
Shadow | Loner | Male | M: Goldbeak Shadow shook his head, grimacing. Felt kindof like blood running down his neck. He watched the eagle scramble clumsily up a tree before saying, "Okay." Icicle, who had been prancing in place with eyes watching every move of the eagle, bolted up the tree after it. He watched for a moment before going to a stream, washing off the nasty stuff. He knew that most likely the fox would catch up to the eagle, but after that, it could be a variety of things. Why do vixens always play with their food before they kill it? He thought to himself before diving under the surface for a bit.
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Goldbeak I Golden Eagle I Male I M: Icicle Goldbeak had no energy to fly any higher as he watched the fox climb up to him. One of his wings was almost sheared of its feathers, so he couldn't take wing anyway. He shrieked at the fox, flapping his wings, and baring his talons. The thing was getting closer to him, but he was ready...

Icicle | Artic Fox | Female | M: Goldbeak Icicle stopped as it bared its talons before creeping closer. It flapped it's wings at her and she stayed away for a moment. After watching it for a couple moments, she leaped at it, her claws outstretched and fangs ready...
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Goldbeak I Golden Eagle I Male I M:Icicle Goldbeak leaned back in surprise as the fox leapt at him from the trunk. Instinctively, he put his foot in front of him, jamming it into the creature's snout, relishing the feel of blood on his talons.

Icicle | Artic Fox | Female | M: Goldbeak Icicle fell back, blood streaming from her snout. Licking the blood off her muzzle, she looked back at the eagle. Still has some fight left in him. This time she slowly stalked forward, knowing that the branches stopped shortly behind him. Going in a zig zag, she kept him going backwards in a straight line.
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Goldbeak I Golden Eagle I Male I M:Icicle The fox was not surrendering however. It came towards him on the branch, its icy eyes glaring. Goldbeak continued his shrieks, raising his wings, and stepping backward. He felt the branch getting thinner and thinner. His talons itched to attack. Wait, he told himself. He couldn’t make any more errors...

Icicle | Artic Fox | Female | M: Goldbeak Icicle kept zig zagging, coming closer and closer before stopping. The eagle had no where to go now. They could get ferocious at times like these. Flattening her ears, she let out a high pitch yip which could be heard all over the forest. Gathering her muscles, she prepared to pounce...
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Goldbeak I Golden Eagle I Male I M: Icicle Goldbeak saw the fox's muscles tense. He let out a shriek and jumped up, flapping his wings, mustering as much energy as he could. With a screech, the eagle dropped down into the fox's head, jabbing his talons into the thing's skull, and pecking at its eyes, feeling the blood gush out... Edited at March 19, 2021 02:08 PM by Lansnow

Icicle | Artic Fox | Female | M: Goldbeak A rush of feathers and then searing pain told her that this was not good. Shutting her eyes tightly, she let herself fall backwards out of the way of those talons, landing in the stream. Shaking her fur, she started swimming to the bank, the screeches of the eagle still in her head. Totally not worth it. Frost isn't going to be happy.
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Goldbeak I Golden Eagle I Male I M:Icicle, Shadow The eagle let out another screech as he released his grasp, allowing the fox to tumble into the stream beside her wolf friend. Goldbeak's wings throbbed again. He shrieked in frustration, landing back at his perch. The pain rippled throughout his body. Those creatures had done enough damage already. The eagle began preening his feathers to clean away the blood and dried vomit he had spewed earlier. The vomit made him think of food, which he desperately needed. But even thinking tired him out, so he closed his eyes, hoping to recover fast... Edited at March 19, 2021 02:19 PM by Lansnow