
Goldbeak I Golden Eagle I Male The fox scurried up the branches, quick and gracefully. Goldbeak hunched back, trying to stay in the shadows. The fox had not looked his way yet. The eagle stared closely, wating silently...

Icicle | Artic Fox | Female | M: Goldbeak (ind) Icicle scented around but couldn't find where the scent went. Rolling her eyes, she hopped down a branch before climbing down the tree. Looking up once more at the trees, she scampered off into the woods heading for the stream.
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Lemon watched flame he noticed her body language "I will stay but staying in one place is not the best way also I belive we are missing one."he sighed before letting out a howl to get the attention of the pack wolves I might not be a alpha but I sure know my ways around and every place to hide. he thought to himself as he walked back across the stream to the pack."Listen up ok guys I have some concerns 1 staying here in this open field you might think safe wrong it is actually more dangerous.2 staying in one spot without wandering around with others for safety to know the area.3 hunting I am bringing some with me I smelt some deer not far from here the fawns are easy to take down and so are the does so we will go for them.4 we need shelter so as I know this place as the back of my paw we will be staying in the tree den not far."He paused "I will be takeing who ever wants to come but may I remind you guys we are a pack we stick together we eat together and no matter what we look after each other now I know some are very well injured but some are good to use for hunting.I think it will be a lesson for you guys to learn now who wants to hunt."he spoke with a serious tone like his mother did. Edited at March 25, 2021 09:08 AM by Try us

Flame | Elder | Female | M: Lemon Flame listened to him before touching his ear with her nose, "Thank you," she whispered before padding back to her spot underneath a tree. Laying down, she closed her eyes listening to the activity around her. She knew they would move soon, but right now she could rest while the others hunted.
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Lemon watched the doe closely before pounceing on her and biteing the throat makeing sure she was dead he bagan dragging it back to the pack.He got to the pack with the deer he sat it in tthe mist of the pack and walked over to Flame."You should eat Flame."He said with a soft nudge.

Flame | Elder | Female | M: Lemon Flame listened to Lemon drag a deer, small deer into the clearing. My hearing is heightening. She thought as she heard heavy footsteps pad over to her. A nudge and "You should eat Flame." made her open her eyes. Looking over to him, she said, "The warriors need their strength the most right now. Them and the pups should eat first." She looked away, a small secret hidden on her features. (You may ask, but she might not answer ;3)
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Gwendolyn- Omega- men. Lemon, Flame Gwendolyn's ears flicked as she heard Lemons howl looking to him as he came back ti the pack. She listened to his words and spoke up. "I may be cut from the glass and that hawks claws but I will join the hunt." She followed Lemon and watched how he took out the deer and helped to drag it back. She then watched Lemon go over to Flame and urge her to eat, hearing her reply she went off into the brush again and killed another rabbit. Coming back she dropped it at Flames paws. "Go ahead eat. You need your strength too. I know you're hiding a secret I want to know what it is." She knew the signs of a wolf going blind she had seen them before but she wouldn't pry if Flame didn't want to answer.

Flame | Elder | Female | M: Gwendolyn, Lemon Flame looked over at Gwendolyn, well the blob that she could smell was the omega. Flicking her ears, she sighed before starting to eat. "Lay down, I have a story to tell." She paused before correcting herself, "My story." (Anyone can lay down for the story ;3) Edited at March 26, 2021 07:27 AM by Fangsoffire
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Love you walked over to Flame to listen in on the story.She layed her head on her paws listening to Flames soft voice softer than my moms she thought. ~~~ Lemon walked over to the stream to get a drink he was hungry but he wanted others to eat besides him.I think the pack is doing very well. he thought as he thought of Gwendolyn helping him drag the deer back and then killing the rabbit.He padded his way across the stream again sniffing the air he looked back at Flame and seeing her with the wolves starting to listen to her story he went to his den.In his den he unburied a rabbit he had killed before he got caught. He walked back to the pack rabbit in mouth and sat on the other side of the stream eating his food.

Starless Night | Healer | Male | M: Flame, Delta Starless Night finished on them all before hearing the elder, Flame call those who wanted to listen over. Getting up, he nudged Delta before saying playfully, "Story time, let's go." He hadn't had a good story for a while. He went over to where Flame was, and laid down ready for a story.
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