
All reservations added, they have 48 Hrs from now to be finished. ^^

╔══ ❀•°❀°•❀ ══╗ Afia ╚══ ❀•°❀°•❀ ══╝ Age: 3 and a half years old Gender: Female ~•~ Pride: Togoro Rank: Huntress Desired Rank: Afia is content where she is but wonders if she could move on to Prime Huntress one day. Thoughts on the New King? She wonders if he'll be able to look after the pride like his parents but is still loyal to him ~•~ Appearance: She stands at a metre tall at her shoulder and weighs roughly 165 kg. Afia's fur is sleek and short with a glossy sheen to it. Her fur is light tawny, or golden if you'd like, and turns lighter to a more cream colour around her chest, muzzle and underbelly. Her underside has some faint dapples where it fades to lighter colours. There are some faint darker shades along her back and the top of her head. She has a decent amount of muscle under her glossy pelt. Her deep green eyes are expressive, flecked with lighter hues, and give her a sort of sharp, penetrating look, some have even said thoughtful. The pupil has a ring of gold around it. Her eyes can look amber in the sunlight. ~•~ Personality: Afia is very caring and likes to try and see the best in others but isn't naive. An ambivert, she is a bit more reserved than others though the ones who are close to her know she can be quite talkative too. She prefers to listen rather than speak and is quite observant. She loves spending time with ones she cares about. Fiercely protective and loyal, she'll do anything for her pride's safety. Afia loves a good laugh and teasing her friends. She is always happy to lend a helping hand, or paw, and is a great listener. She likes to hand out little pieces of advice she's collected from so many others over the years. She's a quick thinker but sometimes it landed her in more trouble than before. Afia seems to have a calm and safe presence. She is interested in finding a mate and would love to have a nice relationship but isn't actively looking for one, mostly because she isn't one to start anything first. Not even conversations. ~•~ Crush: TBA Courting: None Mate: N/A Cubs: N/A Kin: Open to some siblings! Affiliations: Open! Other - Done! But I'm happy to add to her appearance or personality if it's too short ^^ Edited at January 5, 2025 02:26 PM by LazyPanda

I believe I've filled out everything for my lion but the sections I put as open might change. Edited at January 5, 2025 11:30 AM by TheCuteHuskyPack
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Afia and Cleo are good and accepted! I would like to see just a bit more in terms of Appearance/Personality for Onyx. ^^

[2/2]wip Name:Desta Age:6 Years Gender:Female Pride:The Togoro Pride Rank:Huntress Desired Rank:Content Thoughts on the New King?:Desta has decided to hold her opinion on the young king until she sees more of how he will lead. She doesn't mind having a young leader, as long as he leads them well. Appearance: Credit Belongs to CitronVertStock on DA. This is a Stock Image.
Personality: Crush: Courting: Mate: Cubs: Kin:
Other: Edited at January 5, 2025 10:14 PM by Imperial Sands

I have updated and added a bit more information in appearance and personality. Tell me if anything else is needed ^^
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Reserving an Outside Pride Princess role if I may.

Added ^^ You have 48 hours to complete the reservation. <3 Journey said: Reserving an Outside Pride Princess role if I may.