
Frost | Artic Fox | Male | M: Kai, Sal(ind) Frost threaded through the trees before coming back out at the dead female bear. Stretching, he got to work. The hunters that another fox had led here had done a pretty good job. However, it got the wrong one. That's why you don't trust humans period. He thought flicking his ears. They were supposed to get a male, not a female. Jumping on top of the bear, he started sniffing before bristling. Only then did he see the wolf. Turning, he growled before creeping forward, "Wolves usually don't eat bear. Why so far in territory girl?"
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///Wait up please////Oh and Needs Help pack said out of rp she pmed me also she is my sister p.s she is only 6.//// Lemon walked around looking from here to there then back he layed down in the grass and rolled over to his back looking at the night sky turning to day.

Goldbeak I Golden Eagle I Male His stomach growled harder. The eagle had never gone so hungry before. Not even in winter. In the snows and blizzards, it was easy for him to raid the frozen remains or creatures that had passed from the great cold. Right now, there was nothing to freeze up and no creature in their right mind would choose to not finish their food. The pain jabbed him again. At least the jabs were quick but it hurt so much Goldbeak felt like he could do anything to kill himself right now. No, he told himself. He still had a few more years to defend his territory. This land was his and it was not going to be taken that easily from him. But what was he supposed to do however when he was so hungry. Goldbeak's stomach rumbled again. Suddenly, he heard a rustle in the floor. The eagle looked down from his branch and there it was. A little gray squirrel. It was small, but anything will do...

Gwendolyn- Omega- men. Shadow She bent down and tore the meat from the rabbit eating it hungrily. Suddenly she froze when she caught a semi familiar scent, her ears swiveled as she looked around spotting the outline and eyes of something lurking in the shadows. Her hackles raised defensively and muscles bunched ready to defend herself if needed as she stared at the outline watching it.

Shadow | Loner | Male | M: Gwendolyn Shadow flicked his ears in amusement as the wolves hackles raised defensively. Stepping forward, he watched her before turning away walking purposefully slow into the woods towards his territory.
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Gwendolyn- Omega- men. Shadow Gwendolyn relaxed a little as she remembered why the scent was so familiar she recognized it from the wolf who had help rescue Uno. Watching him walk away she leaned down and finished her meal of the rabbit she caught. Digging a small hole she buried the remains licking the blood from her lips before stretching and giving a lazy yawn. She then turned back and headed back towards where the rest of her pack were.

Edited at March 22, 2021 02:53 PM by Blackwidow

Icicle | Artic Fox | Female | M: Gwendolyn When Shadow stopped, Icicle scampered up a tree. After Shadow was gone, she let out a high yip before snapping a rope, jumping out of the way. The dead tree she had been on tumbled down, ropes snapping. The tree spiraled before collapsing, trapping the wolf on one side. A net fell, trapping the wolf and snakes started coming out from their hidey-holes in the dead tree.
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Goldbeak I Golden Eagle I Male There was a big rustle in the distance and then a mighty crash that shook his perch. The squirrel scurried away, and Goldbeak had to dig his claws into the tree bark to stop him from screeching in frustration. This place was crazy, he knew. His whole territory was crazy. And he had to fix that. He opened his wings and flapped them until he reached another tree, getting closer to the site of the crash. The eagle ignored the cramps in his belly. Hunger was not going to kill him. Not yet. Another hop, another few flaps. Goldbeak could not believe what he was doing. Flapping around like a chick in the nest, he thought. After a while, he reached a clearing besides the swirling waters of the river. The next tree was quite far away. Goldbeak let himself take a breath. Surely he couldn't make it in the ragged state he was in. But trying was the best thing he could do anyway. Goldbeak was about to jump...when he heard the hisses... Edited at March 23, 2021 07:50 AM by Lansnow

Kai | Female | Beta | Mentions: Frost As Kai was sniffing around, she could hear growling. Turning around, she saw a fox. "Wolves usually don't eat bear. Why so far in territory girl?" The fox had asked. "Oh uh- I was just exploring!" The female said as she lied against the ground, showing she didn't want harm. "My pack just got here so I wanted to explore" she explained. "I mean no harm."