
for this RP I have spots to fill before i can start. tell me if you want a spot. the only thing you have to doto get a spot is tell me your wolves name,age,role you would like it to play and coat color. the rules are No foul language keep it PG 3 Characters max there can be romance but keep it PG HAVE FUN the plotline is for everyone to make Alpha Male: Arctus Alpha Female: Pixel (me) Beta Male: Beta Male:Dusk Beta Female:Scarlet (me) Beta Female:Dawn Omega Male:Open Omega Male:Open Omega Female:Open Omega Female:Open Juvenile Male:Azure Juvenile Male:Open Juvenile Female:Open Juvenile Female:Open Male Pup:Open Male Pup:Open Male Pup:Blackfoot Female Pup: Lily Female Pup:FireFly Female Pup:Open This is all for now Edited at March 13, 2022 03:26 PM by Violation

Character Discription Name: Coat Color: Position: Small Discription of your Wolf

Character Discription Name: Lily Coat Color: dark gray w/ black spots Position: female pup Small Discription of your Wolf shy, but she adores Scarlet P.S, this is my first RP, so I might not be very good, but I'll try

Name: FireFly Age: 3 12 months Role: female pup Coat color: FireFly is a black pup with white on her back and in the white are some black spots (im basing this wolf off of a wolf i have in game if you want to see her shes in my folder) Discription: FireFly lost her mom when she was little and this pack found her and saved her. Other: Im not allowed to do romantic so please dont be twards my character! please and thank you :) Edited at February 15, 2022 10:55 AM by TheHappyHowlers

The Defects said: Character Discription Name: Lily Coat Color: dark gray w/ black spots Position: female pup Small Discription of your Wolf shy, but she adores Scarlet P.S, this is my first RP, so I might not be very good, but I'll try
Youll do great! im pretty new to so dont worry! :)


Name: blackfoot age: 2 and a half months Coat Color: like a foxes, hes in my pack Position: male pup Small Discription of your Wolf: he is brave and kind, he loves to play and will not turn down the offer of a small tussle Edited at February 15, 2022 01:32 PM by Karmas pet

Name: Arctus Age: (similare to whatever age your alpha female is. Will change later) Coat Colour: Black with tan spots Position: Alpha Male Small Description of you wolf: Corageous Brave Protective Fit Kind Somewhat grumpy occassionally :)

thanks yall for RPing with me ( i am new at this too)
