
I'll hopefully have one out tomorrow? If I have energy after my lab practical that is. I'm really not looking forward ta it. >.> It'll likely be a bit short though. After Solaris I'll do Xola again so things can keep rolling. Frodo and Quill will be after them. I may just have Cye sleep through the whole thing and just be incredibly confused when everyone comes back injured.
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@High btw where is Cye?? is he still in Raven territory or has he made his way to Eastern yet?! Asking so I know how to deal with Aoife when it comes time to post for her again

He's still asleep in Raven territory. ^^
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lol oki, got it ^^ High Hills Pack said: He's still asleep in Raven territory. ^^

Well that went terribly. :/ I'll be working on a Solaris post momentarily now that I'm home. No promises that I won't fall asleep before hand though.
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Oof, the lab practical didn't go well? 😬 High Hills Pack said: Well that went terribly. :/ I'll be working on a Solaris post momentarily now that I'm home. No promises that I won't fall asleep before hand though.
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Oh, not at all. I could name most if not all the structures, but couldn't remember the functions. Especially when it came ta the muscles (which the lecture portion has yet ta even touch on). Way too much for a single practical. Three systems, five animals. It was not fun.
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Sorry for the more sloppy writing, just wanted ta get something out there. ^^
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All good, we got something :P
I've been busy with work so we'll see how soon that Alha post comes.
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