
Let's write a poem about random things! I'll start: Blobfish kiss

dancing queen young and sweet now in quarantiiiine - you can dance you can jIve but you can't go outside - see that girl watch that scene but only through a screeen - peasants, i win

i am making my own i already made there was this man called santa who had a son named fanta and had a wife name banta they aslo had a daughter names canta canta got a wolf named nota how is that


that is one of the shortest and worst i have made

United States' Canada Mexico Panama Haiti Jamaica Peru Repulblic Dominican Cuba Carribean Guatemala El Savador too!

Edited at May 22, 2020 09:59 AM by Midnight Decoders

evil a voice is calling you cackiling in a evil laugh you try to hide but it is coming for you it follow you at school making your friends hate you the teachers with detantion notes the sun sets you fall asleep you wake in the morning the voice does not call you are free from evil for now how is that

it is still short and okay for one of mine i have wrote better and longer ones

never gonna GivE yoU uP Never Gonna Let YoU dOwn