
Lemon looked at the wolf then at the snakes "Well a couple things I have known is I remember you I remeber this land and full this is half yours and right now the stream is a line that this is fully my sisters land."he said jumping to the side missing a snake bite."She has been under the weather for a little bit but her Mate ran off would you have anything to do with that and would you and would you remember the name Lean?" he asked looking into the wolfs eyes. Edited at March 29, 2021 11:19 AM by Try us

Shadow | Loner | Male | M: Lemon Shadow flicked his ears, Frost jumping to the branches above. He knew for a fact that the stream was the border. He didn't hunt in it as most would, but that was where he liked to play around with the bear sleuth. Lean. Lean. Lean. I'm not good with names. He flicked his ears before Frost hopped down again. "I don't know." He said, cackling slightly. Shadow rolled his eyes. Icicle would be the one to know him. "If he was close to the bear sleuth around 3 moons ago then I would think he got killed by the stampede." Shadow responded to the wolf. Frost immediately sat up, "Oh yea, I forgot about that one. A couple foxes and deer got caught in that stampede too." Frost panted, laughing before jumping into the tree to eat some grubs.
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(I should have put this before that Lean is lemons sister.)also where is everyone?) "Lean is not dead she is at the den above the hills I think you should know her Shadow."he said with a tone enough to get a deer to faint."I think the name will come to you soon enough."he said while turning around and walking to Flame.

(Oh, and I have no idea) Shadow | Loner | Male | M: Lemon Shadow chuckled to himself, Well, I know that one is Lemon for sure. The female wolf that owns the other territory should come to me shortly. He thought before stretching. Frost cackled, "Ah, the lone wolves and their attitudes I should say." He jumped down before pulling a rope. The vipers instantly got caught in the net and pulled up into the trees. With that, Frost disappeared into the undergrowth as Shadow walked deeper into the burnt forest.
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I can't belive he does not remember me or her. he thought to himself as he walked to Flame and layed down next to her."Flame may I tell you something?"he asked

Flame | Elder | Female | M: Lemon Flame listened as Lemon walked over and layed down beside her. "Flame may I tell you something?" He asked. Lifting her head, she looked over at him pinpointing the yellow blob that she knew was him. She flicked her ears, "Of course Lemon. What is it?"
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"My sister I think I should go up and check on her she has been alone for a while."he said with a sigh I will come back trust me and I will ask if it is ok if we stay with her."he said getting up but waiting for a reply.

Flame | Elder | Female | M: Lemon Flame nodded before laying down her head. "Go ahead. I trust you to come back." She closed her eyes, feeling sleep starting on her wary mind. Opening them, she said, "One thing before you go. Please be careful of the foxes. Some can help us but most like dropping vipers and nets onto you."
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"I know flame I will be careful."he said walking towards his sisters way.He got to his sister and saw her head poke out with a smile on her face "Lemon my brother."she said happy "Lean Lean calm down I was wondering if a pack and I could stay a while?" he asked looking at his sister with hope in his eyes."Yes my brother bring them on."she said while walking to her brother "Ok sis thank you would you like to come with me?" he asked.Lean and lemon walked down the hill to the pack. Also Lean looks like this  :

(She is beautiful!) Icicle | Artic Fox | Female | M: Lemon, Lean Icicle trotted through the forest with the necklace in her mouth. She dropped it into a hole before covering it up, deciding to get it later. Climbing up a tree, she spotted a yellow wolf before seeing a brown female close by. She watched for a moment before heading back to the stream.
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