
Lol, I named it Cat Life for now. Your Welcome :3

Uhh kinda worried/stressed out lol, it's probably nothing but I just picked my cats up from the vet- and one of them looks like she picked at her stitches- but maybe I'm wrong? It just looks like it was bleeding- eiteher that or the vet didn't clean it up much.. But yeah kinda worried about her ;-; I haven't seen the other one since I got home though cause she went straight under the bed Franks Wolf Pack said: How is everyone?

Oh, that's not good. I hope nothing is wrong.

Well nothings wrong, she's getting better and back to her old self XD yesderday I fell asleep with my leg hanging off the bed and then she scratched my foot lol, it doesn't hurt that bad hit it drew blood

Okay, I'm glad she's all good.

I made myself really sad by writing character bios, anyone want to read them?

How come I just found this

Lol, I don't know, I'm pretty sure eit got sent out in an alliance communication though XD

Franks Wolf Pack said: I made myself really sad by writing character bios, anyone want to read them?
Sure, I will read them! ^^
