
Kodiak | M | Warrior - " Neryth and Kaisen are asleep and Zodiac woke up at one point." He started fortifying the wall and adding to it to make taller and stronger. This should keep out the wind nicely. He kept worrying that something might come to kill pups so he made the wall extra strong.
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Taríll | F | Alphas Mate | Mentions: Wendigo (dir), Hades (ind), open! - The young female glanced at her heavily pregnant belly as Wendigo asked her his question, she sighed. "I am expecting them any day now...they will be coming soon." She could feel it, they might come today, tomorrow, or maybe even tonight. It was very much soon and Taríll was planning on getting as much rest for the next few hours, or days in which she would have left until she had her pups. "Excuse me, but I think I will go wake up Hades. I need a rest before these puppies arrive." Taríll gave the young Hunter a soft smile before padding slowly to her den. Once inside her den her eyes landed on the Alpha Male and she grinned. Walking over the female nudged him gentle on his neck, making sure he would wake up at least a bit more peacefully. "Time to wake up love. Most of the pack is already awake and I need some more rest. I was hoping you could watch over them, Sasha seems to have it under control now. But just in case.". The Alpha Female licked her mates cheek gently.

Suka / F / Hunter Suka wakes up and realizes she had slept longer than she had meant. She shivered from the cold. She looked around and saw some other wolves had also slept quite a while. She stretched as she watched everyone moving around going about their daily rountine. She saw a patrol getting ready to go out and thought about going with them. Maybe in an hour she thought. Then she went back to sleep.

Wendigo|M|Hunter he heads back to the hunters cave/den and lays down and tries to get some shut eye because he didnt sleep at all last night it was because of the lurker its almost always on his mind and the death it brings he was scared for the soon to come pups and the wolves the partol will leave we wont have many to defend the pack if we leave but it is a risk that we are taking to survive.y

Hades||M||Alpha|| @Tarril @Sasha Italic means thinking He groaned as his eyes seeped awake, "I'm awake now." He gave a cold mutter as he sat up with a good ache from his tired body. He looked out from his den. "She was right, everyone's bound awake.. Foolish me, what type of alpha sleeps in not taking care of his duties." He thought deeply as he lifted his body up and stretched. He had so much to worry about, "How will I feed my pack today? Will the "lurker" attack again? Did anyone go out last night and not return?" Suddenly he turned towards his mate, eyeing her down. He sighed, "Good I didn't miss the most important thing in the world." His tail gently brushed against his mate as he left the den. The light hit his fur as he observed the waking pack, "I need to talk to Sasha so we can prepare a hunting group." He thought as he trotted down the trail and over to Sasha, "Good morning." He coldly greeted his beta as he watched the rest of his pack carry on with their day.

Kodiak | M | Warrior Kodiak watched Hades leave his cave and head towards Sasha. He walked over to them. " Good morning sir. How are you today?" Kodiak had been worried since the alpha had not waken up until after some others had. He wanted to make sure the alpha was alright. " I just want to make sure your okay sir. Are you?" Edited at October 7, 2023 09:15 PM by TheSkeletalHuskyPack
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Hades||M||Alpha|| @kodiak Italic= thinking His eyes turned toward Kodiak, "Good morning to you as well. I'm doing fine... Just late waking up!" He tried to muster a chuckle but a low, cold chuckle formed. He sighed and spoke up, "How is your day so far?" He asked as he inspected Kodiak, "Hes a good warrior, maybe even one of the best." He thought deeply as his eyes met Kodiak's again, Edited at October 7, 2023 09:25 PM by Lost Rune

Wendigo|M|Hunter Wendigo wakes up from his quick nap he got no sleep last night he couldnt stop thinking about the lurker, he goes out of the den and greets hades"hello good morning how did you sleep?" Wendigo yawns and streches still looking a little tired even thought he just had a nap, Wendigo looks around and says"looks like the weather have taken a tole on most of us"

Hades||M||Alpha| @Wendigo His head turned once more toward the hunter, Wendigo. His head dipped at the hunter greeting him coldly, "Tarril was shivering through the night. My coat is used to it though. Soon enough everyone's coats will thicken with the winter coming fast." He mentioned as he stared at the dark sky full of clouds. He was suddenly filled with worry, "The winter will be harsh... How will I feed my pack? Agh I need to stop worrying.." He sighed as the thoughts swarmed him. Edited at October 7, 2023 09:32 PM by Lost Rune

Taríll | F | Alphas Mate | Mentions: Hades (dir) - As her mate woke up his tone of voice seemed a bit...off, A bit cold? Aggravated? Taríll let it slide though, just because this was indeed a worrisome time for their pack and he did seem to have a lot of stress on his shoulders. She nodded with a slight smile as he made his comment directed to her and their future pups. After Hades left the den to make his rounds around the pack, Taríll settled down in one of the corners of their den. The most comfortable part of their den in her honest opinion. It was layered with extra rabbit fur, making it extremely soft. The female let out a hawk before lying down and tucking her snout and really her entire head into her chest. Making herself into a little ball before falling asleep.