
--------- EDIT-------- The game provides all the info provided for seeds but I would like to leave this post up because a kind user has commented places to find the info on the seeds! And im sure im not the only one who got lost trying to find the info baha Hi! (I hope its okay to post questions on here?? sometimes the forums confuse me so please do let me know if I cant post questions) Okay so I would love to have a guide to Growing seeds, everything to know about the fields and greenhouses. Most importantly I would love a list of all seeds youre able to find, where to find them, how many produce and the benefits they provide once grown If you can provide any information pertaining to this, please comment below! :) thank you for reading Edited at November 7, 2024 08:18 PM by DoggPuk3

Hey, DoggPuk3! While you are right that there are no seed guides, there are a few resources that might help you in the future and potentially may even explain why no one has felt the need to make one. For one, Karma's thread ' What does [ Insert Item ] do?' tells you about a lot of items on WolfPlay. It goes in alphabetical order with no clear categories but you should be able to find a bunch of info on the seeds by using the keyboard shortcut 'Ctrl + F' to search the page and searching 'seed'. It acted as the enclycopedia for a lot of users before there was an official game one! Another super useful resource is, non-surprisingly, the game's Encyclopedia. If I'm not mistaken, it's not finished yet but most, if not all, seeds are already covered. You can find the Encyclopedia under Help > Encyclopedia. For seeds more specifically, check out the Relics section and search 'seeds'. The Encylopedia has information about Apple Seed, Basil Seed, Caraway Seed, Chervil Seed, Cilantro Seed, Grapeseed, Mint Seed, Rosemary Seed, and Star Anise Seeds. If memory serves, that's all the seeds in the game. Seeds can be found in any biome and any level. They take 3 days game days to grow in your Herb Garden, provided you remember to water them every day and shoo away the deer that will try and snack on them. Herbs cannot be grown in Winter without a green house. Each seed yields one herb. For example, one planted Caraway Seed will turn into one Caraway after 3 days of care. I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any remaining questions! ^^

Oh, and quick note! -- for future reference, if you have a game question, make your post in Member Help. Member Help > Guides is for people making guides about things in the game. I just wouldn't want anyone to miss your question because it was here and not in Member Help.
I'm only mentioning it since you asked if the post was supposed to go here in your original post. ^^;

Hades said: Hey, DoggPuk3! While you are right that there are no seed guides, there are a few resources that might help you in the future and potentially may even explain why no one has felt the need to make one. For one, Karma's thread ' What does [ Insert Item ] do?' tells you about a lot of items on WolfPlay. It goes in alphabetical order with no clear categories but you should be able to find a bunch of info on the seeds by using the keyboard shortcut 'Ctrl + F' to search the page and searching 'seed'. It acted as the enclycopedia for a lot of users before there was an official game one! Another super useful resource is, non-surprisingly, the game's Encyclopedia. If I'm not mistaken, it's not finished yet but most, if not all, seeds are already covered. You can find the Encyclopedia under Help > Encyclopedia. For seeds more specifically, check out the Relics section and search 'seeds'. The Encylopedia has information about Apple Seed, Basil Seed, Caraway Seed, Chervil Seed, Cilantro Seed, Grapeseed, Mint Seed, Rosemary Seed, and Star Anise Seeds. If memory serves, that's all the seeds in the game. Seeds can be found in any biome and any level. They take 3 days game days to grow in your Herb Garden, provided you remember to water them every day and shoo away the deer that will try and snack on them. Herbs cannot be grown in Winter without a green house. Each seed yields one herb. For example, one planted Caraway Seed will turn into one Caraway after 3 days of care. I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any remaining questions! ^^
Thank you! haha I searched this forum to find anything on seeds and didnt realize that Karma's post would cover them! same thing for the encyclopedia. Glad to gather up as much info on it as I can!