
💎Topaz💎Beta(Alpha now) 💎male💎M:everyone Topaz was sitting on a rock watching birds in the sky before he heard Delta talk to him "Topaz! There you are, I was looking for you. I sent the hawk out to find the alphas and she found Odin dead and Jewel was no where. That means you and Kai are the next alphas! We are going to have to have a official party to make you and Kai alphas but you are going to be the alpha!" Topaz turned toward her and smiled letting her nuzzle into him "I thought the Alpha male's mate is the alpha female?" his eyes became unfocused before he shook his head. 🌌Dakota🌌Stray🌌Male🌌M:everyone He dodged the net this time and sprinted further in the forest seeig a hawk upahead he followed it intill the stench of wolf filled his nose once again grinning he shifted downwind watching a male and a female talking (Topaz and Delta) Seeing the female as the best target due to...his difficulty dealing with the black male wolf from earlier he lunged toward the female claping his jaws in a neck bite (or lock?

Delta-Female-Scout-M: Topaz, Dakota Delta looked at Topaz. "I thought the Alpha male's mate is the alpha female?" He said. "Well, Kai is the be....OW!" Delta felt sharp teeth sink into her neck put trying to get away made it worse. She looked around to see a dog facing her with saliva dripping and looking every bit like a killer.

Flame/Elder & Shadow/Loner Flame watched the others for a moment before going into the woods. Soon, a familiar wolf was trotting beside her with a fluffball on his back. The little fox yipped her greeting before falling asleep as another one landed on her own back. The male curled up, making it look as if 'Any friend of Shadow's is friend of mine'. Flame followed Shadow in silence as they went deeper into the woods.
(No one respond to them please! This is my way of getting out of the RP until I can post something again. Discussions for more details on that~)
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💎Topaz💎Beta(Alpha now) 💎male💎M:everyone Delta was talking to him and he shook himself out of his train of thought "Well, Kai is the be....OW!" Topaz saw the dog ontop of his mate and everything went blank. He grabbed the dog by the scruff and tossed him off his mate he let out a Fierce snarl Dakota and topaz charged at one another both snarling and snapping in the end Topaz had Dakota pinned to the ground bleeding badly Topaz's teeth still in his neck.

🌌Dakota🌌Stray🌌Male🌌M:everyone Dakota waited for the male wolf to turn his back on him once he had Dakota lunged ontop of the male sank his teeth into his neck and twisted sideways instantly killing the male. 💥Amethyst💥hunter/warrior💥female Amethyst just couldnt live any longer she had hurt her pack and the only female that was close to being her second mother she dug a deep enough hole in the streak to where it could drowned her, after awhile her lungs were burning and then everything went black. 🐺Amaruq🐺hunter/warrior🐺male🐺 Amaruq was walking through the forest before getting swatted into a tree by a gaint paw realising it was a bear Amaruq tried to run but the bear sliced into Amaruq's belly and he died of blood lose.

|Killjoy| Male| Hunter/warrior| Killljoy lunged for the stray dog he had followed. He grabbed it by the scruff and shook it like a toy. He buryed his teeth deeper into the scruff until he tasted blood. Then he dropped the dog and grabbed it by the muzzle, as a warning.
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|Fern| Female| Scout| Fern was walking back to the pack when she saw Amethyst. She reacted with a yelp, and pulled her out of the hole. (I hope this is okay with you ultima) "What are you doing?!" She asked as she dropped her on the ground and laid down next to her. She then began to lick her head.
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Out of Rp guys I am way to busy to do this and I have stuff to do so bye.

Silver| Male| Coyote Silver walked through the woods slowly. The white coyote didn't want to disturb anyone and certainly didn't want to start a fight. Even though he would most likely flee, he at least wanted to live for a while. He sniffed the air and tried looking for others to see where they would be but didn't see anyone. He shrugged and continued on his way. Not even bothered by the fact that no one was around that he could see.

(Hey y'all I think imma drop)