Please don't post here if you're not us <3 This is a semi-lit Werewolf x Human RP, feel free to follow along! Edited at May 13, 2024 12:54 PM by Flix
Name: Asher Age: 19 Specis: werewolf Rank: Loner, outcast Gender: Male Apperance: Human -- Tall, dirty blond hair, green eyes. In reality,he wears green contact to hide his red eyes. He constantly wears a smile. Even when lying (He is good at it) Werewolf -- slightly taller, covered in scruffy dark grey fur. Fades to an unnatural red at tail and ear tips. Night red eyes Personality to be dicovered in RP Likes: -- the forest, running, physical labor Dislikes: -- Science, sunburn, has a huge fear of needles. Hates scrambled eggs with a passion. Other: Works as a highered hand. Helps around randomly. Edited at May 13, 2024 01:23 PM by Bobcat
By the way, before I make my character, which plot were you thinking of doing?
Name: Chloe Species: Human Age: 18 Gender: Female Appearance: The female would have wavy shoulder length hair that is naturally light brown. She has hazel eyes with small fleas of green. She a a slim agile build and stands at a 5'6''. Chloe often wears jeans and hoodie, but rarely puts her hair up. Personality to be discovered in RP Interests: She absolutely loves to draw, mostly doing digital art. Reading is a big thing for her too, curling up in her cozy bed with a book is a favorite passtime. Dislikes: She doesn't like bread with cheese, and has a big fear of spiders. Chloe has mild claustrophobia at times too. She can't swim, so water is a no for her. Occupation: She works part time at a warehouse, loading boxes into trucks for the most part (Done!) Edited at May 13, 2024 12:58 PM by Flix
Chloe hugged her arms around herself as she walked, the breeze making her shiver. She adjusted her hat to cover her ears from the wind. The snow had long melted away, but the cold temperatures still lingered. Chloe had several hours to get to campus, she just left early so she could meander through the forest on her way. She lightly hummed a tune as she walked through the trees. The only other sounds were her footsteps and the chilly gust of wind. Every once in a while a bird would start chirping nearby, she couldn't tell what kind. Maybe chicadees, maybe robins. She continued to plod on Edited at May 13, 2024 02:46 PM by Flix
I walk through the forest. The sun has almost risen. Just 15 more minetes and I can resume my human shape. I step over a twig softly. I creap on top of a ridge and feel the sun bath my body. The fur dissappers and I am human again. Ugg... I forgot how cold it is.
Chloe sees the sun finally peek over a nearby ridge. The looming shadows of the trees keep her in the cold, but she hopes the rays will reach her soon. She keeps walking through the pines, rubbing her hands together to warm them up. - She reached a fork in the path, and Instead of going the usual route, she turned up the path towards the ridge and the sun. It was a slightly steeper climb, and a longer route. She'd also never been this way so it would be interesting.
Edited at May 13, 2024 03:30 PM by Flix
I put in my contect lenses and strech. My legs feel like jello from shifting. Luckly, I have had enough practice to not show it. And I can not see my muzzle, no, nose. I give it a moment to settle before taking a few steps down the hill. There is the disprate want to wag my tail. I hate when instects role over and stay for a few hours.
The woman reaches the ridge and pauses enjoying the warmth. It's a contrast to the previous chill. As Chloe takes it in, she raises an arm to the sky in a little stretch. A smile fills her face as she stays there. The moment just seems so perfect, all by herself in somewhere so beautiful. - A small noise sounds from nearby, almost as if someone else is walking through the forest. The girl peers around confused. Assuming it's a deer, although it sounded like another human, she went back to basking in the sunlight.
Edited at May 14, 2024 01:24 AM by Flix
I hear foot steps behind me. "Who's there!" I bark. I wip around. The sun feels warm beating against my back. It is just a girl. A college. I soften slightly. "Who lost?"