing on a tree. His eyes saw a shadow above him, but it flew by too quickly. Little mouse-brain, Goldbeak thought. He let out his own call, relishing its sound as it pierced through the forest. He gave his feathers a quick preen, and flew deeper into the woods. After all, he had more pressing matters to see to...

Delta-Female-Scout-M: Topaz, Dakoda Delta watched in horror as Dakoda the dog jumped on Topaz and killed him. Another wolf grabbed Dakoda but Delta didn't bother. "Nooo!" By instint Delta jumped ontop of Dakoda and started to tear and bite him. She bit his leg but Dakoda scratched her shoulder. Together they restled until Delta got her chance. Dakoda turned around and for a second she could see his neck. Leaping up she bit down on his neck hard, killing him. RedWing-Female-Red Tailed Hawk-M: LightningWing, Goldbeak, Delta(ind.) Topaz(ind.) RedWing had stayed behind when Delta went to find Topaz. Her wing had healed enough for her to fly and she was ready to. Taking a running start she flew into the air. The wind on her wing hurt it a little but she loved the feeling of being in the air again. Looking around RedWing saw the falcon(LightningWing) and the eagle(Goldbeak). She remembered that it was the falcon's fault that she had broken her wing. Getting closter to the falcon she streached out her talons and dove in for his head.

Flame | Elder | Female | M: Open Flame stretched before walking over to a small stream. Dipping into it, she washed off the new scents of where she had gone. She didn't wash her head off as she didn't want to get her ears wet yet. Shaking her fur, she walked over to the clearing where she looked around for the rest of the pack.
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LightningWing | Peregrine falcon | Male | M: RedWing Lightning felt a small shift in the wind, usually made when somebird was attacking him. Plunging down suddenly, he came up hard, his left talons raking whatever had attacked him. Flying higher, he looked down to find that hawk again. Letting out a screech, he went into his breaknecking dive...
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(Nothing like a bird battle to get the RP going again!) RedWing-Female-Red Tailed Hawk-M: LightningWing RedWing felt talons digging into her leg. Screaching she flew down to see what it was. She looked up just in time to see LighningWing dive down on her. She flew to the side and stuck out her talcons to claw the bird's wing but instead it got the LightningWing's leg.

(You betcha!) LightningWing | Peregrine falcon | Male | M: RedWing Lightning plunged past before feeling talons on his already hurt leg. Letting out another screech, he rolled in midflight, flapping up to get a good look at the hawk. He kept flapping up as he knew he would hold on long. That's when he remembered. Duh. He thought before plunging, weaving the trees easily and going through bushes. His size made it easier for him then a hawk or eagle.
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RedWing-Female-Red Tailed Hawk-M: LightningWing RedWing watched the falcon dive through the trees. If she had been think properly and sensibly she wouldn't of followed, but she wasn't so she did follow the faclon. Diving down and trying to follow LightningWing she almost ran into a tree but saved herself at the last moment. Turning around to see if anyone was behind her she did run into a tree. When RedWing hit the tree she flapped around awkwardly then regained her ballance and flew off to find LightningWing again.