
Flame | Female | Elder | M: Lemon, Amethyst Flame looked at Amethyst half amused before turning to Lemon. "Flame may I speak with you alone?" Flame got up before responding, "Yes, what is it?" She walked beside him towards the trees at the side of the clearing.
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💥Amethyst💥hunter/warrior💥female💥M:Flame and Lemon Amethyst snarled blocking their way “Your not leaving this area you old bat! And you.” Amethyst looked at lemon “You look like an over sized meat sack! Now am I going to have to push you worthless creatures back or are you going to walk and behave like good dogs?” Amethyst sobbed from inside her mind, darkness involved around her she finally understood the demon’s intention and she falled for it. She just put her pack in her doom and for what? Her past? All her past was is pain, anger, guilt and greediness and they used that against her. Now she was not in control of her body watching her second mother be called names and there was nothing she could do about it. Amethyst curled into a ball letting the darkness drown her, her thoughts filled with the voices of the wolves she had betrayed and left for dead, most of all there was the voice of her mother crying for her mate to accept her back. She saw the tiny Amethyst watching her dad beat the blank out of her mother and she just sat there confused she saw the still small Amethyst leaning against her bleeding mother as she sobbed she heard her tiny self crying as her mother wouldn't wake up her eyes lifeless she saw the old alpha’s entering the den telling her that her father died from a bear that ambushed him during his hunt she saw her to brother’s curled around her as they tried to comfort their sister but they were crying to looking at their moms dead body. She saw a younger flame who curled around the three crying pups comforting them and telling them it was going to be alright. She saw the almost teen her and her brother’s laughing while they splashed each other flame soaked as she sat on the rock watching them play. A tear dropped down onto her paw as she curled herself into a tighter ball knowing she’d never escape.

Lemon looked around before speaking "I think we should move the pack I caught sent of something comeing and can not put my paw on what it is."he said fear in his eyes.He looked up at the sky seeing the darker colored clouds.He looked at the wolf infront of them before snarling back "I think you should respect the elders of your pack before you lose your mind and lose your life."Still snarling he showed his teeth he was not wanting to fight but if he must he wanted to know a little about her."I also think that you might want to back off and mind your own buisness before things get out of control." ~~ Love you ran around not wanting to be with anyone she was tired but mad at the same time her whole life she liked the humans bringing her food.She layed down alone putting her head on her paws and closeing her eyes.She felt droplits on her fur and shivered she lifted her head and looked around.She felt butterflies in her stomach as she had before when she felt bad. ~~ (I kind of forgot about this wolf.) Sparks of love walked around the pack to a log and hid under it she was cold and felt cold she flicked her ears around listening to everything around her.She put her head on her paws and looked at the pack members then drifted off to fairy land dreaming about butterflies and her running in the grass. Edited at March 29, 2021 09:09 AM by Try us

Flame | Elder | Female | M: Amethyst Flame stopped immediately knowing that something was wrong and that, that was not Amethyst. Turning around slowly, she started straight into the wolves eyes. Her fur bristled making her look bigger and her teeth snarled dangerously. Her ears went rigidly up, making her body go into an alpha/mother position. "Fight it Amethyst! And take those human jewels off you, they will just hurt you more!" She growled before letting out a howl. It was a mother call, and she knew that Topaz and Amaruq would have a hard time staying back.
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Icicle | Artic Fox | Female | M: Wolf Pack, Amethyst Icicle bounded through the trees, hearing wolves howl around her. She stopped close to the wolf pack, and was about to keep going when a glint caught her eye. Leaning over the branch, she spotted a human jewel hanging on a female wolves neck. Icicle cocked her head, taking in the female before hearing the mother call. Flicking her ears up, she decided to try her newest trick. Setting a piece of glass in the tree, she moved it carefully tilting it slightly. Moving to another tree, she did the same. After a couple trees, she picked up a piece of glass before shining the sun towards the female wolf. It glinted off the wolf's necklace and bounced into the glass pieces in the trees, temporarily blinding the female. With that, she slid down the tree, snapping the necklace off the wolf. With her prize, she bounded into the forest.
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💎Topaz💎Alpha now💎male💎M:Flame Lemon Topaz perked his ears hearing Flame’s howl he tensed seeing Amethyst as a grey wolf with strange markings?! Realisation hit him as the gems glowed more brightly “Amethyst fight it sister. Listen to flame take it off!” he saw in the corner of his eye Amaruq was stalking behind Amethyst getting ready to pin her down if needed.
🐺Amaruq🐺hunter/warrior🐺male🐺 Amaruq stalked behind his sister as Topaz and Flame talked to her pain flared through his leg and he realized he had stepped on a needle he shook his head and turned his head back in time as Amethyst got ready to lunge Amaruq jumped trying to pin her down “Help me! I cant keep her down!” he said, putting all his weight in to keeping his sister pinned down but still was struggling.
💥Amethyst💥hunter/warrior💥female "Fight it Amethyst! And take those human jewels off you, they will just hurt you more!" “Amethyst fight it sister. Listen to flame take it off!”Amethyst heard these words clearly ‘I can't flame’ she thought ‘it's embedded in my fur now.’ she whimpered before closing her eyes again blocking out all noise. The demons snarled trying to kick Amaruq off “Get off us!” they howled managing to kick amruq off The demons lunged at Flame snarling a light flashed into their eyes and they howled stepping back shaking their head blind once they could see they snarled at the fox "Fool! you didnt take the other ones!" the Demons wailed as Amethyst started bleeding her neck steaming slightly Edited at March 29, 2021 09:51 AM by ~The ultima pack~

Flame | Elder | Female | M: Icicle, Amethyst Flame scented fox before seeing a blob run over to Amethyst. "Umm. . ."Was all she said as the fox took the necklace and bounded into the forest. Have I seen that fox before? Hmm... Was her thought before snarling reached her ears. She rolled right before the wolf snapped it's jaws. Jumping up, she opened her jaws wide, showing sharp teeth. Rising, she managed to stay on her hind legs long enough to show dominance before pinning the wolf down with all her weight. "Amethyst, listen to me. You are stronger than they are. You know why? Because they are fear. Fear is strong but we wolves are stronger than fear. Fight it girl, I know you can." She said in her regular voice looking deep into Amethyst's eyes. "Fear is only when your alone. Your not alone. That's what a pack is for. We are here for you always. Always." She said before stepping back and sitting down.
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Lemon watched with fear for the elder and for others as the female snarled.He thought about his Father and mother back when he was young the strange wolf comeing in and trying to take him away from his mother the snarling brought him back.His eyes widened as he saw the elder pinn the female down he knew Flame was strong but not that strong.He thought about jumping in but kept back not knowing where he would go in not wanting to hurt anyone.Lemon closed his eyes just worried about everyhting that would happen or could happen.

(Sandstorm is the one who is supposed to take her fully out of the darkness so i’ll say Flame helped her at least gain control also surpisingly my phone has data at walmart ;-; ) 💥Amethyst💥hunter/warrior💥female💥M:Flame Pain flared inside Amethyst’s neck as the fox took the necklace SHe pushed herself up the darkness weighing her down she snarled fighting for control her fur went back to normal and she laid there sobbing her eyes puffy from crying she felt both of her brother’s curling around her and she shook her head moving away from them her ears flat on her head “I don't need your help! I'm not a pup anymore!” she snarled softly sitting a distance away from everyone knowing she truly was a monster she curled around the tree ignoring everyone.

Lemon looked at Flame to Topaz then to Amaruq he sighed and walked off not knowing what would happen next.He curled himself into a ball and tucked himself to warmth. ~~ Love you walked over to Amethyst and put a paw on her back. "Amethyst I know what you are going through and I wanted to tell you something."she said with a lump in her throught as she spoke the words. ~~ Sparks of love sat up hitting her head on the log above her and fainted letting a thump when she landed on the ground.She could smell the others around the clearing but like they would see her under a log and all.