
Claws Claws listened to Rezhar before hearing Thanatos respond, "Yes, we need to get all of the boxes before Horus does." Claws nodded before asking Rezhar, "Do you have any idea where the boxes would be at the moment? We lost the transport that was transferring it."
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Rezhar Rezhar thought for a moment the box they were transporting hold the item of second life which can ressurect anyone except us" He said meaning him and his brother their bloodline already had ressurection capabilities the caseof immortality. "As for the box that holds yours powers and mine...Father kept that a secret, but I know If anyone else had it they would temporarily have your powers." He explained "As far as I was told it only lasts 15 minutes but if you and I got it it would be permanent and would cancel out my sand manipulation ability." He said.

Thanatos Thanatos nodded to his brother's words before turning to Claws. As usual, the shifter was one step ahead of him. . .he thinks. The Norse shifter had his eyes closed and his ears kept perking before rotating north to north east. "That way. Several troops away from the fighting on the move." Claws said after a moment, starting off in the direction. Thanatos paused for only a brief second before starting after him.
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Maroon Maroon sat down making two lines with his paws, "And another thing, after defeating Jabaris other self, youll be questioned 3 things, To kill him, let him live or disable him...I cant tell which is the correct choice but make the wrong one and you may aswell wipe out some of Jabaris emotions." Maroon said the other warriors sat in their positions glancing at Maroon before making the same lines.

Regnar Regnar loved the sound of guns firing only 8 men had the new special gear but that was fine. "Slow down" He ordered the driver slowed down, Regnar then smiled at the young soldier "EK sal jou sien op die ander kant"(Ill see you on the other side) He said jumping out. The convoy carried on but a soldier in the back of the convoy dropped a larges rectangular case. Regnar walked to it picking it up "Hm, about time I destroy a bloodline" He said, He took out an object that glowed bright into one direction. "So the ritual is there" He said putting the large case on his back.

Paul Paul could feel tension in the cold air and could hear howling in the distance but carried on forward determined to find Jabari.

Mary/FH/Raven Mary sniffed around before shifting back to a human and sitting down.

Lily Lily tilted her head, "Don't we want him to live? That would be the correct answer correct?" She asked, slightly confused. She wrapped her tail around her paws, her fur starting to glow golden.
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Claws Claws trotted forward, his power guiding him towards wherever the package was. Coming to the top of the dune, he looked over his shoulder to make sure Thanatos and Rezhar was following before scanning over the dunes. There was a strange pull in one direction, meaning that the ritual was happening to bring back Jabari but the other pull was towards a group of specks in the distance. Claws padded down the slope towards them.
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Maroon Maroon nodded "No not exactly him your going to fight yourself yes but your also fighting him but its the opposite side of him wwhere his hatred and sadness manifest what ever choice you make with the three I just mentioned is crucial, and when you fight him you may see some of his past and most regretful moments so becareful as it may distract you from fighting youre dark side" Maroon said before closing his eyes and chanting the lines in the ground glowed and several paws came from the lines grabbing ahold of Lily. Maroon then howled the lines took flame and the paws holding Lily turned into dried sand "I wish you luck" He said knowing it ould most likely be her second time at the gates of the spirit world.