
Goldbeak I Golden Eagle I Male He hated this. He hated all of it. To lose his lands to a bunch of foxes was no good. To injure himself in an useless fight was no good. To sit here waiting in this elm was no good. His wings ached to be flying even though he knew he couldn't. His claws itched to kill again. There will be a kill tonight, he promised himself. He just needed to be quiet. Goldbeak's mind wandered back to the encounter with that fox. It was only the second time they had met but the eagle knew that damned vixen was dangerous. And who knows what other dangers there were now? He did not forget that black wolf the fox had accompanied or the small brown one cuddling with her packmate. Damn them, he thought bitterly. The eagle stopped himself from screeching in frustration. Not now, he reminded himself. Suddenly, the leaf litter rustled beneath his perch and there it was: a fat brown chipmunk. Goldbeak's stomach growled impatiently. It was the best he could hope for that the creature didn't hear the sound. How stupid was he, how weak must he be if he had to kill prey like this. He was an eagle not a stork. Goldbeak shrugged the thought away and got ready to make his kill... Edited at March 30, 2021 02:29 PM by Lansnow

Lemon walked with his sister back to Flame "Flame this is Lean my sister I hope you grow to like her."he said while walking off leaveing Lean behind. ~~ "So your name is Flame right well welcome to the L eande territory." she said laying down."I think you guys will be happy here."she said a happy voice within.

Flame | Elder | Female | M: Lean, Lemon Flame listened to two pair of pawsteps come towards her. Opening her eyes, she lifted her head to see two blobs of fur. My eyesight is getting worse it seems. She thought before saying to the female, "I hope they will be. I'm happy wherever they are. However, I am a bit worried with the foxes and a certain wolf around."
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"Oh really would that wolf fall under the name of Shadow?" she said with a concern for the pack."I know him trust me I think you will have no problem with him for right now Just do not cross the stream and we're good."

Flame | Elder | Female | M: Lean, Lemon Flame cocked her head, "Shadow?" Her eyes took a faraway look in them and she didn't hear the rest. Could it be? She thought to herself before getting up. "I'm going for a walk." She said to Lemon before walking slowly into the forest.
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(Sorry I was gone so long) Sandstorm-Male-Hunter/Warrior-M: Amathist Sandstorm raced after Amathist. What is she doing? He thought. He leaped through rivers and over logs as he followed Amathist. He was close enough to see her but far enough away not to let her know that he was there. Walking over to the rest of the pack behind Amathist he saw her. She was mad, it was obvious. People were talking but he couldn't hear them, his gaze was focused on Amathist. RedWing-Female-Red Tailed Hawk-M: Topaz, Amaruq RedWing was listening to Flame's story when a wolf(Topaz) came up behind her. “Get away from my mate go shu!" he said. “Topaz chill the hawk is friendly...at least to Delta for right now” Another wolf said(Amaruq). "Ra! Ya! Me be friendly to good wolf, not you! Ra!" and she landed a peck on Topaz's nose. Edited at March 29, 2021 04:00 PM by Frank's Wolf Pack

(Not really sure what has happened since I was last here so I'll do this. Would anyone be so kind to enlighten me with what's going on so I know?) Seya | Wolf | Female | *Shy, anxious* Seya looked around and sighed. She was on her own for a while now and was staring at a flower that would refuse to bloom. She was worried that she could not do anything to save the poor flower but she didn't know what to do. Her ears fell back as she laid down and whimpered. Her snow-white fur, now messy and brown in certain spots.

(You might want to read over All the posts to see where we are @Frank's) Flame | Elder | Female | M: Open Flame walked into the forest before coming to a rock boulder. Long claw marks marked it as the border of the bear sleuth. Underneath it was a small deer skull that she had laid a long time ago. She sat down by the small grave before closing her eyes, listening to the sounds around her.
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💥Amethyst💥hunter/warrior💥female💥M:everyone Amethyst bristled her fur her canines bared as Sndstorm nuzzled into her she tucked her tail between her legs before fleeing further away from him crossing the stream and sat under a tree her amber eyes glaring at him. 💎Topaz💎Beta(Alpha now) 💎male Topaz blinked as the hawk pecked his nose "Allright fine i'll share Delta with you my name is To-" he was interupted by a snarl from his sister he looked over and realized Sandstorm was trying to comfort Amethyst he flicked his ear at Delta before trotting over to Sandstorm and put his nose into his friend's fur as a show of pity "Dont mind her Sandstorm she is just scared and confused. She will come around sooner or later...well atleast i hope so" Topaz glanced back at his siter realizing how everything turned black around her then back to normal after she was a far distance away from things "She's still...in a world we cant enter." he sighed shaking his head he walked off to go find something to eat.

(Go to discussion for a summary^^) Faith | Great Horned Owl | Female | M: Seya Faith opened her eyes, seeing twilight starting. Stretching her wings, she let out a screech before gliding out of the hollow. Flapping slightly, she came upon the stream where she plunged, her talons piercing a trout. Flying up, she landed on the bank to eat. Once done, she lifted off again and circled in the sky scanning the forest for Seya.
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