Forum Moderator Darkseeker
I had a similar thing back over the werewolf event. The damage is truly insane. Edited at April 16, 2020 05:40 PM by Eternity
Not an explore happening, but.
Once, my wolf gave birth a couple minutes after Spring 1 rollover, so that litter had the only pups in the entire game. This was during the FMC, and when I did wrestling, my pup wrestled herself and lost.
Muahaha. My ExW wolf was the first to give birth this game year! My wrestler pup wrestled herself and won this time! ![](https://i.postimg.cc/mZdqywBS/Screen-Shot-2020-04-05-at-1-06-23-AM.png) Edited at April 5, 2020 12:13 AM by Life on Mars
oh wait she actually lost too ugh wat
That's a lot of moves, Eve ![Eve-s-Explore-Moves.png](https://i.postimg.cc/Fzp9wjHv/Eve-s-Explore-Moves.png)
Administrator Lightbringer
lmao. Well, you know, I don't have time to wait for moves to fill up. 😉
Someone summon Aku to fix all the images >:D
not explore, but it's the joy of entering a 0 vs 0 battle ![](https://i.postimg.cc/C1MfQfp2/image.png)