
Lemon heard a help call and ran that way trying to help with what he could he ran to her aid and was trying to bite the dogs back leg while trying to miss Flame.He got a bite and tried to pull the dog off of the elder.

Flame | Elder | Female | M: Lemon, Kodiak Flame backed up as Lemon came in. She ran to one side, panting heavily for the effort. A low growl came from above her and she looked up to find a ball of fur shoot out of the tree. Ropes covered the dog as the fox circled it and tightened them. After a few made knots, the fox came back hissing at the dog. It looked at Flame before giving a wink and scampered up a tree again. Flame sat down confused.
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Seya | Wolf | Female | *Shy, anxious* M: Faith Seya blushed from the compliment and smiled shyly. "T-thanks." Her tail wagged faster from this. When was the last time she got complimented? She couldn't remember. "It means a lot to me that you would think of me as beautiful."

Faith | Great Horned Owl | Female | M: Seya Faith turned her head to the side, "Think you are beautiful no. Know you beautiful. See that Others should." She said, surprised that the wolf hadn't gotten complimented about this before. Her feathers puffed up before smoothing down as a cold wind blew.
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Seya | Wolf | Female | *Shy, anxious* M: Faith Seya blinked for a few seconds before she finally realized what Faith had said. "W-well.. I'm not sure about that. I'm not beautiful." She said and then wrapped her tail close to her legs and hugged it, muttering something inaudible to her tail.

|Killjoy| Hunter/warrior| Male| Killjoy barked at the fox as he skidded to a stop next to Flame. "What was that about?" He asked, running his nose over her fur, smelling for any blood. "Are you okay?" He asked as he sat down next to her.
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Flame | Elder | Female | M: Killjoy Flame blinked at the wolf that appeared beside her. "I'm okay. That dog attacked me." She watched him for a moment before laying down, tired from the fight.
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|Killjoy| Hunter/warrior| Male| Killjoy laid down between the elder and the dog. He snarled at it and laid there watching it with slit eyes. He heard a faint pitter patter of a deer hoof, but he ignored it. Someone else could get it.
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Seya | Wolf | Female | *Shy, anxious* M: Faith Seya blinked and looked at Faith now. She removed her tail from her paws and smiled a little. "So.. How did you find this place?" She asked as she picked up a little petal from her fur and threw it up into the air and saw it float away from the wind.

Delta-Female-Scout-M: RedWing, Topaz, Odin(Ind.), Jewel(Ind.) Delta heard the hawk and new that Odin was dead and Jewel might be too. Thanking the hawk she went off to find Topaz. Running up to her mate Delta told Topaz what happened. "Topaz! There you are, I was looking for you. I sent the hawk out to find the alphas and she found Odin dead and Jewel was no where. That means you and Kai are the next alphas! We are going to have to have a official party to make you and Kai alphas but you are going to be the alpha!" She nuzzled into his soft fur. "You are going to be my mate also."