The once spinning world seemed to slam to a halt as Ilyana and Baron stood across from each other in that dimly lit hallway. His eyes felt as if they were melting her own, she could see the swirling flames of emotions that shone within them. She knew how much the man before her had to despise her now, the Queen was family to him. If only he knew the truth. There was no point in it anymore, from the look in his mesmerizing gaze, this man she once knew did not come here to rescue her and bring her to safety, it was clear he had come to escort her to her death. Ilyana was too weak at that moment to even try and fight, to try and run for the open door at the end of the hall. Her sharp thinking mind, though deathly exhausted, had already started to think of a plan, an escape. Ever since the few weeks before her attack, her mind, body and soul had been in a perpetual fight or flight mode. Even in this moment, as her body seemed to be nothing but dust, her nerves felt like lightning, ready for anything to come her way. The sweet and caring Ilyana everyone once knew was murdered as well the day her father died.
As soon as Baron had arrived, he had left, his footsteps hastily echoing down the corridor before disappearing outside the walls. The guard who had watched over Ilyana handed the men her belongings even though it was nothing. A simple brown leather satchel, a few knick knacks inside but nothing of extreme importance. They gave her back her shoes, a pair of worn black boots, slipping it onto her sore feet before leading her up the stairs and to the world she had been hidden from.
Immediately the little bit of light from the falling sun invaded her eyes, causing her to harshly close them and look away. The rays felt like fire across her pale skin, her body had grown so used to the darkness and cold. After a moment she let her eyes flicker open once more, squinting softly at first as her eyes adjusted once more to the welcoming sight. It slightly felt as if a weight had been lifted from her chest and she could breath, but only slightly. She knew that even though she would once again see the light of day, it would not be for long. The guards did not let her stand long before they pulled her towards Baron’s steed, helping her onto the mount before they were to ride towards the camp. One guard stayed beside her, leading the horse as she was shackled by her wrists, the cold metal sitting upon the cuts and bruises they had already left.
Ilyana was quiet as they rode, her eyes heavy as they followed the trail of hoofprints and footsteps through the outskirts of the walls. Though she seemed calm, her mind was preparing, plotting. How many men did Baron have with him? How could she get these shackles off of herself? How could she get a weapon? Her find could not think of nationality, it could only think of escaping, to get as far as she could. She knew she would have to wait a few days. To find their patterns, rotations, anything she could learn and find a loophole. She was not going to just give up.
The calm presence she held upon that horse did not last long when she was dismounted at camp. Men began to flood in to see the famous assassin, their eyes all gazing upon her with anger, hatred, disgust. Everything. It felt as if the ocean was closing in on her, surrounded by all angles by armoured men. Her heart began to speed up, the amount of eyes on her causing her chest to tighten. Thud. The feeling of anxiety vanished as her body was pushed to the ground, her shackled hands having no time to react and catch herself. Baron had not returned, so a younger man felt as if this was a good time to display the vile creature that had fallen before his feet.
The blonde haired man lifted Ilyana back up, his lips turned into a curl as he held her sharply by her shoulder.
“Behold men, the royal assassin”
His voice echoed over the crowd, clear disgust lacing his tongue as he shoved her forward towards the center of the crowd.
“Who is ready to bring her back home and watch her pretty little head roll, to watch her body hang from the gallows.”
He sneered, spinning her to face him as his eyes looked her form up and down, Ilyana moving her shoulder to fix the thin slip that shielded her body.
“Though there’s not much left to look at”
The man said in a quieter tone as his devilish smile grew. Fire burned in her chest at his words, at the way his eyes scoured her body. Flight had fallen, Fight had taken over. Ilyana’s brows furrowed, her eyes darkening into a deadly vast pit. She bucked forward at the man, spitting at him. He stepped back, growling as he went to wipe his eyes, though that was the mistake she wanted him to make. As he did so, Ilyana quickly moved forward and slipped behind him, slipping her arms over him so the shackles pressed first against his throat, strangling him.
“You are a dead man”
She seemed to growl as she struggled against his weight, she was strong but not as much as she used to be. Guards moved forward quickly, trying to pull her body off of the blond man as he fell to his knees. Her eyes stayed locked on him, her sights set. But soon the exhaustion would take hold once more, her grip faltering as she was dragged off of the man, thrown to the dirt before being pinned down. Her eyes stayed locked on to him as her chest heaved, her limbs now weakened from the struggle.