
I've never met a wolf dog, but I've heard they tend to be more unpredictable and wild.

It really depends on a lot of factors, especeially the breeder.

Yeah i heard the same to. I only ever seen a wolf dog in videos.

Any of y'all like to roleplay or write about canines?


I enjoy both, I love reading about them and drawing them too.

As you can see from my Avi, I do like to draw canines XD. It's been a while since I've done it often, and I think my younger self was a better drawer/sketcher.

uh oh Grimm has arrived >:D Yeah Wolfdogs need very specifc care and knowledgeable handlers that are aware of the fact that they may have a genetic predisposition toward aggression to other animals. Tamaskans are a good breed for people that just want a wolfy looking dog, they look like one but have practically no wolf content these days. Since they aren't recognized by any breed club to my knowledge it is hard to find a good breeder though D:

Welcome Grimm. You should have joined the Fairytale roleplay with your name. Having a wolfdog sounds cool, but I know that there are a lot of immature people out there, so it sort of makes me nervous. I found it interesting that a lot of wolfish looking breeds had german shepherd in them.

If I ever finally get a wolf dog, which I do plan to do, I am putting tons of research into a breeder. Also, it won't be too high content.