
(Oof, Sandstorm is not on lol) Flame | Elder | Female | M: Amethyst, Lemon Flame watched sadly as Amethyst moved away ignoring everyone. Sighing, she turned back to Lemon before limping over to him. "What did you want to talk about? I think we can have quiet for a bit." She said, starting back for the trees a bit aways from the others.
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"I was saying that I smelt something and I can not figure out what it is and I think we need to move the seasons are changeing and we need to get somewhere not far but not close either.I do not know if she will share her space with us but she is a-a-a."he studdered before letting it come out of his mouth "she is my sister our mother seperated us at birth for some weird reason."he said a sigh with the last words.

Flame | Female | Elder | M: Lemon Flame listened before flicking her ears, "Then we must go there. Can you show me this scent? My smell and hearing has gotten better as my strength and eyesight decrease." The strength that she had used on Amethyst had tired her out and she sat down.
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Lemon looked up "Yes I think it is getting closer it smells like more than one thing I think it might be another wolf pack."He said with a little fear in his voice."should we head out tomarrow to my sisters place or stay another day or so fair warning my sister is a lot stronger and bigger than us and her mate might not be the most friendly but you can ignore him."he said with a little chuckle in his voice.

Flame | Elder | Female | M: Lemon Flame chuckled, "They might be bigger but we have more numbers. Plus, we can get quite ferocious when we want to be." She flicked her ears before scenting the air. There was a wolf scent but something else. Fox and bear. She thought before remembering. "There was many bears before I got captured, did they make a sleuth? And if so, then we would want to go soon. Tomorrow sounds good, but we will have to spread the word so no one goes wandering." She looked around, "We might have to find the alphas and Kai first though, did you see where she went?" She asked, looking around to see the members. "Uno and Serenity is gone too. I'll send Amaruq to find them."
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"No i have not seen Kia after you told the story she walked towards the No go land for us."he said as he walked that way. telling each wolf as he passed them telling them the plan.He say Kia and walked up to her "come on lets go."he said a tone in his voice they walked back towards the pack.Lemon saw a female wolf on her side and walked over to here side he nudged her softly no respond to the nudge he looked for (I already forgot his name.) the medicane wolf and brought him back to her.

(Reminder that Kai is in the burned forest and thanks to a fox, there are vipers around her lol) Shadow | Male | Loner | M: Lemon, Kai Shadow watched a large wolf, about his own size come out from behind the vipers who were hissing now. He cracked a twig on purpose, showing his deep blue eyes and silhouette before letting out a low growl. Frost let out another cackle before jumping down landing on his back. The fox hissed, it's fur standing up and making him look bigger than what he was.
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(And Lol, it is a bit long) Starless Night | Healer | Male | M: Lemon, Shadow Starless saw Lemon come back and followed him over to the stream. He stopped as Lemon crossed it to where Kai was standing. He froze as he saw the silhouette in the shadows and the deep blue eyes. A fox jumped onto it's back as it let out a low growl. Starless slowly started backing up knowing that wolves that worked with foxes were dangerous. "Lemon. . ."
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"Calm down Starless night it is fine we are about the same size."he said letting out a bark then growling at the wolf and fox."What would you like and why are you here yes I remember you but why would you come back for land,for a mate,or would it be just to be rude and mean?"he said standing his full hight to the black wolf.

Shadow | Male | Loner | M: Lemon Shadow let out a low chuckle before coming out of the shadows enough to show his scars. Licking his jaws he said, "What would I like? You off my territory. This has been my territory since the fire." He growled raising to his full height. Frost, who was still on his back, raised up before cackling, "Welcome to the Fire Shadow territory and I hope you enjoy your stay." Frost dropped a couple rocks on the snakes in front of them making them rise and hiss. Frost jumped back onto Shadow's back as the vipers turned to Lemon ready to strike.
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