
I saw this question, had to go, and forgot to respond. I got into the PVPPR 2 but I am not sure I got 100+ wins like last time.

Hello all <3 Revamping this once again lol
First off: How is everyone's summer going so far?
Secondly, what would you guys like to do for prizes regarding the exploring contest coming up?
And we can discuss what events you guys would like in the future as well :')
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Prizes: Bronze Statues, Chinese Pottery, Apples, Mushrooms, Dyes I enjoy Exploring events, also enjoyed the AVA attack contest that another one of my alliances held.

I think we'll save Bronze Figurines and Chinese Pottery for raffles. I know a good many of you like dyes although it varies from different members.
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Was wondering if anyone was online and if they would like to do a bit of sparring for the WoW ? doing a bit of late night reading and figured I try to get my rank up a bit , while I keep reading " just one more chapter " xD
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I am revamping this alliance chat! There will be a few updates regarding the alliance to come soon, the first being is the dominance increase! The dominance is now raised to 3000 and will stay there this month. Hopefully, it will go up to 4k next month.
Secondly, there will be no more recruiting for now. We are going to stick with 9 people and see how we do. With that said, we are going to keep holding raffles and giveaways. The next one coming up will depend on how well we do on the WoW event. If we do well where we are in the top three, I will host a breeding item raffle. Tickets will be one mush each however, I am not sure how many tickets each person can recieve at the moment. Breeding items include, but not limited to, the list below: - Green Ferns - - Red Ferns - - Elderberry - - Dandelion - - Butcher's Broom - - Feritility Figurines - - Red, Black, Gold Raspberries (depending on if you guys want them) - - Passionflower - - Yarrow - - Mandrake - - Jasmines -
That is all for now! ^-^ PM me with questions.
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