
You caught up? I'm back <3 Pack name: Inferno Abyss Pack number: 259849 Link to OC ( up to 5 ) Yawning: Walking: Lines you want: Yawning x3 Walking x2 Total price + discounts: 900 mush + gear :) Probably will pay with 2 apples <3 Anything else? Wings do not have to be done for Jay and Raven for either of the lines :)
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Inferno Abyss - I'll start working on them! <3 ( also discounts applied comes out 225 mush ^^ ) Edited at January 25, 2025 03:21 PM by TheCuteHuskyPack
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is this still open? ^^' if so; i'd love some of my OC's done Pack Name: distant-lands Pack Number: #304085 Link to OC (up to 5): Lines you Want: walking for all please! Total Price + Discounts: 1500-1600 mush? let me know Anything Else?: transparent backgrounds for all please. for line edits arrax has wings and antlers, bane has large yellow claws and skairipa has the halo around her head if you can add those!
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distant-lands - Let me finish Infero Abyss' first then I'll start on yours. Total price is 1580 mush for base + line edits + gear ^^
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Pack name: swamp_monster Pack number: 249781 Lines you want: both or both of them Total price + discounts: 1 apple i beleve Anything else?: if swamp monster is to hard then just poison