
Seya | Wolf | Female | *Shy, anxious* M:Faith Seya looked at the circling owl and flinched before she realized that this owl was the same as before. "O-oh! The owl." She smiled and sat down. "Hello again!" She was still shaking from before. She lifted her ears up a little and smiled. She blinked and wiped away her tears that flaked against her white fur, turning those areas a light grey. "How are you?" She asked, trying to get her mind off of the wolf she had met before. It didn't really work, though. She wanted so badly to run back and hug him, even if it made her get bitten or worse.

Silverback I Coyote I Male He loped as far from the wolves as he could. He stopped near a pile of mossy boulders, taking in deep breaths to control himself. If this place was going to be his, he'd better know his enemies anyway. Silverback looked around him, still wary of the dangers in this forest. I am safe here. Suddenly, he heard a hiss to his left. Swerving around, his eyes locked on to the slitted pupils of a viper, scaled brown and black. I should have known! He remembered the garters that lived in the rocky clefts back in his pup den. But these were not garters. Silverback stepped back, wondering what to do as the snake reared up, its ugly head revealing a pair of pale fangs...

Faith | Great Horned Owl | Female | M: Seya Faith hooted soothingly before turning her head upside down. She had no idea what the wolf was saying. She did look, however, like she had been crying. Spreading her wings, Faith flicked a tear off the wolf before folding her wings back together. She closed her eyes hard before her ear slits shifted slightly, starting to remember. Opening her eyes, she said in wolf language, "Me Faith. You?"
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Seya | Wolf | Female | *Shy, anxious* M:Faith Seya gasped before she wagged her tail. She smiled happily. "I'm Seya." She said slowly, trying to get the bird to understand her. "It's nice to meet you, Faith." She bowed her head in greeting the bird. She was incredibly happy to see and hear that Faith was talking with her.

Icicle | Artic Fox | Female | M: Silverback, Goldbeak Icicle stopped knawing on the rope as the cage swayed in the branches. Licking her jaws, she wandered away for a bit while the rope flayed away. Hearing a hiss, she turned before seeing a brown and black viper. Leaping forward, she landed on it's back snapping it's spine instantly. Picking up her prey, she then realized there was a coyote there. Oh that's what it was hissing at. Setting down her prey, she hissed at him telling the coyote that the snake was hers now.
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Faith | Great Horned Owl | Female | M: Seya "Seya. Nice..meet you...Faith." Faith heard, and she nodded her head once, showing she had heard. I wish I could find that fox that had started to teach me wolf language. She thought before asking(wolf language), "Okay You Are?" She was glad she could actually speak to the female. Male Great Horned Owls were...annoying.
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Silverback I Coyote I Male I M: Icicle He never expected the fox to come but it did. Brown it was with splotches of white. How did an arctic fox get in here, Silverback would have never known. But he did appreciate the free kill, and that snake was his to begin with. Growling and baring his teeth, the coyote approached the smaller fox, ready to attack if need be... Edited at March 19, 2021 10:09 AM by Lansnow

Seya | Wolf | Female | *Shy, anxious* M:Faith Seya smiled and then nodded. "Yes," she said and then sat up straight. Her shaking subsided a little before she pawed the ground. A worried feeling swarmed her stomach as her mind wondered about that wolf she met again. "Please don't worry." She smiled a little to the Owl before letting her fur fluff out in comfort. This was something that she did to calm her nerves and it usually worked.

Faith | Great Horned Owl | Female | M: Seya Faith cocked her head before saying, "Worry Not, Safe Here You Are." Hopefully she knows not to go across the river. Dangerous place that is. "Don't go across the river, it's dangerous." She realized she had switched back to owl. Hmm... "No Cross River, Danger Lurks." Eh, that will do it.
Icicle | Artic Fox | Female | M: Silverback Oh I hope it doesn't think it can take it from me...actually, let's have a bit of fun. She thought, remembering where she was before letting out a yip yip. Turning, she picked up her prey before snapping a rope. More where that came from coyote! She thought, as at least a dozen vipers rained down on the coyote. Smirking, she trotted into the forest to eat her prey. She would have to ask Frost where to get more vipers to refill that trap.
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Seya | Wolf | Female | *Shy, anxious* M:Faith Seya tilted her head to the side. "Why?" She asked. She was confused why the owl had said that. What was over there that made even this great bird scared? She secretly wanted to go over there and figure out why. But she didn't. She rested her tail by her side and listened to what Faith had said. Don't go over there. She told herself. No matter how much you want to. Don't.