
Fell and the Sight are cool, because they have some weird wolfish lore. (I may be dense. Not sure about the next part) But I think that the different religions in the Sight represent the ones that humans have.

That's kind of how Wolves of the Beyond is, but it's more aimed for children instead of teens and adults. I'll have to check into those

I feel like the Sight is aimed at teenagers/young adults. They are thick books, and that makes me happy XD

That's why I love Stephen King XD A lot of his books are thick lol Especially IT, which is by far one of my favorites

Who wrote The Sight and Fell? Is it David...something or other? I can't remember his last name



How much do you train your dogs?

Well 4 of them are guard dogs, so we didn't bother training them to shake and fetch and all that cheeky stuff, but we potty trained them so they can be in the house for quite some time before needing to go out. I trained my dog Koda myself, so he knows how to shake, he knows the routine of where to go in the house and when, he's potty trained and knows the word "Watch," and that comes in handy when walking him. If a car is coming or something I'll say Koda watch, and he'll stop and turn to look at me and stay by my side so he won't go into the street. We're in the process of potty training the new puppy before we do anything else with him.

We normally teach our dogs to sit, lie down, and to be potty trained. Some of the other ones like stay and come they are familiar with, but they either forget or they don't obey us.