
Delta-Female-Scout-M: Flame, RedWing, Ash, Starless Night Starless Night nudged Delta. "Story time, let's go." She followed him toward were flame was. Helping Ash to her feet they made their way over together. Delta and Ash hadn't heard a story for a long time. Their mother told the best stories and Delta and Ash would stare wide-eyed as the stories their mother told them turned into movies in their heads. They both ran toward Flame was, ready. RedWing-Female-Red Tailed Hawk-M: Delta, Flame RedWing woke up to find that she was in a nest made of moss and other things. Looking around she saw Delta go toward another wolf(Flame). Getting up RedWing hopped over and landed on Delta'a shoulder. RedWing didn't know what was happening but she didn't want to miss it.

Flame | Elder | Female | M: Wolves around her Flame looked around her before taking a deep breath. "Long ago, before humans made the cages for us, wolves of all kinds lived out in this forest. There was peace between wolves and wolf packs. Everything was perfect. . .until it wasn't. Humans came for hikes and wandered our forest, but they made this warmth, this heat. It would crackle and spit but they would control it. One hot fall day, the humans left it loose. It grew hotter, the winds would feed it making it grow bigger and hotter. It could devour a tree whole, turning it to smoke and ash. It wiped through the forest, killing animals who got caught in it and destroying the forest. The wolves crossed the stream where it could not follow. It burned for days, nothing managing to get in or out." She paused, looking into the eyes around her. "Then one day, it burned out. Burned trees, no undergrowth, no life was left. The famine started. With not enough food to go around, wolves split off from packs. The packs who didn't split left the forest to cross the deadly mountains. Humans came back, and wolves started disappearing. Pups started getting fewer. There was no food to go around. The bears made groups, driving the wolves out." "One day, while me and my mother was hunting, ravens started to caw. Hawks joined in before my mother decided it was time to hide. I got to the cave, but when I looked behind me, she was not there. I dared venture out to find her gone. Hands grabbed at me suddenly throwing me into a cage. I bit and scratched but nothing that I tried worked. That's when I met the one called Fire Shadow." She paused to take a breath before continuing, "A huge wolf he was, and a ferocious one at that. He got me out of that cage and away from the humans. I never saw my mother again." "At my age of 6, Fire Shadow died from a bear attack. A pup of his left in the wild. His dying words were 'Take care of my son.' I went after where he had left the pup. Nothing. A cackle above me told me foxes had been there. A net appeared over my head trapping me. The more I struggled, the more I got tangled. Humans found me before taking me to the huge cage in the zoo. I have been in that zoo for 6 full years. You all were transferred and born in there. I longed for the wild but as I got older, my eyesight was getting worse. Something my mother always told me, 'Blind wolves in the wild don't live very long.' " Flame paused before saying, "And me, well, I am fully blind in my left eye now. I can barely see out of my right one. I will not be able to walk far distances and my strength is fading." She laid her head down before panting slightly with a happy glint in her eyes, "Questions youngin's?"
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Love you sat up fast "Humans tried to kill us"she said with a tilt in her head.She paced around waiting for an answer but nothing could answer her questions thousands at once poped into her head. ~~ Lemon walked over to Flame he layed down.He put his noe to her fur in a confurt way. She reminded him as his own mother. thats why she wanted me to stay he thought.He looked up at the sky to see it was getting dark he sniffed the air something filled his nose he had never smelt it before.He stood up and looked around sniffing the ground then the air he knew the sent smelt like something but what he thought.Sniffing the ground then the air his fur on his back stood up when the smell got stronger. (I hope this is ok. if not I will change it.)

Kai | Female | Beta | Mentions: Frost Kai sighed and turned away. "Sorry, but I must go-" She then bolted back to her pack. She tried ignoring what the creature had said to her, but it was hard. 'I must keep it a secret so that they don't get curious' she thought, then trotting to the river to get a small drink. Edited at March 28, 2021 08:45 PM by The Legendary Wolf

Taliene sat nearby, listening to the wolves. Her leg still bore a scar from the bear, but it did not sting anymore. It ached when she applied pressure, but it was fine. "Flame, why would the humans kill wolves?" she asked

(It was Frost @Legendary) Flame | Elder | Female | M: Taliene, Love you, Lemon Flame looked over at Love you before looking at Taliene. Lemon had gotten up already and then Flame heard Taliene's question, "Flame, why would the humans kill wolves?" Flame cocked her head thinking for a moment before responding, "Some of us believe that it wasn't on purpose but an accident of letting the beast burn the forest. However, considering the humans didn't try to stop it afterwards, others believe that they did it on purpose. This could be a sign of dominance and power or the humans could have done it because they wanted our lands, our territories. No one knows for certain." She looked around, trying to see if anyone else had questions. Frost | Artic Fox | Male | M: Kai Frost watched the wolf run away before letting out a cackle. The shadow behind him deepened before two gleaming eyes shone. The wolf walked over to him watching the retreating back of the female before saying, "Still scaring the newbies, eh?" Frost smiled slyly, "Don't you know it." Shadow rolled his eyes before sweeping his tail, "I always wonder where the foxes come into the legend." Frost chuckled before jumping on his back, "We come in when they don't listen." With that, the pair made their way into the woods.
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When Kai saw no one looking, she snuck back into the woods and trotted to the "forbidden area". She sniffed its border. Then, she crossed it. Trotting through it, her paw pads quickly dyed black. "Wow, this place is actuall cool-"

Shadow | Loner | Male | M: Kai, Frost Shadow crossed the stream, Frost on his back. Trotting onto the slope, he went into the burnt trees before halting. His ears flicked back and forth picking up pawsteps. Frost jumped off rolling in some of the ash before climbing a tree. Shadow, although already being black, did the same to hide his features. Stalking forward, he saw a pack wolf looking around. Didn't Frost just talk to that one? Ah oh well. He thought before letting out his howl. A deep low screeching howl pierced the woods as a net of deadly vipers fell on the wolf. Frosty, I have no idea how you manage to get the poisonous ones but it helps. He thought to himself as the vipers turned to the wolf in the middle. Shadow slipped through the trees around them in a circle, showing only his silhouette and his deep blue eyes. Frost let out a screeching fox scream, his black fur keeping to the shadows now.
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💎Topaz💎Beta(Alpha now) 💎male💎M:everyone Topaz flicked his ear wondering what all the chatter was about. He peeked behind a rock seeing flame was just finishing a story he tensed as a hawk landed on Delta he padded over his teeth bared at the hawk “Get away from my mate go shu!” he felt someone next to him and realized it was Amaruq “Topaz chill the hawk is friendly...at least to Delta for right now” Topaz relaxed slightly still keeping a eye on the hawk he sat a little ways from Delta talking with his brother in hushed tones both trying to figure out where Amethyst is.
🐺Amaruq🐺hunter/warrior🐺male🐺 Amaruq was about to ask flame a question before he heard his brother “Get away from my mate go shu!” Amaruq turned around and trotted over to his brother standing next to him “Topaz chill the hawk is friendly...at least to Delta for right now” seeing his brother relaxed Amaruq nodded for his brother to follow him once they were sitting a little ways from the rest of the pack he whispered “Have you seen Amethyst Topaz?”
💥Amethyst💥hunter/warrior💥female Amethyst snarled hearing paws padding behind her. She lunged toward her follower and saw these most beautiful golden eyes “Oh it's just you Sandstorm what do you want? You know what never mind i'll just go” and just like that she sprinted off again 'see he means to destroy you and your pack' the demons whispered in her head ‘let us take control and we will save your pack from distraction’ “fine i will” with that pain flared in Amethyst’s body all her gems glowed a light blue as her fur turned grey like always when she summoned the demons but this time it had strange swirls and markings she snarled sprinting toward the pack she leaped over Flame snarling at the her pack members that were leaving. "EVERYONE FREEZE" she said in a voice that wasnt her's. Amethyst's new form - Google Docs Edited at March 29, 2021 08:21 AM by ~The ultima pack~

Lemon held his head high listening to the howl he remembered it Shadow thought.He walked the way he heard the howl and stopped looking around seeing all he could was black.He let out a howl of his own letting Shadow know they were here and just for a little bit.He walked back towards the pack and looked around Flame still seeing other wolves still around her asking question he asked on himself "Flame may I speak with you alone?"