About me
Im a vary active roleplayer on here, and currently only have one roleplay going on.
I'm somewhat simi-lit and can type 5+sentences but if you don't give me something to work with my responses will be shorter. I am a student at the moment so I'm not on all day, I do take days off when I have doctors appointments and don't get home tell late, and other days I'm just out having a good time with family. I am female therefore I will mostly play female, the only time I will play male is an mxm so if you ask me to play male in a mxf I will say no.
my rules
1. All eves rules
2. Fourms or pms you choose
3. No over power charters
4. No controlling my charter
5. Exlest 3 sentences per response
6. I expect exlest 4 replys a week as I am a vary active roleplayer
7. I will play all parings. MxF is my go to, FxF is not common for me, and MxM is the only one I will play male for and will be sub not Dom.
8. If you don't want to continue the rp TELL me don't just not respond and think I won't care, I do care I will resend my response 3 times with a few days in-between after that I will pm you asking you what happened.
9. I do romances only so be able to handle it.
10. I don't do athro rps, only farle and humanoid rps
11.Did you read "about me" and "my rules"? if so then put puppy in the other section of your fourm
Roleplay surch