Sure :D
Do we need to paste in plot and character sheet?
Well just for reference might as well put mine in here;
Name: Valeria Martinez
Age: 24
Gender: F
Ancestry: Valeria’s family emigrated from Italy to Argentina before she was born, and despite her Italian backgrounds she is still considered to be an Argentinian.
Appearance: Valeria stands at a respectable 165cm (fight me Americans) with rather light brown hair. Slightly darker skin, and usually if you see her on the street he'd be walking like she doesn't really care.
The thing is, she does care. Quite a lot. You don't see her protectively hunching their shoulders physically, but she's definitely doing it in her head.
"Protect, respect life and honour the earth" were three things that her family’s sense of pride followed, and it's physically shown itself in Valeria. While she hasn't gone and made a cult, if you see her on the street there's the sense of "I'm not to be messed with." Not in terms of physical strength and bulk to make the statement of "it would be stupid to even try" but more of the fact the she has a feeling of capableness. Of instinctively being able to… simply, not be messed with.
Personality: Valeria can be a bit overwhelming at first interaction. A bit too overprotective, a bit too interested... that kind of thing. Really, she's just scoping you out as whether a potential threat or someone that she needs to label as "need to protect".
Unconsciously, of course. She'd be horrified if she actually knew that was what she was doing.
To those that pass the first unconscious benchmark, Valeria is quite probably the most overconcerned person you'll ever come across. She genuinely wants to know about stuff that's hurting you and things that concern you.
That doesn't really garner her much attention, really.
She's willing to stand up for anyone, even those she barely knows - because it's in her nature to do exactly that. She can't just... not. It's just not a thing.
That might be chivalrous and all, but then in forms of most other things, besides protecting basically everyone and attempting to keep the peace for way more people than he has the capacity to, people either like Valeria or don't. People don't like that she's protecting someone else that maybe doesn't even need it, or that she's being far too nosy. On the other hand, there people that respect his ethic.
Valeria, understandably, as a result of her ethic, majored in medicine and surgery, hence becoming a psychiatrist.She just genuinely wanted to help people, and understand them.
Aside from all that, Valeria likes being up to date in terms of knowing what's happening around her - yet again unconsciously labeling things off in her head - and... just being normal. Ish. With good ethic, but being too nosy.