
Goldbeak: Just as he was about to fly away from the area, he heard a sound. Curious, Goldbeak swiveled his head around, looking. The treetops were thick with green so he could not see much. The eagle clicked his beak wondering. As if on cue, the sounds stopped. Goldbeak shook his head in bewilderment. He flapped to another tree, steadily making his way towards a safe sleeping spot. Just then, he saw the figure, it's fur dappled by the thin rays of sun and its eyes as cold as ice..

Icicle | Artic Fox | Female | M: Goldbeak Icicle trotted into the trees before her fur slightly stood up. She was being watched. Flicking her ears, she climbed up a tree before threading through the branches. She could smell bird nearby. She couldn't figure out what it was but she would know in a few minutes...
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(gonna jump in randomly) Taliene trotted by the stream. She couldn't find the pack. She could smell them, but the scent was old. She panicked, wondering if they'd abandoned her. No, they've go to be here somewhere. she thought. She lifted her nose, smelling the air, and darted off in another direction.

Gwendolyn- Omega- men. Starless Night, Redwing Gwendolyn stayed still as Starless Night removed the shards of glass whimpering every once in a while and nodded. "Yes I was on my way back to the pack after eating and the fox released one of it's traps." Suddenly the hawk woke and started attacked her with its talons she jumped back shaking her head and gave a frustrated growl. "I didn't do anything to you and had no intention of hurting you." She huffed once it fell back asleep thanks to the mouse Starless Night had drugged with a berry. Thinking to herself. I really wish we were still in our pens I hate it out here.

Lemon walked around watching almost every wolf he could lay eyes on he wondered if they ever would learn the habits of the wild.He sniffed the air thinking about his den North of the stream.He bagan walking the way to the den he thought about if one of the pack wolves would fallow him no he thought.He had crossed the stream and looked back once more to see if anyone was fallowing. Edited at March 25, 2021 08:15 AM by Try us

Flame | Elder | Female | M: Lemon Flame watched the camp before seeing Lemon walk off. Deciding she needed a walk anyway, she followed him. He crossed a stream and she started to follow slowly. Crossing water she hated to do, but in a forest it had to be done. "Where are we going?" She asked Lemon as she reached the other side.
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Lemon wipped around with suprise "I-I-I am going home."He said with a low voice hopeing she would not be mad."My den is just North of here and not that far around 2 miles as the wolf walks."He said with a lower voice hopeing the wolves in the pack would not hear him.

Flame | Elder | Female | M: Lemon Flame cocked her head, "Your leaving?" She knew deep down that this would happen sooner or later. Lone wolves usually liked their freedom and would stay by themself. She had hoped that Lemon had been like her, a lone wolf in need of a pack. She flicked her ears, Getting along with a pack is harder than being alone when hunting I know. But we are stronger together when it comes to fighting. It took me a while to learn that.
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Lemon looked deep into the wolfs eyes before speaking "I know I will be gone but I think the pack would be happy seeing so as I was just going to see if it was still safe then come right back."He looked back at the wolves of the pack "But seeing as I did lead you guys into the bear it has been biteing at me ever sense."He sighed.

Flame | Elder | Female | M: Lemon Flame flicked her ears, "You and I both know that it wasn't your fault leading us into the bear's territory. Bears always move to new territories after their winter hibernation." She looked into his eyes as she stepped forward, "Everyone thanks you for your bravery and what you do for us everyday. As one of the only young ones who know how to live out here, they depend on you." What she didn't say, but was being shown through body language was We need you more than you might know. She watched him before thinking to herself, If he leaves. . .I don't know if I would be able to teach the youngin's to hunt deer or elk, and that is vital if we are going to stay alive.
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