
Sunrise in the Serengeti
The Togoro Pride has long ruled a vast and bountiful territory in the heart of the Serengeti, led by a lineage of strong and wise leaders. However, when the former King and Queen suddenly decided to step down, their chosen heir, Aaresesan, must now take the throne. Young, untested, yet filled with determination, Aaresesan is eager to prove himself as a worthy ruler, not just in name but in action. However, the weight of leadership may be far heavier than he anticipated.
As the dry season approaches, tensions rise between neighboring prides, rogue lions lurk at the borders, and whispers of dissent come from within. Some question his ability to lead, while others see opportunity in his inexperience. To secure his rule, Aaresesan must make critical decisions that will shape the pride’s future, decisions that include choosing a Queen. Will he form an alliance with a powerful outsider, or will he take a mate from within the pride, ensuring continuity and stability?
As challenges mount, Aaresesan must balance tradition with change, strength with wisdom, and duty with his own desires. The Serengeti is unforgiving to the weak, and if he falters, the Togoro Pride may fall with him. Will Aaresesan rise to the challenge and carve his legacy in the golden grasslands, or will the sun set on his reign before it has truly begun?
A lion rp is all I want right now.
Edited at January 5, 2025 03:17 AM by Imperial Sands

The Roleplay's Rules Follow all of Eve's and WP's Rules
1. Activity is a Must. Real Life does come first, but I don't want this rp to never get off the ground because we don't have consistent posts and involvement.
2. This is a Semi-Literate and Semi-Realistic Roleplay. Which means I won't be accepting Melanistic Lions, and White Lions will be extremely limited. I won't accept any white lions until we have a decent amount of regular ones.
3. For the purpose of this Rp, my character Aaresesan is the chosen air, but he is open to having siblings, as I'm interested in the idea of making him want to rule alongside his brother or sister.
4. No Perfect Characters, Godmodding, Powerplaying, etc. I won't tolerate it.
5. Since this is Semi-Realism, this means things like, in a one on one, a lioness won't be able to best a male, nor will a lone lioness have a lot of success hunting. To hunt things like Water Buffalo, it will require most of the pride. Things along that line.
6. I will also be requiring that all lions fall within a realistic range in terms of size, so height and weight. So no Goliath lions, and no miniature ones.
7. Follow all of WP's rules when using images, as well as the TOS of the image itself. Please only use Stock Images from DeviantArt.
8. This Rp will be very character dependent, so try your best to get your characters involved in subplots, drama, etc.
9. I reserve the right to deny applications for this roleplay.
10. Have fun!
I'm a bit rusty, so I may have forgotten some rules. If so, I will add them but will announce it to everyone so they know.

About the Togoro Pride
Up until recently, the Togoro Pride was lead by Queen Ashanti and King Kofo. It came as a surprise when they pair announced they were abdicating their roles, giving leadership over to their chosen heir, Aaresesan. No one knows why the pair decided to step down so suddenly, and they haven't chosen to share a reason aside from it was time. Deciding that it was best to allow the pair to enjoy their retirement, they look towards their new king with both hope and apprehension.
The Hierarchy The Togoro Pride has a pretty standard hierarchy for now. Though, things may be shaken up as Aaresesan begins to lead.
King Queen Advisor Prime Guard Prime Huntress Guards Huntress Cubsitters* Adolescents Cubs
Cubsitters are temporary roles filled by huntresses when there are cubs. The ratio of Cubsitters to Cubs is 1:3, so every three cubs is an adult.
The Territory
The pride resides in the Serengeti of the Mara Region. Majority of their territory holds vast golden plains, with some trees dotting the area. Their main water sources comes from the river in the northern part of their territory, and the large watering hole in the South Eastern Part that is fed by a stream from said river. In the dry season, most of the river dries up to a muddy bed by the end of it, whereas the watering hole depletes to a shallow pond. However, both provide water all year round, and the pride tends not to hunt around them when the territory is in the grips of the dry season, believing the right to water is above anything else.
Their territory is rather large to encompass a vast hunting rage, as many herds move through the territory in different parts. However, there is also some other threats the pride has to keep in mind. Including a clan of hyenas that lives near their Western Border, and the crocodiles within the river as well. There is a leopard who lives in the more heavily treed portion to the south, but they live rather amicably.
Edited at January 5, 2025 02:29 AM by Imperial Sands

The Available Roles
The Togoro Pride
King: 1. Reserved for Me
Queen: 1. Locked for Now/Chosen in Rp
Advisor: 1. Locked for Now/Chosen in Rp I am open to someone being the former advisor who is in the role temporarily to help out til a new one is chosen.
Prime Guard: 1. Onyx | M | 5 Yrs | TheCuteHuskyPack | Pg. 1
Prime Huntress: 1. Cleo | F | 10 Yrs | Graywing | Pg. 1
Guards: 1. 2. 3.
Huntresses: 1. Reserved for Me 2. Afia | F | 3.5 Yrs | LazyPanda | Pg. 2 3. 4. 5.
Cubsitters: 1. 2.
Cubs: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Outside Pride Princesses 1. Reserved for Journey 2. 3. 4.
These are lionesses, the daughters of other kinds, sent by prides to potentially create a beneficial, political marriage between the two prides. They are guests of the pride, and are expected to be treated as such, but they are not allowed to cause trouble, otherwise it reflects badly on their home pride, and they'll be escorted out.
Edited at January 9, 2025 03:50 PM by Imperial Sands

The Form
Name Age Gender Pride Rank Desired Rank Thoughts on the New King? Appearance Personality Crush Courting Mate Cubs Kin Affiliations Other

[1/2] ╭╼|══════════|╾╮ The King ╰╼|══════════|╾╯ Name: AaresesanAge:Four Years Gender: Male ───────── ♛ ─────────
Pride:The Togoro Pride Rank:He is the New King Desired Rank:Content Thoughts on the New King?: Well, he is the new King, however, he was a bit surprised when his parents stepped down when they did. He's determined to do his best, but he is worried that this puts him at more of a disadvantage than it would have if he had been older.
───────── ♛ ───────── Appearance: Credit Belongs to Robbobert on DA for both Images. These are both Stock Images.
While Aaresesan is still a younger lion, he does have some decent size to him, though he is still filling out in terms of weight. He stands at about 4 feet tall, though maybe an inch taller if you count the tips of his mane. He weighs a hefty 446 lbs, and will gain about 15 lbs more once he's fully filled out, maybe a bit more. Currently Sesan has a build that is somewhere between lean and bulky, being too heavy to be just lean, but not heavy enough to be considered only bulky like most older male lions are.
In terms of his coloration, Aaresesan has a rather normal tawny base color, with the standard creamy underbelly that blends in. His mane is full for a lion his age, but it isn't as dark as an older lions.
Personality: ♛♛♛♛♛♛♛♛♛♛♛♛♛♛♛
───────── ♛ ─────────
Crush:None; Will Develop Courting: None Mate: None Cubs: None Kin:Open to Siblings; Parents [Ashanti & Kofo] are NPCs controlled by me. Affiliations: Open!
───────── ♛ ───────── Other:

Edited at January 5, 2025 11:02 PM by Imperial Sands


Reserving a Huntress please!

Reserving Prime Guard - Name Onyx Age 5 years Gender Male Pride Togoro Rank Prime Guard Desired Rank Content Thoughts on the New King? Wants to serve the king the best he can Appearance Image credits: melyssah6-stock on DA He has a couple scars on his right shoulder and tail. He is roughly 4 feet tall from claws to ears and slightly muscular. He has brown eyes with flecks of lime and emerald green around the pupil. His claws are bone colored speckled with black. His mane is a little scarce with a darker patch of brown around the middle. Personality Onyx is a very protective lion though knows when not to get involved in others matters. Onyx will always try his best even if he fails. He is ready to serve whenever and will take on any task whenever. He is normally energetic but sometimes is randomly tired. He doesn't really like cubs and thinks they are annoying. Younger, unexperienced lions or lionesses can also get on his nerves. His is slightly short tempered with lions below his Rank but is loyal to the pride. Crush Maybe once lionesses are added Courting None Mate He is not really looking but maybe Cubs He doesn't like cubs and never wants any of his own Kin Open Affiliations Open Other - Edited at January 9, 2025 07:08 PM by TheCuteHuskyPack
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Name Cleo Age 10 years Gender Female Pride Togoro Rank Prime Huntress Desired Rank Cleo is content where she is Thoughts on the New King? Cleo is unsure how to feel about the new king. She knows he is trying his best but she also knows there are many place he could improve. Appearance Cleo is tall and lanky. This might seem like a disadvantage but actually helps her slink around to hunt. She is about five feet long, four feet tall, and weighs about two-hundred ninty pounds. Cleo is a light tan everywhere but her face. Her face is a darker tan with amber eyes and a brown nose. Personality Cleo is very direct and persistant. She will not hesitate to tell someone what she thinks, she wont even try to be nice about it. Once Cleo has decided what she wants to do, she will keep trying until it gets done. Cleo loves hanging around cubs, it is her one soft spot and her dream is to have cubs of her own. Crush I will decide later, after we have some males Courting none Mate none Cubs She wants some Kin TBD Affiliations TBD Other Edited at January 6, 2025 01:20 PM by Graywing
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